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TOM GRALISH / Staff photographerGov. Rendell and Kirstin Snow lunch at Famous Deli on May 18.
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John Baer: It's the Guv's behavior that fuels the rumor mill

ED, THIS IS all you.

Whatever anger, distraction or embarrassment long-rampant speculation about an affair with your beauty-queen employee causes you, your marriage, focus on work or even life after leaving office, it's self-inflicted.

This is not the act of some political enemy. This is not a gotcha moment, despite your comments to Harrisburg's Patriot-News that you've "had it with the media."

No male in high-profile public office, especially one with a history of seen-in-public "friendships" with attractive women, can expect to be seen repeatedly in public with an attractive woman and not fuel eyebrow-raising rumors.

And anyone with a modicum of media savvy understands that, right or wrong, fair or not, the longer that such rumors simmer, the better the odds that they will get reported.

You understand, too.

So the Philadelphia magazine piece, "The Governor, the Blonde and the Rumor Mill," that hit newsstands last Friday - and dozens of news stories across the state about it - is because of you.

Heck, "the Blonde," 40-year-old former Miss Pennsylvania, Mrs. Pennsylvania and, more recently, Mrs. American Dream 2007, Kirstin Snow, chief of your Commonwealth Media Services, is surprised it took so long for rumors to rise.

No wonder. For a year, your 66-year-old married self and twice-divorced Snow have been spotted in restaurants, especially Harrisburg's Bella Mundo (described on its Web site as "a warm and intimate bistro where you can retreat after work"), at Snow's son's soccer games in suburban Harrisburg and on Snow's pontoon boat (think oversize raft with a motor and canvas top) on the Susquehanna River.

You introduced her at your $5,000-a-head Philly fundraiser in March, and she was famously photographed with you by this newspaper at Famous Deli on primary Election Day.

That photo brought complaints that two others were at the table but not in the shot. But it's clear, seated beside Snow, you're talking with someone across from you. And, hey, who brought Snow to Famous on a day when pols and media pack the place for lunch?

Your excuse? She was "managing" your TV appearances. Isn't that a press secretary's job?

And what about the photo with the mag piece? You're suited, seated and smiling with Snow resting her arms on your shoulder. Looks like a formal family portrait or a pol's holiday card. Nice judgment. And I know it was shot last year while the mag was shooting you for its "power" issue. But you posed for it. And, what? Never considered it could see the light of day?


Both the Guv and Snow, who goes by Dr. Snow, deny an affair.

(Her degree, she explains in an e-mail exchange, is a DBA, a doctorate in business administration, through "distance learning" from Southwest University, in Kenner, La., which, according to its Web site, no longer offers such a degree. She also has a vanity license plate: DRSNOW.)

Rendell calls all this personal, "between me and my family," calls Snow a good friend, says their affair denials are "the truth," and adds, "Don't ask me again."

Point is, no one would have asked in the first place were it not for Ed's penchant for parading around with attractive blondes who are not his wife.

In just his time as governor, there was lobbyist Holly Kinser, ex-wife of indicted former House Speaker Bill DeWeese; Leslie McCombs, former Pittsburgh TV anchor turned lobbyist; and now Kirstin Snow.

All three "friendships" got media attention, some similarly handled. A 2007 Daily News column, for example, about the Guv and McCombs, who at the time was in apparent violation of state lobbying law, carried the headline "Guv, the blonde & lobbying law." It included a photo of Ed sitting next to McCombs at a Pirates game.

Then there are the things that Ed said to the mag.

He said he brings Snow to fundraisers to add "pizzazz" - in EdWorld, a compliment; in the real world, an insult to professional women and akin to calling Snow eye candy.

He said that rumors about him are unfair to attractive women, inexplicably adding, "I should go out and find an unattractive woman to have an affair with." What's that supposed to mean? New hope for unattractive women?

His comment that he gets "hit on by women all the time" I'll let stand, except to note that the last time I heard talk like that was in a locker room in high school.

