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Violent School Stabbing Was Revenge For Bullying

2010_03_gwhs.jpg Yesterday, a 14-year-old boy was arrested for allegedly stabbing a fellow student 16 times at George Washington High School in Washington Heights. Now, it's suggested that the teen was getting back at the 15-year-old victim because the victim taunted him over his Mexican heritage. A student told the Post, "They made fun of his name and his culture. This is mostly a Dominican school."

The suspect used a steak knife and students watched the violence unfold in the hallway: One said, "I was walking through the hall, and I saw the [attacker] whip out a knife - medium-sized - and he started stabbing the other kid in the hip. Over and over," as another said, "It was crazy. I saw blood going down." The victim suffered non-life-threatening wounds to his arms, legs, and back.

Now there are concerns about the school's safety—a student worried, "There's metal detectors and everything, so how is he able to bring a knife to school? I mean it just scares me"—and anti-bullying measures. Councilwoman Ydanis Rodriguez said the stabbing was "unacceptable. Besides sending a young man to the hospital, the event has forced many questions to resurface and to ultimately wonder if our zero tolerance policies have run its course. Students need to be better protected against bullying tactics within the schools. I also believe parents need to understand why the metal detectors at the high school did not detect the weapon used in the incident," and called for an investigation.

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Some day they're going to be paying for our Social Security. Frightening thought.

That's cute that you think anyone's going to be paying for "our" social security.

you got it wrong bud. You are paying for their welfare checks.

fyi minorities are not the only people on welfare. and im pretty sure if they knew you they wouldn't want your help asshole.

Well, iziris, dear, that's a nice thought, but the fact is that public assistance only works because the people who need the help and the people help them get to pretend that they DON'T know each other. If they did, the people who do the "helping" would revolt and withhold the "help" until administrators of the system required a great deal more of the helpees as a condition of receiving the "help." Of course, I doubt whether many of the holpen would be quite so scrupulous as you suggest about receiving the help even if they knew what assholes many of their benefactors were.

OKAY. 1 Iza it was 16 times that was true. 2; why is the sentence "They made fun of his name and his culture. This is mostly a Dominican school." so fucking bold? many of you guys are ridiculously ignorant. you guys have NO IDEA wth you guys are talking about. people say racism when really its mostly the bullying that goes on in school that is left "unnoticed". as my fellow classmates have mentioned above, we cant judge they're both victims. BUT I WILL GO ON TO SAY THIS, security really fucked up by letting that steak knife slip by especially since they go to the end of the world to find phones, ipods and any other electronic as far as to take us into rooms to strip search us- but then when its a knife...its just the zipper? also, they are people in administration that make things worse for us. they don't really set a good example for us, they don't know how to handle certain situations properly. maybe if they didn't have security do babysitting they would've paid more attention. this school needs some serious reforming to do and that's all i can say for now.

'people say racism when really its mostly the bullying that goes on in school that is left "unnoticed".'

hope you're another person who doesn't bitch about racism. double standards need to be killed in order for there to be REAL EQUALITY.

OKAY. 1 Iza it was 16 times that was true. 2; why is the sentence "They made fun of his name and his culture. This is mostly a Dominican school." so fucking bold? many of you guys are ridiculously ignorant. you guys have NO IDEA wth you guys are talking about. people say racism when really its mostly the bullying that goes on in school that is left "unnoticed". as my fellow classmates have mentioned above, we cant judge they're both victims. BUT I WILL GO ON TO SAY THIS, security really fucked up by letting that steak knife slip by especially since they go to the end of the world to find phones, ipods and any other electronic as far as to take us into rooms to strip search us- but then when its a knife...its just the zipper? also, they are people in administration that make things worse for us. they don't really set a good example for us, they don't know how to handle certain situations properly. maybe if they didn't have security do babysitting they would've paid more attention. this school needs some serious reforming to do and thats all i can say for now.

"They made fun of his name and his culture. This is mostly a Dominican school."

so i'm going to assume that the victim is dominican? will the press clarify? "nah. let's just keep it in the dark."

this should be somewhat educational to white-guilt ridden... ...white people. and yes, what you thought of as racism happens elsewhere--but in this case, it's not called racism.

ethnicism, maybe?

The victim is Mexican. That's why the Dominican kids picked on him. Why would Dominican kids pick on another Dominican kid for his heritage and culture?

Did you even read this? The stabbing victim was supposedly bullying the Mexican student, the Mexican student who stabbed him. The school bullies are implied to be Dominican. That's why LalaLand is wondering if the stabbing victim is Dominican

Ahh George Washington High School. The Alma Mater of my crazy cousins.

