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Dems Fight To Stop Harold Ford Jr. From Challenging Gillbrand


Since former Tennessee Congressman and three-year New York resident Harold Ford Jr. announced that he was considering running against Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, his candidacy has been met with widespread opposition from Democrats. Backers of Gillibrand are doing everything they can to keep the 39-year-old politician from running — but before we delve into the details, here's a brief primer on this New York newcomer.

After a 2006 loss in a Senate race in Tennessee temporarily derailed his political ambitions, Ford moved to the Empire State (though he only started voting here last November). He took a gig with the Democratic Leadership Council and worked at Merrill Lynch, where he networked with financial folk who are expected to back him in his Senate run, though today, those Wall Street connections might be more of a curse than a blessing, according to the Observer. (Another potentially damning connection: He once dated blogger/internet personality Julia Allison). Ford is also thought to be more conservative than Gillibrand — who herself has been criticized for being too conservative (he's labeled himself as pro life, voted against gay marriage and benefits for same-sex couples, and has long backed the Iraq War).

But Dems aren't taking any chances. The Post reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already asked Mayor Bloomberg not to support the telegenic politician, and Sen. Charles Schumer has reportedly met with Ford to "try to dissuade him from running," according to the Times. The only question now is if President Obama will ask the potential candidate to get out of the race — like he did when Gillbrand was last challenged.

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After a 2006 loss in a Senate race in Tennessee temporarily derailed his political ambitions, Ford moved to the Empire State (though he only started voting here last November).

After Hillary, it's pretty hard to try to label this guy a carpetbagger.

True, but there are still some big differences. Hillary Clinton had never run for public office before, in any jurisdiction. Ford has.

For the 8 years prior to her run, Hillary Clinton lived in a District that does not enjoy the right of representation. Ford did not.


Like Derek Jeter, Halle Berry, Barack Obama and Rashida Jones he has a white mother. When the genes call, you don't even realize why your tastes are what they are, you just obey (except for Obama, who married a wookie).

this guy is fugly beyond belief. man author has bad taste.

Christ, even if you're against "gay marriage" why would you deny human beings the same benefits? This is 2010, isn't it?

Now, I'm curious: how do they determine Democrat or Republican? I mean, I get that it is a meaningless illusion, a shell game to further an imagined polarity. But how exactly do they hand those D's & R's out? If you are an anti-choice, anti-civil rights hawk, like, what are your Democratic leanings?

Rated 60% by ACLU, rated 90% by LCV, 33% by Christian Coalition, 89% by SANE, 0% by FAIR, 86% by AFL-CIO, and he was for the public option. He's no Nancy Pelosi, but he's no Chuck Grassley, either.


He looks like Derek Jeter.

Isn't his brother on Rescue Me?

If Chuck Schumer asked him not to run it's probably because the guy didn't wholeheartedly support Bush's War (like Chuckie did) or isn't hypocritical in his blind support of Israeli genocide while using the word "terrorist" in every other sentence on every other topic. The New York Democratic political machine is rotten through and through. You can smell Chuck when he walks through his rotting cornucopia of lobbyists. The dude got rich from public service like 98% of the other creepy New York pols. And damn, isn't anyone else embarrassed whenever he opens his whiny, fear-mongering mouth?

It's one of or both of two things 1- Bloomberg wants to split the Ds and permit a weak but easily controlled R to take over and take orders. Ford is along for the ride;

2 - Desperate attempt by Ford and his backers (inclusive of said B.) to stay relevant.

The big issue is upstate. A resident for all of three years, most likely exploring only the well traveled LIE to and from Manhattan, Ford doesn't have a clue. Sen. Gillibrand is well respected for her hard work, and straight up style throughout the state -- (the 20th district is long and covers a lot of terrain). Our fellow NY'ers - the upstate version that is - will see Ford for what he is and is not - in a NY moment. He and his backers are in over their heads.

Agreed. As a native upstater, I can attest to the fact that the rest of the state definitely doesn't take too kindly to these carpetbaggers. At least with Clinton she had visited upstate multiple times before ever considering running for office in the state. This guy doesn't stand a chance.

This is so great! It proves that both Schmuckie Chuckie & Harry Reid are scared and know that Gillibrand is vulnerable. This should be entertaining for awhile, as I don't think their good cop/bad cop routine will work on Ford, Bloomberg or Rattner very well.

With Hillary out of the way, Schumer finally got what he wanted -- a pliant junior Senator who doesn't get more attention than him. That's not working out so well, is it? I don't have anything against Gillibrand, but I'd love to see Ford mount a strong challenge just to show that Schumer's playground bully routine doesn't work on someone tougher, backed up with serious billionaire $$$.

Another corporate robot with a multicultural face.

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