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Results tagged “hospital”

St. Vincent's hospital officially closed at 8 a.m. today after a morning mass in the hospital chapel and a barbecue in the cafeteria. The closing has left 3,500 workers out of jobs and with few new prospects. One 56-year-old EMT told the Daily News, "This is a young man or young woman's job. I don't know what I'll do next." The workers are also worried about the health of the neighborhood. Ambulances have already been diverted across town to Beth Israel for many emergencies, and the FDNY said they would boost ambulance coverage by 15% on the West Side, but former employees say the services are still stretched too thin. more ›

Yesterday, hundreds of people protested the closing of St. Vincent's, the Greenwich Village hospital whose financial troubles have caused its downfall. They carried a coffin that said "No ER = DOA" from 25th Street and 9th Avenue to the hospital at 7th Avenue and 12th Street while demonstrators said, "Many people are going to die because of this," and "Save our hospital!" while recounting how the hospital saved their lives. more ›

Now that St. Vincent's hospital has delivered its last baby and is closing for good, displaced Greenwich Village patients have been flooding Beth Israel hospital across town. According to the Daily News, Beth Israel has seen a 25% increase in walk-in patients in the week since St. Vincent's shut down, and daily admissions are at an all time high. Beth Israel also got hit with twice their average number of ambulances two days after St. Vincent's stopped accepting them. more ›

St. Vincent's Hospital, which is winding down its operations before it closes for good, delivered its last baby. Abigail Jancu was born at 4:58 a.m. yesterday morning, about 18 hours after parents Anastasia and Robert Juncu checked into the hospital. Their midwife called to let them know they would need to come on Wednesday at 9 a.m. to deliver the baby. Robert Jancu told City Room, "They said, if you come here early in the morning, we’ll get you in, but we’re closing down." more ›

Yesterday, St. Vincent's Hospital announced, "We have issued termination (WARN) notices to all employees of St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan today as required by state and federal law. The action came after the Board of Saint Vincent’s voted to close the hospital’s inpatient services and to seek a transfer of some or all of the outpatient services, after an effort to save the financially troubled 160-year old institution. Employees jobs will end based upon the needs of the hospital as it moves forward with an orderly and safe wind down of operations. The Board and management are extremely grateful for the dedication and professionalism of all St. Vincent employees, some of whom have been with us for decades, during this very difficult process." more ›

The demise of Greenwich Village hospital St. Vincent's is forcing many patients to scramble for new facilities. And one group of patients—pregnant women—is having a tough time as their due dates draw nearer Carline Moise, who is 8 months along, told the Post that she "was handed her medical chart -- along with recommendations for a new obstetrician -- and shown the door last week." Her doctor doesn't have privileges at another hospital, so now she has "no choice. I'm going to shop around," (so far, no doctors/hospitals have agreed to take her on). And did you know that St. Vincent's ER treated survivors of the Titanic? more ›

Yesterday, St. Vincent's announced that starting today, "St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan emergency department, in coordination with the NYS Department of Health and FDNY EMS, will be placed on permanent diversion of ambulances for all services except for behavioral health. The ED will remain fully functional with the ability to treat and admit all walk-in patients as needed.” Instead, ambulances will take patients to Beth-Israel, Roosevelt, NY Downtown or Bellevue. more ›

After St. Vincent's announced it would close its Greenwich Village location, there are hopes that some of its services will still exist. The Daily News reports, "At least two health care companies - Mount Sinai Medical Center and Continuum Health Partners, which operates Beth Israel - are still in talks to take over the emergency department and crucial community clinics. 'There are still health care facilities interested,' an insider told the Daily News. 'That part of the hospital is not dead yet, but it's not out of the woods, either.'" more ›

Officer Robert Salerno, who was shot three times at close range in a Bronx "ambush," was released from the hospital yesterday. Though his kevlar vest protected him from a shot to the chest, he was shot twice in the lower torso by 57-year-old Santiago Urena, who had just pulled a gun on a home health aide who rejected his romantic advances. He was released from Lincoln Hospital after being treated for nerve damage in his hip and leg. Salerno's mother told the Post, "It’s a very good day." more ›

Yesterday, Mt. Sinai announced that it would not enter a partnership with the struggling St. Vincent's Hospital, leading St. Vincent's to say, "Our board will be in discussions with our management, legal and financial advisers to quickly access our strategic options moving forward." The NY Times reports that the hospital had been set to declare bankruptcy last month, but emergency loans from the state and GE helped keep it afloat as it tried to find a partner. But now, "The hospital, which is running at a deficit of $7 million to $10 million a month, has spent nearly all that money, and with Albany deep in its own financial trouble, more state money is unlikely, people close to the process said on Thursday." more ›

