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Results tagged “rudygiuliani”

After former mayor Rudy Giuliani remarked on Good Morning America yesterday, "We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We’ve had one under Obama," newly anointed GMA host George Stephanopoulos was criticized for not calling him on it. Stephanopoulos later admitted, via a blog post, that he made a mistake. more ›

Wha? Mister 9/11, Rudy Giuliani, went on Good Morning America this morning to bash President Obama for weakly handling his precious "war on terror." Obama, you see, has been going about this all wrong—for one thing, he shouldn't be giving terror suspects civilian trials or closing Guantanamo. Also, he hasn't been chanting the magic phrase "war on terror" enough! And look what happens. "What he [Obama] should be doing is following the right things that Bush did—one of the right things he did was treat this as a war on terror. We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We’ve had one under Obama." more ›

Yesterday, former NYC mayor and presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani announced he won't run for Senate (or Governor) because his businesses—security consulting firm Giuliani and Partners and law practice Bracewell and Giuliani—are at "critical points". Specifically, he noted his consulting gig for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, reasoning at a press conference, "It would be hard running from Brazil... We have some very significant commitments for next year that would make it impossible for me to really run full-time... So that's the main reason." Yeah, forget that his (former?) BFF Bernie Kerik is headed to jail. more ›

While former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani will make an official announcement that he's not running for office next year during an appearance with NY State gubernatorial hopeful Rick Lazio, he did speak with WABC 7's Lisa Colagrassi about why he wasn't running. more ›

After months of speculation, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani won't be running for office next year. He's expected to announce that he won't run for Senate against junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand when he endorses former Senate candidate Rick Lazio's bid for Governor! more ›

Our former cheating mayor had koan for cheating golfer Tiger Woods; "Hang in there." That's what Rudy Giuliani told US Magazine on Tuesday night. Wow, we can just picture a tiger cub on a tree branch. more ›

Some new polls show that junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand may be vulnerable during her first election next year. According to the Observer, a Siena poll found that "I don't know" (35%) won out over Gillibrand (32%), who was followed by City Comptroller Bill Thompson (23%), while a Quinnipiac poll found that Thompson would beat Gillibrand 41-28 in a hypothetical primary. However, Quinnipiac's Maurice Carroll says, "Giuliani, who is pondering a Senate race, tops both of them" and Siena says Giuliani would beat Gillibrand 50-40. more ›

From Politico: "House Minority Leader John Boehner said Tuesday that the Obama administration’s plan to move some Guantanamo detainees to Illinois shows that the White House 'must've forgotten' about the Americans who died on Sept. 11. 'I think the administration wasn't around for 9/11,' Boehner said after emerging from a weekly meeting with House Republicans." more ›

In a decision that insiders say could prove once and for all that Rudy Giuliani isn't seriously considering another run for office, the former Mayor has accepted a long-term job as a security consultant for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. more ›

After months (years?) of speculation, former mayor Rudy Giuliani is not going to run for governor—but will set his sights on the Senate seat now occupied by Kirsten Gillibrand, according to various media outlets that spoke to anonymous sources. more ›

While former mayor Rudy Giuliani continued to blast plans to host the trials of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other suspected terrorists in New York City, the Daily Show went after some seemingly hypocritical comments the likely gubernatorial candidate made just three years ago. more ›

Yesterday, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani came out swinging against the Obama administration's decision to try five of the alleged 9/11 plotters, including mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, at a NYC federal court, accusing the White House of thinking the "War on Terror is over." But senior White House adviser David Axelrod pointed out that Giuliani previously supported the decision to try 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui in federal criminal court. more ›

Former mayor Rudy Giuliani made the talk show rounds this morning to denounce the Obama administration's decision to try five accused 9/11 plotters—including mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—in New York City's federal court. On Fox News Sunday, Giuliani said the White House was "repeating the mistake of history" and had reverted to a "pre-9/11 approach... What the Obama administration is telling us loud and clear is that both in substance and reality, the War on Terror from their point of view is over. [Mohammad] should be tried in a military tribunal. He is a war criminal. This is an act of war." more ›