This is not Bill Clinton with a 21-year-old intern, or Eliot Spitzer with a high-priced call girl, or Mark Sanford using state resources to "hike the Appalachian Trail."

No one I'm aware of questions Snow's job performance. No one alleges misuse of state funds. But no one who knows Rendell is the least bit surprised by this latest "friendship" or rumors attending it.

And, Ed, you know why.

Send e-mail to [email protected].

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Posted 03:08 AM, 06/28/2010
I really hope that Fast Eddie does not get John Baer fired beacuse of this article.
Posted 04:17 AM, 06/28/2010
It's about time Fast Eddie got exposed. He has been mauling woman for a long time. What is his wife thinking? Knowing what he does, is not the same as embarassing her as he is doing. What in the world does the Dr. see in a man with hair allover his upper torso, drooling from the mouth, hair strands plastered on his head, and most of all, if she thinks his weight will stay off, she's nuts too. Not to mention he is on his way to the promise land. Hey Rudy, is he in your adulterer club?
Posted 04:35 AM, 06/28/2010
Delaware Jim
Leave the Gov. alone. At least he's not busting unions and preventing taxation of millionaires. He came to my class at Drexel (by himself) some years back, gave an excellent presentation, then stayed afterward to answer questions about politics for nearly an extra hour. What a great guy! One other neighboring governor I can think of would not be caught in a university, even if his reelection depended on it.
Posted 06:16 AM, 06/28/2010
Ed has always liked the company of beautiful women. He was a great mayor for our City pulling us out of backruptcy and positioning us for the 21st Century...He is trying hard in a dying older industrial state to turn it around. And throughout all of his hard work, he likes the company of beautiful women. Is this inapropriate? Why, at this late date where his years of serving PA are nearly over, does one have to add the tag 'affair' ??? Call me naive, but you need to get off this guy's back !!! And he will always love the company of beautiful women regardless of the hounding media who can't find anything better to report.
Posted 07:15 AM, 06/28/2010
For your edification DEJim NJ has lots of taxes paid by millionaires. He didn't prevent anything. Corslime and the legislature had an expiration date on the Xtra taxes. If the Dems were serious they would have passed an extension while Corlime was signing bills ad nauseum in the last days of office. Instead they held onto it to us as a political ploy.
Posted 07:21 AM, 06/28/2010
Ed still likes McNabb...that's enough for me to not like him any more...I don't mind the blond bimbo so much.
Posted 07:54 AM, 06/28/2010
This "article" is why newspapers will be gone in a few years. Pure trashy conjecturing from a fossilized "reporter."
Posted 07:54 AM, 06/28/2010
I find it amazing that anyone is fascinated by what any public figure does in his/her private life. How would you like your own private life to be acknowledged in a newspaper. What difference could it possibly make in the job he's done as governor. He's done a very good job. You people need to get a life.
Posted 08:03 AM, 06/28/2010
I wonder if the "Doctor" Snow will be one of the 20,000 state employees that laid off because of the budget debacle.
Posted 08:05 AM, 06/28/2010
If he would do this to his wife, what is he capable of doing to his constituents? Ed comes from the land of me, and as everyone knows in the land of me it is all about me.
Posted 08:07 AM, 06/28/2010
Shovin the unwanted casinos down our throats was newsworthy--and the backroom deals hardly got any ink. The bimbo attack is the business of Midge and Ed and, probably, Jesse. And, Who Cares???
Posted 08:20 AM, 06/28/2010
Ed Rendell has been screwing around for decades and all of a sudden they finally pick NOW to report it? Stick to the stories of real corruption like the Family Courthouse.
Posted 08:20 AM, 06/28/2010
the guv is a TOAD
Posted 08:26 AM, 06/28/2010
Spendell is a disgrace, how could he do this to his wife?
Posted 08:27 AM, 06/28/2010
I don't care what the Gov does. Thankfully, he will be out of office soon. Now if we can just get him off CSN Eagles Post Game Live!!!!!
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