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Thin Walls No Match for Fornicating NYers, Survey Says

Thin Walls No Match for Fornicating NYers, Survey Says

It's annoying enough that other people are getting some, but do they have to lord it over everyone with their vulgar caterwauling? Apparently so, because a survey of some 400 New Yorkers by Brick Underground suggests that most of us can hear our neighbors in the rut. More than two-thirds of the respondents say they're regularly subjected to the sounds of sex. What's to be done? "It's like a train wreck—you have to stop what you're doing and listen, even if it's awful," Melissa Buck, 29, who lives on the Upper East Side, tells The Post. "A friend and...

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BREAKING: New York Politicians Are Arrogant Douche Nozzles

BREAKING: New York Politicians Are Arrogant Douche Nozzles

Rep. Eliot Engel and his all-knowing mustache. Hey look! A New York newspaper got a bunch of New York politicians to say that New York is better than D.C. You don't say! If you hadn't guessed already, the story, penned by the Daily News' Michael Mcauliff, concerns how we deal with snow versus New Yorkers, who are SUPER HARDCORE AND S**T, DID YOU KNOW? Here's a taste: "Wimp is the word, let me tell you," said Bronx Rep. Eliot Engel. "In New York, I think I can count on one hand all the time they've closed the schools for...

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Train Derails at Farragut North

Train Derails at Farragut North

Photo by Rachael Brown A northbound Red Line train derailed near the Farragut North Metro station earlier this morning. No injuries have been reported thus far, but there's a large emergency response outside the station, in the vicinity of 17th and K. The derailment happened at about 10:30 a.m. We'll update with more details as we get them. The Farragut North Metro station has been closed. Metrorail will be single-tracking through the area for the time being. 11:20 a.m. Metro spokesperson Lisa Farbstein just told the WRC/NBC4 news team that the train was actually on the pocket track when...

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Photo by Matt.Dunn Forget about the commute -- it's the parking that'll do you in. Although the District will formally lift the snow emergency and all its attendant parking restrictions today at 5 p.m., it will come as cold comfort to the drivers who've learned a $250 lesson about where not to park when it snows. The District Department of Public Works doesn't list the hefty snowmergency parking fine among its top 20 parking violations and fees list -- which itself is the number-one worst top-20 list ever -- but I bet some drivers would put it near the top....

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New York To DC: You Are Snow Wimps

New York To DC: You Are Snow Wimps

from .hello foto's flickr In a bit of Mid-Atlantic rabble-rousing, the Daily News makes the case that unlike New Yorkers, residents of Washington DC are cold-weather cowards. Despite the fact that the nation's capital got hit with between three and four feet of snow in less than a week compared to our relatively paltry 8 to 17 inches, politicians who know both cities say DC residents can't handle snow. "Wimp is the word, let me tell you," said Bronx Rep. Eliot Engel. "In New York, I think I can count on one hand all the time they've closed the...

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St. Vincent's Lays Off 300; Union Employees Unaffected

St. Vincent

masnyc's Flickr Even with another $6 million bail-out from the state and lenders, the prognosis for St. Vincent’s is not sunny. This week the hospital—which is $700 million in debt and losing more—laid off over 300 employees including 32 doctors. A 38-year-old technician and air-conditioning engineer who’d worked at the hospital for 18 months, was one of the unlucky set. “They gave me a letter,” he told the NY Times, adding that he felt sorry not only for himself, but because “there’s a lot of history here.” In a statement, the vice-chair of the board of directors, said that...

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Should Cell Phone Theater Offenders Be Pitied or Stabbed?

Should Cell Phone Theater Offenders Be Pitied or Stabbed?

It's almost unheard of to attend an evening of theater without some jackass's cellphone going off and ruining the performance. (Here's that agonizing video of Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman begging an audience member to shut off a cell phone during A Steady Rain.) We believe anyone guilty of this offense should be slowly impaled while simultaneously forced to watching a continuous performance of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Starlight Express. But the chief theater critic at the NY Times disagrees, and has revealed a sudden sympathy for cell phone miscreants: During the fourth hour of the six-hour marathon performance of...

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Dick Durbin Joins the Anti-D.C. Fray

Dick Durbin Joins the Anti-D.C. Fray

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) First it was Chris Matthews. Then Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) and Rep. Mike McMahon (D-NY). And now we find Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) joining the ranks of those who just can't wait to tell us what a bunch of pussies we are for not having trekked ten miles uphill both ways in the snow to get to and from work this week, just like he used to way back when. In a speech on the Senate floor -- yes, he said this on the Senate floor -- Durbin opined, “I am convinced that infants born...

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Romantic Movies Set In San Francisco

Romantic Movies Set In San Francisco

While San Francisco may not have the reputation for romance as, say, Paris or a beach in Hawaii, plenty of great love stories have unfolded here. To help you celebrate Valentine's Day, we'd like to recommend a few films that are set in the jewel by the Bay. But be warned, much like the streets on which they take place, the course of these true loves does not run smooth.......

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PETA Plans Purebred Protest At Westminster

PETA Plans Purebred Protest At Westminster

The Westminster Dog Show is just days away, and before those cute pups get to strut their stuff... PETA has planned a protest. They tell us they'll greet the dogs and their owners outside of MSG on Monday with tombstones and a message that purebred enthusiasts are basically the grim reaper for shelter dogs. Their banner will read: "Every Dog Bred Means Another Dog Dead," and they'll be standing amongst a graveyard with 40 tombstones (um, send us your photos?). Each tombstone will represent every 100,000 animals killed in animal shelters each year because of a lack of good...

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