Who knew former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani could feel threatened by an Independent candidate scoring single digits in the polls and running in… New Jersey? Giuliani, a supporter of Republican gubernatorial candidate and admitted fat guy Chris Christie, does seem a little threatened by Independent candidate Chris Daggett, though. He told the Post that Daggett should drop the race and stop stealing votes from the Republican side. more ›

A new Siena poll reveals that voters are still unhappy with Governor Paterson: His job performance is 19% positive, 79% negative and only 15% of respondents want to re-elect him (72% say there should be someone else). Here's something to think about: Rudy Giuliani is gaining on Andrew Cuomo in a hypothetical 2010 gubernatorial matchup: last month, Cuomo got 52% and Giuilani 39% while this month, it's Cuomo 50% and Giuliani 43%. Giuliani beats Paterson 56% to 33%. more ›

Former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who faces federal corruption charges, is headed to the slammer, after a judge revoked his bail! From WCBS 880: "Judge Steven Robinson finds Kerik arrogant and self-minded and needs to get a clue. Robinson says Kerik's been violating court...hiring sham lawyers to pollute the jury pool and tamper with witnesses. The judge says he has no confidence that Kerik will stop this conduct, that he's lied to him in the past." more ›

After accusations that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani was race-baiting while touting Mayor Bloomberg for re-election , the incumbent candidate tried to address the issue. Bloomberg said, "I am phenomenally proud of our record of bringing people together from all neighborhoods and every community. And I think we’ve successfully resisted attempts to divide the city... For the past eight years, I’ve worked well with virtually everyone. I don’t point fingers. I try to lower the volume, the temperature, and not raise it. I’m not going to try to raise it now." more ›

In Borough Park yesterday, it was Giuliani Time! Former mayor Rudy Giuliani campaigned on behalf of Mayor Bloomberg and struck an ominous note at the Jewish Community Council breakfast, "I worry daily that the city might be turned back to the way it was, to the way it was before 1993. And you know exactly what I’m talking about." more ›

Mayor Bloomberg and former mayor Rudy Giuliani are becoming buddies on the campaign trail, but they're rivals when it comes to baseball. The Mayor and his predecessor are squabbling over coveted seats in the box beside the Yankees dugout at the American League Championship Series, according to Page Six, which reports that the competition for "front-row supremacy" on Friday will be almost "almost as exciting as the contest on the field." We're not so sure about that, but it's certainly interesting in light of the fact that Bloomberg declared that Giuliani would make a good governor at this week's mayoral debate. more ›

Apparently after last week's awkward embrace with President Obama, Governor Paterson has made it policy to keep his friends close and his potential political enemies closer. The two leading state Democrats crossed paths at a ballroom in Buffalo, where they were both giving speeches to a room full of their party mates. Cuomo was leaving as Paterson arrived. Reporters say after the two hugged, the attorney general slapped the governor on the back and said, “OK, buddy, go get ’em.” more ›

In what must have seemed to Rudy Giuliani like a scene out of his nightmares, yesterday it was determined that there is officially a room where discussing 9/11 is off-limits—inside the courtroom of former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik's corruption trial. During a pretrial meeting in White Plains federal court, the judge told Kerik's team, "This is not about 9/11." Kerik was indicted of trading city contracts for free apartment renovations to his Bronx apartment from a mob-linked contractor. more ›

Rudy Giuliani has been reportedly thinking about running for governor next year, but other state Republicans think he might be better suited to run against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Now the top NY State GOP figure—new party chair Ed "son-in-law of Richard Nixon" Cox—agrees, saying Giuliani "could be very effective in running for the Senate...I think he would have a better chance of winning that race," especially if Andrew Cuomo runs on the Democratic ticket. more ›

Andrew Cuomo came within a hair of missing out on President Obama's now famous public nod the attorney general in Troy on Monday because he was insistent on taking his daughters to school that morning. Good thing Cuomo made it to his unofficial canonization by Obama or else his assistant may have had no use for the anecdote. Instead, it was shared with both local tabloids in their respective Cuomo coming of age bios in this Sunday's papers. When Cuomo learned they were running late for the big Obama greeting, apparently the state's most popular Democrat said, "Oh no. I’m dropping the kids off at school. It’s what I do. And if we miss the president, we miss the president." more ›

