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Results tagged “nickdenton”

Attention Gawker commenters: Nick Denton needs you to pick up his dry cleaning. Though it sounds too good to be true, it seems that eager young Gawker interns are working their way up the new media ladder on the strength of their smug observations, sarcastic bon mots and impassioned diatribes on all things trivial. Will the "first!" be the first to be hired? more ›

After a turbulent couple of months at Gawker, the New York Times Style section is checking the media website’s pulse and wondering, with equal parts hope and desperation, if Gawker has finally jumped the “snark”. The Times’s uptick in Gawker stalking mirrors their aggressive game of catch-up with “teh internets” by increasingly emphasizing blogs on their website, and the article finds the Gray Lady digging a nice, cozy grave for Gawker owner and editor Nick Denton, pictured, to curl up and die down in, thereby releasing his zillions of page views to the cosmic trough. more ›

On Wednesday three former waiters filed suit against Keith McNally, owner of upscale eateries Pastis and Balthazar. The AP reports that the "restaurants had failed to pay minimum wage and overtime while letting non-tipped employees share in their tips." more ›

It’s said that when Dick Cheney was tasked with vetting potential Veeps for the Bush campaign, he carefully considered all the applicants before recommending the best man for the job: himself. Perhaps tearing a page from Vader’s playbook, Dark Lord Balthazar – AKA Gawker Media Czar Nick Denton – has found the ideal replacement to helm his flagship website in the wake of managing editor Choire Sicha’s resignation: an eager young go-getter from sector 7G named... Nick Denton! (We interviewed Sicha in the midst of all that drama.) more ›

Drama rocked the tabloid news website Gawker last week when half the editorial staff abruptly resigned. The news came to readers through an initially unassuming post on the website by editor Emily Gould, who addressed at length an essay about Gawker in the new issue of literary magazine n + 1 before divulging news of her departure, along with managing editor Choire Sicha. (It was later learned that a third editor, Joshua Stein, had also... more ›

Resumes are being accepted to fill a sudden vacuum in the self-proclaimed “drug ring” that is Gawker. On Friday afternoon, at the end of a long Gawker post about palling around with the n + 1 crowd – who happen to be publishing a long think-piece on Gawker in their new issue – editor and cewebrity Emily Gould abruptly announced that managing editor Choire Sicha was to resign. And she would be joining him.... more ›

The current New York Magazine dives deep inside the navel with seven sprawling pages on Gawker. The rather tame procedural is conducted by Vanessa Grigoriadis, who's up front with the disclosures: Her NY Times wedding announcement was savaged by Gawker, New York Magazine currently employs two former Gawker editors, and Grigoriadis peeped managing editor Choire Sicha’s underwear. more ›

-- And in international news, globetrotting chef Tony Bourdain is trapped in Lebanon! Yikes. more ›

The vlogosphere has its first shake-up: Rocketboom's Amanda Congden was, in her words, unboomed (she has a video, natch). Wanting to set the record straight after Rocketboom showed a week of non-Amanda clips, she says that her Rocketboom partner - and owner of a 51% share in Rocketboom - Andrew Baron fired her and she actually starts to get teary in the video. ValleyWag says she seems much realer in this clip or "it's a hoax and Congdon's finally learned how to act." more ›

- Oh, and Park Slope was shut down for three hours tonight because of a bomb scare. Happy holidays! more ›

This morning we woke up not at all surprised to see Jared Paul Stern still flagellating himself over at Gawker. But to be honest, we were getting kind of bored with the whole thing. The best part of JPS's first post was his last line and the first comment: "And, just in case you were wondering, yes I can tell who's really posting the Comments. I am, after all, the Editor." Followed by Nick Denton commenting "Um, actually, commenters are anonymous, if they want to be. I am, after all, the publisher." We read that, laughed and went to eat an Easter meal with our family. When we got back a few hours later those two lines were gone, and Gawker went a little cray-cray. more ›

New York Magazine has not one, but five separate articles on bloggers in this week's issue. Some priceless quotes: more ›

A.J. Daulerio, Oddjack more ›

Jessica Coen, Editor, more ›

UPDATE: Former Gothamist staffer Andrew Krucoff has leveled a startling charge - that his friend Chris Gage is writing the Gawkerist blog, and is being paid to do it! History in the making people! Probably best not to go to work today so you can watch as the news unfolds. UPDATE 2: The pie-ee has put up some pictures! more ›

If there's one thing to take away from the NY Times Business story about Gawker Media, even more so that Nick Denton doesn't expect a blog revolution, is that Kinja will be reintroduced:

A team of programmers has been working for the last two years to revamp the service, which allows users to explore and scan their favorite blogs in one place. The new version will be ready in about a month.
Oh, and Happy Den Mother's Day, Lockhart! more ›

The sound we all heard yesterday was a million bloggers laughing, when it was revealed that Fred Durst had filed an $80 million lawsuit against a variety of entities, including ol' Gawker Media, for posting his unimpressive sex video online. Clearly, since the likelihood of Durst getting any substantial amount of money is doubtful, Gothamist started to think about how this could be settled: more ›

