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Teens Arrested For Hate Crime Attack

Three teenage boys in Queens were arrested for attacking another teenager last week, and prosecutors say the assault was racially motivated. 15-year-old Victor Echeverria was allegedly playing basketball after school at JHS 194 when the three boys came up to him and told him to leave. They then called him a "spic" and a friend who tried to help him a "terrorist" while kicking Echeverria in the stomach. Echeverria's father told the Daily News, "We're afraid to send him back to school because we don't know what could happen." The attackers have been charged with assault and menacing as hate crimes.

After discussing the intense scrutiny the Pope and Catholic Church has faced during his Palm Sunday homily, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan continued to hammer home his talking points as he headed into the Easter Weekend. During an appearance on Good Day, NY yesterday, Dolan said that while he welcomed the reporting of abusive priests and hangs his head in shame about it, he said terrible abuse occurs in "every religion, every culture, every family, every family... it's a cultural, societal problem." more ›

About those rabbits in the Greenpoint liquor store window display? They allegedly belong to a friend of the owner, and will return back home after Easter... but the chicks, they can be yours! In a disturbing update, Miss Heather says the proprietor "has changed his plan" (which was to slaughter them at a farm in six weeks) and that "anyone who wants a chick after Easter can have one." Which means there will be lots of abandoned chicks around town in about one week from now. Unless Farm Sanctuary saves the day! Spokesperson Meredith Turner told us this morning: more ›

Though it's still largely under construction, the newly opened Brooklyn Bridge park is being well received by those who want to promenade and drink with views of the Manhattan skyline. Just as long as they don't bring their dogs. The New York Times opines that though walkways remain unpaved and many handrails are not installed, the park is spacious and well designed. more ›

Thanks to some quick thinking from a kidnapped woman, Port Authority police were able to rescue her from a jealous boyfriend who locked her in a car and attempted to take her to New Jersey. reports that Queens native Freddy Pulla was arrested yesterday and charged with kidnapping, aggravated assault, criminal restraint, and domestic violence. more ›

What would you do for a $1.50 deep v-neck? Would you riot? Because that is how they roll in London. According to Blog-Royale, Dov Charney has some sort of touring rummage sale in which the company sets up temporary outlet stores with items costing practically nothing. When it arrived at Brick Lane recently, it showed us just what happens when The Man gets in the way of a "tight ass hipster twat bag" and his next hoodie purchase: more ›

S. Epatha Merkerson, who portrays the beloved Lieutenant Anita Van Buren on Law & Order, told Entertainment Weekly that she will be leaving the show after this season, "It’s a graceful way to go. It’s the end of my contract this year, and the storyline has been so perfect. I’ve given it my best for 16 years. It’s time to move on. I’m doing other things and this will be a great way to leave what has been an extraordinary gig." more ›

[UPDATE BELOW] Innocent until proven guilty and all that, but this MySpace photo of the man suspected of fatally stabbing two men on a No. 2 subway train Sunday morning doesn't look good. Police have arrested three men in connection with the incident, which the victims' friends claim started after the assailant got hit in the head with a plastic bag containing empty beer bottles. Last night police charged all three suspects with second-degree murder; CBS2 reports that 19-year-old Brenddy Garcia of Brownsville, Brooklyn was also charged with criminal possession of a weapon. more ›

At a court hearing yesterday, prosecutors revealed that the man accused of stalking socialite Ivanka Trump allegedly threatened her and her husband. The Post reports, "From August 2009, [Justin] Massler, who legally changed his name to Cloud Starchaser, set up fan Web sites, penned gushy love letters and scolding screeds, drew loony cartoons of Ivanka rescuing him -- and once sent photos of himself drenched in red liquid that looked like blood." One source told the paper, "Without a doubt, he is very sick. He took sick to another level. This is one of the worst cases of stalking I've ever seen." more ›

So, we've got us a pre-Easter meteorological bonnet thing going on today and tomorrow. See, the high pressure system responsible for the clear skies is centered over the Canadian Maritimes. That will direct a shallow layer of cool, stable air over the city from off the ocean. The air is so stable it won't allow any mixing with warmer air above, thereby capping any heating. Highs today and tomorrow should only reach the mid 60s, well maybe upper 60s if everyone behaves. That's still ten degrees above normal, but not the mid 70s as previously hoped. If you want the warmer weather, head inland as the onshore flow is pretty weak. more ›

Amid complaints that Citi Field was overrun with Dodgers memorabilia and didn't contain enough Mets history, the franchise has made a renewed effort to show that Citi Field is the home of the Mets. The biggest change was moving Shea Stadium's "Home Run Apple" from the bullpen plaza to outside the stadium, where it will greet fans as they get off the 7 train. Mets Executive Vice President Dave Howard told NY1, "It will be, we think, a very popular meeting point, photo opportunity point outside the building." more ›

In this morning's links: who dug up Alexander Turney Stewart's body in the 1800s?; Lindsay Lohan gets Tweet revenge on father; an Easter Bunny is attacked!; and more. more ›

162,000 Jobs Added Last Month In U.S.