In NY and elsewhere Christian science leaders say they're encouraging followers to go see a doctor in grave medical emergencies, despite the religion's century-old conviction in the evils of modern medicine. “In the last year, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called to pray at a patient’s bedside in a hospital,” national spokesman Phillip Davis told the Times, speaking from NY headquarters in midtown. more ›

Feds have busted a Park Slope anesthesiologist accused of writing Adderall prescriptions for phony patients, who filled them and sold the study drug on the streets. The doctor, Michael Hosny Gabriel, may have used his profits to fund a gambling habit. He “carried large sums of cash to Atlantic City” one informant told the Feds, adding that the medical man kept a gun in his bedroom. And though Dr. Gabriel was the Adderall ring's kingpin, he had help: the Daily News says other doctors at his Brooklyn hospital are also implicated in the case. more ›

In what's beginning to look like life support, St. Vincent's Hospital is getting another $6 million bail out from the state and banks. This time GE Capital and TD Bank have offered $5 million with the State Assembly chipping in another $1 million, says Gov. Paterson's office. Once again the Greenwich Village medical facility has been given a month to restructure its $700 million debt and look for a solution, but since the last cash infusion it hasn't come up with much: "They're not exactly sure how that's going to happen at this point, but I think they are working very hard," Randi Hoffman, spokesperson for the New York State Nurses Association told WNYC. Already the hospital has laid off 300 employees and handed pay cuts to the rest. more ›

According to CBS2, a woman with a similar sounding name had passed away earlier that morning, leading to the mix-up and the trauma that ensued. Goodwin says she’s still in shock from the incident and the family may file charges. "We looking at emotional duress, emotional stress - you know, that's basically what our issue is," said her mother, and Abrams’s granddaughter, Tracie Covington. The hospital is investigating and says it "deeply regrets" the incident. more ›

A hospital employee is being investigated for allegedly raping a male patient a the shower in the psychiatric unit of Kings County Hospital Center—where a 49-year-old woman died in a waiting room after being repeatedly ignored by staffers. The victim, described in the Daily News as "developmentally disabled, deaf and mute," reported the attack to relatives two weeks ago. After scanning surveillance footage and conducting forensic tests, police are reportedly nearing an arrest. more ›

After a week's deliberation union workers at the twice-bailed out St. Vincent's voted to take a ten percent pay cut while the hospital tries to revive itself. "In today’s difficult economic climate for working families, our members’ vote to accept the wage reduction is a testament to how committed they are to the work they do, their passion in providing quality care and their dedication to the patient community they serve. We salute their courageous sacrifice to keep St. Vincent’s hospital open," the union said. Still, the decrease agreed to by the union is half or less of those handed to non-union employees last week: doctors' salaries were slashed by 20 percent and executive pay rates were scaled back 25 percent. more ›

Even with another $6 million bail-out from the state and lenders, the prognosis for St. Vincent’s is not sunny. This week the hospital—which is $700 million in debt and losing more—laid off over 300 employees including 32 doctors. A 38-year-old technician and air-conditioning engineer who’d worked at the hospital for 18 months, was one of the unlucky set. “They gave me a letter,” he told the NY Times, adding that he felt sorry not only for himself, but because “there’s a lot of history here.” In a statement, the vice-chair of the board of directors, said that those losing their jobs “have done absolutely nothing wrong.” more ›

Haitian earthquake survivors, ambitious young interns, Harlem restaurateurs, and centrist Democrats can all breathe easy this morning: William Jefferson Clinton, America's first black president, was released from the hospital this morning after a successful procedure to clear a blocked artery. "He's out of the hospital and in the car back enroute to his home,'' former DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe told CBS this morning. "And if I know President Clinton, he'll be on the phone ... calling people asking for more help for Haiti and where he can get pickup trucks so they can deliver food or generators. If I know Bill Clinton, he'll be raring to go in about 35 minutes.'' Chappaqua, lock up your daughters, Bubba's back in the saddle! more ›

ABC News is reporting that former President Bill Clinton has been hospitalized in NYC. Clinton, 63, was reportedly rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan "for a condition related to his heart." ABC News' chief political correspondent George Stephanopoulos hears that he was taken to the hospital "likely for a stent procedure." (A stent is small mesh tube that is used to treat narrowed or weakened arteries; Clinton previously had heart surgery in 2004. ) more ›

Actor, future Academy Awards co-host, and friend of Pat Kiernan, Alec Baldwin was rushed to Manhattan’s Lenox Hill hospital early this morning. Baldwin was at his Central Park West apartment when his 14-year-old daughter allegedly found him unresponsive—believing he overdosed, she called 911. He was treated just after midnight, and released about an hour later. more ›