On the heels of news that Governor Paterson is one (giant leap of a) step not closer to running for reelection, Rick Lazio is finally ready to give us the craved announcement of the 2010 campaign season—throwing his hat into the govenor's race Tuesday even though he basically all but said it months ago. That will likely soon be followed by Rudy "I'll only beat myself" Giuliani once again making Lazio the sacrificial lamb, this time to Andrew Cuomo. [Newsday] more ›

Update: At the African-American Day Parade in Harlem today, Paterson responded by saying, “I have said time and time again that I am running for governor next year." more ›

The Post reports, "Top state Republicans will urge former Mayor Rudy Giuliani to abandon his interest in running for governor and run instead against unelected US Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand." Apparently some think there isn't support for a Governor Giuliani, what with polls showing that Attorney General Andrew Cuomo would beat him, but Senator GIuliani has a more appealing ring—"State Republicans describe Giuliani's chances against Gillibrand as excellent and say the statewide organization fielded by Cox to become party leader could become a powerful base for a Giuliani Senate race." Interesting, especially since former governor George Pataki has been mentioned as a possible Senate candidate—but he's got a lot of baggage. more ›

Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani was on Meet the Press this morning and host David Gregory asked him whether he'll run for governor of New York. While all signs (so far) point to yes, Giuliani demurred and said that there was ab important political season up ahead, what with the NYC mayoral election and then gubernatorial elections in NJ and Virginia. Gregory said, "So a November decision?" to which Giuliani replied, "Something like that." more ›

Finally! After nearly a year and a half of speculation, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani is considering to run for Governor of New York. Now that the top ranks of the NY State Republican party are shuffling, the NY Times reports, "Mr. Giuliani has told associates that he will decide on a candidacy within 30 to 60 days, as he weighs whether he can be elected statewide and what impact another campaign would have on his business interests." Rudy's had talks with various Republicans in state, Democrat- turned-Republican- turned-independent Mayor Bloomberg and Rep. Peter King (R-Long Island)—King told the Times, "Several times, he said to me that he sees state government similar to where New York City was in 1993: out of control. So many people are saying the state can’t be governed, which is what everyone was saying about the city then. In Rudy’s mind, this is a challenge." more ›

The head of the NY State GOP, Joseph Mondello, is stepping down, raising questions about Rudy Giuliani and a possible Rudy run for governor. The pair had a meeting last week and there has been a recent "Draft Rudy" movement. CityRoom reports, "Mr. Mondello’s decision, and Mr. Giuliani’s involvement in it, comes as the latest evidence that the former mayor is seriously considering a run for governor in 2010. Many party officials believe there is little rationale for Mr. Giuliani to get in the weeds of the state party’s political apparatus unless he is serious about running." Ed Cox, son-in-law of Richard Nixon and friend of John McCain, and Niagara County chair Henry Wojtaszek are vying to be the new state GOP head. more ›

Governor Paterson's prospects at getting elected next year continue to dwindle as the latest poll shows Andrew Cuomo running away with a head-to-head match-up in a landslide. The newest Quinnipiac poll shows Cuomo trouncing the governor by a margin of 61-15% among registered Democrats. Paterson may have hoped to see some gains after a month which he took a hard-line stance against the chaos in the state senate and appointed Richard Ravitch as lieutenant governor despite objections to the move's legality. But his poll numbers continue to move the same direction they have throughout all of '09, with only 26% of New Yorkers saying they have a favorable view of the governor. As for Cuomo, he extended his lead in a hypothetical race against Rudy Giuliani to 48-39%—Giuliani has already began showing signs of shying away from a run, something that seems even less likely if Paterson is pushed aside. The governor continues to watch even the black vote slip away from him—with Cuomo now showing a 20 point lead among African-Americans. One prominent Democrat told the News, "I don't know how (Paterson) can run." more ›

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