Keep the tradition alive kids!

It's either highly appropriate or completely outrageous that Dominicans are fighting Mexicans in a school built on the site of a Revolutionary War battle and named after the nation's first president.


Domican student was a major bully. Teachers complained about him for bullying Mexicans. Ninety average good quiet Mexican student could not take the abuse any more. The school knew and nothing was done. Mexican student came to school and stabbed bully.

So is the stabber your son or nephew? Brother maybe? Cousin?

okay so first thing first. im disgusted by most of you. so im here to correct you. it was 8 not 16 times.ive been in this school for 3 years and ive seen bullying ive been on the other side of it and its not fun.and guess what it doesnt matter what race u are you chose to be a bully it doesnt matter where u come from. yes the school is mostly dominicans but our race has nothing to do with the situation. so for the guy that wrote "land of pimps and hoes" go fuck yourself for being so goddamn ignorant its 2010 shouldnt u know by now that the world is integrated!and i suggest you take a good look at yourself before you stereotype anyone. because what your doing is not helping. if anything your just being a bully and isnt that what got us here in the first place?

"yes the school is mostly dominicans but our race has nothing to do with the situation."

i said ethnicism. and it's not that far from each other. if you don't agree with me, then if i were to make fun of your culture and heritage, say race has nothing to do with it.

people who use double standards generally don't understand sympathy and are full of hatred inside.

This shows how close minded you motherfuckers are. You guys don't have the story correct at all, except for Izairis. It can happen anywhere. Do you remember Columbine? Yes, those were two WHITE students who committed mass murder. What about Virgina Tech? An Asian student. So open your fucking eyes and your ears and understand this can happen to any one of you assholes! We are all guilty of making fun of ppl. I know both of those students. Both are now victims. So my advice to you people is to leave all the judging to the man upstairs, because YOUR opinions are absolutely pointless and a waste of YOUR time.

actually one was a victim, the other was a bully.
we need to stop protecting bullies. this one got what was coming to him. If I were on the jury, I'll let him go with a gold star on his record. job well done.

Actually ok if that's how you feel, you are entitled to your opinion. If your son was a bully I'm sure people would want to watch him burn. But you wouldn't feel that way would you? Who are YOU to judge? You don't know their two young kids lives. I fucking do!!

If My son was a bully I'd smack him upside the head like what my father did to me to keep me in line.
so was one guy a bully or not? did he taunt the victim?
we have to stop blaming the victim and focus on the bullies. why are they disrupting class? I'm sure some do.
where am I judging? I think you're using that word incorrectly. the bully taunted the victim and he retaliated. If you want to keep on arguing, be my guest. but please watch your language, does your parents know you use that type of language? or is that judging?

"This shows how close minded you motherfuckers are"

hey, which commenters are you pointing fingers at? if you don't specify, then you're just trolling. and if you don't agree with me (since 'you motherfuckers' may include me thanks to your lack of clarification), then please use logic and stop using bad feelings.

Who are you to judge? You don't know those kids lives. I do!!!

if you want to sound credible, then will you state your name?

'cause i 'know' those kids too. ;)

hey dumb ass her name is right there.

look at it how u want.and since your so stuck on names whats yours. cuz i know for a fact thats her name.

"look at it how u want.and since your so stuck on names whats yours. cuz i know for a fact thats her name. "

ooh, is this where an argument turns into in a provocation?

( JacqueMehoff) the "Bully" as to who your referring to wasn't a bully at all .. indeed your judging your. judging you piece of shiet if only you knew from where we are coming from, the news and articles are definitely covering up a bigger issue here which is not bullying but obviously your minds have been devoured by the media . don't you know they are always twisting things to make it "news"..( JacqueMehoff)your saying to watch our language but have you revised your display name you dumb ass... fucking ignorance we have to deal with

instead of that, why don't you just tell me what you know?
your post adds nothing. so if he wasn't a bully, what was he? just stop it already. what do you know?
don't bullies taunt people? read the post by no. 9 domv above. if I'm ignorant, then tell me the real story.
domv above at least added some details. here's what he wrote:
"Domican student was a major bully. Teachers complained about him for bullying Mexicans. Ninety average good quiet Mexican student could not take the abuse any more. The school knew and nothing was done. Mexican student came to school and stabbed bully."
We still have a bully problem here and everywhere, until we get to the source, which is the bully which everyone is afraid to, nothing will get solved.