Be warned, anyone who works in media or anyone who knows anyone who works in media or anyone who knows anyone who consumes media. Apparently, a line in the sand has been drawn between blogs that cover NY media - a line in the sand, people! Or at least that's what an article in the NY Times City section suggests. The facts: In one snarky corner, there's Gawker with snarky publisher Nick Denton and snarky editor Jessica Coen, and in the other corner, there's Mediabistro, with less-snarky founder Laurel Touby and new uber-snarky editor Elizabeth Spiers (formerly of snarkcorp Gawker- still with us?) who is co-authoring the Mediabistro media gossip blog, FishBowlNY - add some quotes about competition, snarketition, rivalries, bitch-smacking, and Tara Reid's boobies (we made two of those up!). It's like Million Dollar Baby, except without the million dollars, and with more snark, and um, what were we talking about? more ›

Attention: a few minutes ago, Andrew Krucoff rushed into the Gothamist newsroom. He was flushed and out of breath, but after a few minutes of heavy mouth-to-mouth, he was able to gasp out a few words: "Lockhart... Gawker... Denton." He then collapsed and we gently rolled his body back down the steps. [Correction: apparently, this did not really happen, and Krucoff helpfully points out that we probably read the news on MediaBistro this morning.] A few minutes of reporting filled in the details: Lockhart has resigned from Cottages and Gardens to become managing editor of Gawker Media. In this capacity, he will presumably parcel out fame and fortune, and crack the whip at his many blogger underlings. No word yet on these burning questions: more ›

Geoff Wolinetz, Freelance Satirist more ›

With the launch this week of, Gothamist has begun to wonder if Weblogs Incorporated has jumped the shark. Jason Calacanis' 40th blog is dedicated to "pregnancy, baby care and parenting", which means lots of posts about baby products, lactation, and diaper-changes. The design features bright colors and a duck logo. Now don't get us wrong: Gothamist loves babies. Especially baby pandas, baby cats, and ravers sucking on pacifiers. But as with the launch of Nick Denton's Nike Blog, the launch of the "poopydiaperblog" does raise some questions: more ›

Once, again, Nick Denton has innovated around blogs in a way that is both clever and unspeakably devilish! Following the lead of Conde Nasty magazines like the New Yorker, he's devised a partnership arrangement where an advertiser pays Gawker to set up a blog devoted to the subject of their choosing. In his understated British fashion, he is calling this endeavor "Gawker Media Contract Publications", and labeling the individual sites as "Special Advertising Sections" (really! it's in very small font in the upper right hand corner of the blog). The cost of setting up a little Gawker microsite of your own has not been revealed, but we're betting that it's a pretty penny. The first site is a partnership with Nike, which has been advertising on Gawker of late. It's a month-long blog called the "Art of Speed" weblog, and Remy from New Yorkish is writing it. Subject matter seems to be largely devoted to exploring the work of artists participating in the Art of Speed project. [Shoutout to our friends at Honest Media, who contributed a hilarious short.] more ›

What Gothamist can't understand is why Six Apart doesn't have an office in NYC, which is quickly becoming the center of the blog world. For godsakes, there are rumors Jason Calacanis is moving back to town, Lockhart Steele is launching his super-secret Curbed blog on Monday, and Nick Denton has bought real estate here! With juice like that, the Big Apple deserves some more attention from the blog companies. When was the last time you saw someone from Blogger or MT eating at Gray's Papaya or passing out fliers you throw to the sidewalk immediately after getting them? Never! And we haven't seen Biz Stone at the McDonalds on West 4th in like four years! They are all over there in San Francisco, drinking their chai lattes and laughing at us. more ›

Greg Lindsay, Freelance Writer more ›

Gothamist also would like to thank: Jason Calacanis, Nick Denton, and Jeff Jarvis for a spirited (though less punchy than wished for, to be honest) discussion about the future of publishing blogs; Anil Dash, Paul Ford, and Meg Hourihan for enlightening us about what goes into designing blog publishing tools (less nerdy than it sounds, for those who missed it); and Felix Salmon, Lockhart Steele, and Choire Sicha ( and Jen) for being good punchlines. Yay! more ›

Jeff Jarvis, Buzzmachine more ›

Various personalities of the blogging world will collide at the NY Bloggers talk at the SoHo Apple Store this Monday, May 3. See Buzzmachine's Jeff Jarvis moderate/referee a discussion with web publishers Nick Denton and Jason Calacanis. ftrain's Paul Ford chats with Meg Hourihan, Anil Dash, and Jason Kottke about technology. And Felix Salmon will find out what kinds of medication Choire Sicha, Lockhart Steele, and Jen Chung must be on during the editors panel. Plus, Jake will be running around as the water boy. We can also promise question-and-answer time as well as some surprises. All in all, a great opportunity to see the bloggers you love (to hate?). Be there to be square. more ›

In other Internet news, Google will reportedly introduce a free-email service called "GMail." Gothamist doesn't have much to say about it, except from the fact that a rerun of Seinfeld last night had George searching for a nickname and settling on T-Bone; Jerry suggested G-Bone, George nixed it, Jerry countered with "There's a G-spot!" and George exclaimed, "That's a myth!" Anyway, is GMail an April Fool's, everyone is getting fooled, because it's been picked up everywhere. more ›

Overpaid comedic actors with serious depression issues aside, the real question is whether the competition will cause a pricing war, causing the fake profits to disappear (where will the Monopoly money go?). Gothamist believes that both companies will grind each other into the dust and end up getting acquired by a Japanese USB noodle cooler manufacturer, a subsidiary of Bratz, or an internet casino. more ›

Peter gives his first interview with Andrew Krucoff's Young Manhattanite Interview: "." more ›

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