So St. Vincent's isn't closing yet, but it is losing many of its major functions. Last week it closed its outpatient HIV and mental health clinics and with a $6 million injection from the state and other lenders—meant to hold the hospital over until the end of the month while it tries again to restructure its debt—the facility will lose two-thirds of its beds. To save St. Vincent's "shared sacrifices" will be necessary from all parties, said Governor Paterson. He and other officials are frustrated that unions aren't giving an inch—even faced with the hospital's $700 million debt and $5 million to $10 million monthly losses. Hospital officials told the Daily News the no-interest loan will give them "the time we need to put together a potential plan for the future of St. Vincent's." more ›

Greenwich Village's financially ailing hospital has a potential buyer, but West Side politicians are calling the proposed deal "unacceptable." A takeover by Continuum Health Partners would mean a significant scaling down of St. Vincent's facilities, especially its ER, and would turn the city's last Catholic general hospital into a meager outpatient facility. Depending on how Continuum was able to re-structure St. Vincent's giant debt—estimated at $700 million—it might even opt to sell the valuable property instead of taking on its thousands of patients. more ›

After laying off 180 employees in December, St. Vincent's Hospital in the West Village may be in even further danger of closing. The Post reports today that Continuum Health Services—which operates Beth Israel, St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospital—has proposed a plan to take over St. Vincent's. GE Capital and TD Bank hold $300 million of the hospital's current $700 million debt, and both allegedly support the Continuum takeover. But the new ownership would come at a considerable cost to hospital care. more ›

The body of officer Angel Brito lay in the morgue of Bellevue Hospital, where he worked, for two months until fellow officers finally claimed it yesterday. Brito, 49, had no family, so when he died in his East Village apartment of natural causes on November 4th, his body was sent to the hospital he had spent the last 14 years protecting. more ›

Officials are predicting that deaths from the 7.0 earthquake that rocked Haiti yesterday may be in the hundreds of thousands. "I hope that is not true, because I hope the people had the time to get out," Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive told CNN. Haiti’s president told the Miami Herald that the toll was “unimaginable” and reports say that the scene in Port-au-Prince is truly horrifying; most of the city is leveled to the ground, and bodies litter the streets. As many as three million may be left homeless, reported the Red Cross. more ›

A sonogram technician at Staten Island's Richmond University Medical Center has been charged with raping a female patient while she was on a prescription drug similar to morphine. Kenrussell Salvador, 33, is accused of raping a 30-year-old woman while giving her a sonogram. more ›

According to CityRoom, "St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan announced Tuesday that it had laid off 180 of its 3,800 employees, blaming the recession and two years of health care cuts and taxes imposed by the state." Apparently most of the layoffs "ranged from administrative workers to support workers in food service, housekeeping and clerical job" and it's unclear how many nurses were laid off. The Greater New York Hospital Association trade group said, "We have said time and again that hospitals have no room left to absorb additional cuts, and we’re deeply concerned that what happened at Saint Vincent’s today is just the tip of the iceberg." The hospital is embarking on a massive $800+ million project to replace its hospital. more ›

The family of the 15-year-old girl who took a stray bullet to the skull last Monday has something incredible to be thankful for today: doctors expect the teen to make a full recovery. After performing brain surgery to remove the bullet from Vada Vasquez's skull, doctors put her in medically-induced coma and cautioned relatives that she would most likely suffer some degree of brain damage. But now surgeon Narayan Sundaresan believes that although the bullet damaged her left temporal lobe, the area of the brain responsible for speech, she still "can make a full recovery." more ›

The 15-year-old Bronx girl who was put in a medically-induced coma after taking a stray bullet to the skull has spoken for the first time since the incident, eight days ago. A source tells the Daily News that Vada Vasquez's first word was "Mom." Her condition has been upgraded to stable and a spokeswoman at Lincoln Hospital says, "She's improving. She's in stable condition and recognizes family members." more ›

A Mexican day laborer is hospitalized with brain damage after being attacked somewhere in Williamsburg or Bushwick by three black men shouting "wetback." Mario Vera was riding his bike back home to Bushwick with groceries from a lower Manhattan food pantry when the young men hit him in the back of his head "with something hard" while yelling anti-immigrant slurs. The assault happened on September 23rd, but wasn't reported until last Friday, because Vera is an undocumented immigrant afraid to go to the police. (NYPD policy prohibits officers from sharing law-abiding immigrants' status with the Feds, but it has been known to happen.) more ›

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