Thing is the whole article has false information yes he got stabbed 16 times , he wasn't a bully how do you know? you know the victim ? STFU no right the people claiming to have seen this are lairs because it didn't even happen in the hallways so you know thats a big lie.. im nt going into anymore details cause you ma thirst for information,, and instead of going around in details you should get primary info. the only important thing is how was the knife brought in

keep it in the dark, man. keep it in the dark. shut people up and let them not stand up. call them names, put them in their place, b/c they are weak. they are the racist and they know it.

...and if you cover it enough, it all goes away.

Are you serious? You want me to censor my language? Ok. That goes for you as well when you say how the bully deserved to get stabbed. That's uncalled for. I'm not going to tell you the real story because obviously you feel you already know everything and have all the answers. You said you would have smacked him up in the head? Do you absolutely think that will work? NOT EVERYONE are the same. No one has the same emotions as you do. That's the thing about teenagers. Bullying isn't just in high school, it happens in the adultworld too. I wouldn't wish anything bad on anybody because you don't know what a person has to go home to. This incident has nothing to do with the fact it happened in George Washington H.S. in the Heights. It could happen anywhere and it does. But since this conversation isn't going anywhere and I'm obviously wasting my time, I'm just going to enjoy you feeling you know how to handle these type of situations. No Judgment.

i do not understand why you're so upset. what do you think people are thinking, juding you? and if so, how?

"No Judgment."
people who say that usually kNOw lots of judgment themselves. if you're not innocent of anger, you may also be a part of it. if you want to solve the issue, use logic and sympathy and stay away from anger, hatred and frustration. if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

You honestly don't understand what JacqueMehoff and I were talking about because you just took the whole thing to another level. You obviously don't know why I put No Judgment. People can and will say what they want. JacqueMehoff and I were voicing our opinions. Even though we don't agree, we both do care. So can you please explain to me what you are trying to prove?

"You honestly don't understand"
"You obviously don't know"

so much for KNOW JUDGMENT. that's what i'm proving.

Know Judgment eh? You seriously don't know why I put that. I'm baffled by the way you took it out of context. But seriously, why are we arguing about this?

probably b/c of this: "This shows how close minded you motherfuckers are", judging at the general population.

and btw, so i guess it's ok to know judgment in some areas and get away with it, and not others? not judging is not a differential quality--it's part of ethics. since you've stated that i took "it" out of context, please do not use ethics in proving your arguement.

Did you also see where I said we are all guilty of this? I'm didn't single myself out. You are turning this topic about bullying into defining the word judgment. We all do it!! We know this already, anything new you want to say? My point is we as a society shouldn't say something deserves this and that because we don't know. We're not about to make this discussion about how to judge, what to judge, when to judge, and who to judge. This is about two kids who are hurt, regardless if one was right or wrong, for the rest of their life.

"we as a society shouldn't say something deserves this and that because we don't know."

i accept this as your opinion, and i'm going to say that a better belief is let everyone say what they think and feel. and work those feelings out after. suppression is not a wonderful thing--it will all come out one way or another.

and the worst form to come out of is rage. so just let it out.

"we are all guilty of this? I'm didn't single myself out."

people who do judge, judge themselves first. i don't judge anyone, and i don't even judge myself. things happen and you give them what they deserve (+ or - 2, a friend says), but guilt is the last thing you want someone to feel, it's the ruling feeling of darkness.

But in all seriousness. I have to go into that school tomorrow morning and deal with students and teachers who don't care. I'm done here. I'm not going to argue over bullshit. It's not worth it. I have nothing more to say.

How did this thread get overrun by 14-year-olds? You're not winning your case!

So some bastard got stabbed by another kid. Big deal. We have to many ppl in the world anyway.

How the fuck would you feel if it happened to you asshole? maybe you should get stabbed

"Violent School Stabbing," is there another kind?

We don't know the full story. So based on what's been reported I'll say that I don't have a problem with this at all.
Warning to all the wanna-be tough guy bullies out there- that's what you get for being a punk.
Sounds like the kid with the knife was pushed past the limit and acted in self-defense.
Zero Tolerance policies DO NOT WORK.
This kid is going to be victimized again by the legal system. He needs a legal defense fund. I will be the first to contribute, and encourage you to help him out too.

The victim was no bully this story is bullshiet when the media wants a story they twist it so they have something to report... so the attacker was teased bulled doesnt occour in this school this only happenes in the movies....>-=( shame on this article

Has anyone else noticed the terrible language and grammar skills possessed by the visiting high schoolers here? Looks like George Washington High School is not only unsafe it also lacks decent English teachers

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