2010_03_changejobs.jpg The U.S. Department of Labor announced that 162,000 jobs were added last month, but the Wall Street Journal points out that even though job creation was "at the fastest pace in three years in March....nearly one-third came from temporary hiring for the Census, indicating the labor market has still some way to go to recover." An analyst told the NY Times (which also graphs job loss/growth), "The key message from this report is that we’ve finally turned the corner. Going forward, we should expect things to strengthen further over the rest of the year," while White House economic adviser Christina Romer was a little more measured, saying there were "continued signs of gradual labor market healing," but "there will likely be bumps in the road ahead." The national unemployment rate remains 9.7%

A man walked into a Brooklyn police precinct station house last week shouting, "Allah! Allah" with a wire wrapped around his waist, and, miraculously, did not die in a blaze of gunfire. According to the Daily News, the incident "sent civilians and cops running from the 61st Precinct station house while other officers subdued the suspect, Marwan Mohemed, 22." They then realized that the wire was just being used by Mohemed as a belt. "He dropped a black knapsack to the ground, then dropped to his knees and began yelling 'Allah! Allah! Allah!'" one NYPD source says. "He scared the heck out of everybody." more ›

Empire State Building Guards Talk Suicide

via Wally G
While the Empire State Building's management is keeping mum about Cameron Dabaghi's suicide on Tuesday, some security guards are talking to the press anonymously. The Yale student jumped to his death from the 86th floor's observation deck, which yesterday was watched over by at least six guards. One of them told the Daily News, "We have all sorts of security measures in place. It's not like we didn't try to stop him. It wasn't quick. We tried to talk him down for a while. It's not easy to get over these gates for a reason." It's unclear how many security guards were there that day, but the paper notes that their bosses, not expecting large crowds due to the weather, told several to stay home.

Thousands of unionized doormen and other apartment workers voted last night to authorize a strike later in the month, potentially leaving New Yorkers everywhere (or just on the Upper East Side) to sign for their own packages, pick up their own laundry and find other building workers to fall in love with. Though doormen in Brooklyn and Queens approved the measure earlier this week, workers in Manhattan approved the measure last night, authorizing a strike if negotiations can't create a new four-year contract by 12:01 a.m. on April 21. Union 32 BJ president Mike Fishman said in a press release, "Today’s strike vote shows we’re determined to keep our city a place that working families can afford to call home." The biggest issues are wages, health benefits, sick days and overtime, according to 1010Wins. more ›

Yesterday, two of Sen. Eric Adams's proposed six "Stop the Sag" billboards went up in Brooklyn, urging youths to stop looking like fools with their pants on the ground. Depicting the behinds of two saggy men, the billboards display the message, "We are better than this! Stop the Sag!" Adams told the New York Times about one moment of inspiration for the campaign. “I was on a subway train, and there was this young man. His behind was showing, literally. He had underwear, but even the underwear was sagging. All the passengers were looking at each other in disgust, but nobody was saying anything.” Who else has been on that train? more ›

The reviews are in and the iPad is coming! Tomorrow the gadget will officially hit the shelves at Apple stores... and the 24/7 one on 5th Avenue will actually close at midnight tonight to iPrep for its arrival. They'll be open for business again at 9 a.m. tomorrow... and there's already a (one-man) line. Highway maintenance worker Greg Packer, who was also first in line for the iPhone, has been camped out in front of the store for days (even though there was a pre-order option)! This video was taken Wednesday: more ›

A common Hollywood movie trope inspired a real life getaway yesterday when two women stole a cop car during an arrest in Queens. And they got away with it, too! (So far.) The shenanigans started around 3 p.m. at the corner of 230th Place and Mentone Avenue in Laurelton, after police pulled over the driver of a green minivan that was reported stolen. The driver bolted, managing to run a block away before the two cops subdued him. But as they made the collar, two female passengers stealthily exited the van and proceeded to the idling police car. more ›


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