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Sharron Angle Says Democrats' Agenda Violates 'The First Commandment,' Frames Reid As Dark Overlord

First Posted: 08- 4-10 03:42 PM   |   Updated: 08- 5-10 12:33 PM

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Nevada Primary Senate

Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle has long seen religious meaning behind her candidacy, going so far as to tell supporters that God was behind her rise from political obscurity, guiding her path to Congress.

On Wednesday, the celestial threads took another turn towards the bizarre, as Nevada political reporter Jon Ralston uncovered an interview in which the Tea Party favorite said that actions of the federal government were a "violation of the First Commandment" -- not amendment, commandment.

"I know people are very frightened about what's going on in this country," Angle said in an interview that originally aired on April 21 with TruNews Christian Radio's Rick Wile. "And these programs that you mentioned -- that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward -- are all entitlement programs built to make government our God. And that's really what's happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We're supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government. And you've just identified the real crux of the problem."

This statement alone was a rather glaring reflection of just how infused religion is in Angle's political mindset. The Nevada Republican has already made major waves arguing in opposition to abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

But once Ralston published the exchange, things grew even more bizarre. Angle's communications director, Jarrod Agen -- who was hired, it should be noted, less than 24 hours ago -- sent a clarifying statement to the reporter that was dipped even deeper in religious tones, framing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) as a sort of dark overlord.

"Only the supreme arrogance of Senator Reid would believe that he has a divine right to rule over mere mortals by ramming through Obamacare, billions in reckless spending, and yes, buying cocaine for monkeys," Agen said. "The fact is, Reid has acted like he's all-powerful and accountable to no one. People are frustrated because, like Sharron, they understand Washington has become a giant, unseen, omnipotent force whose presence is felt in all our lives whether we like it or not."

The statement provoked a slew of seemingly shocked tweets from Ralston who took the response as sincere. Only after the fact did the campaign get in touch with him to insist the statement was facetious.

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Asked to clarify whether, in fact, he was being sincere or sarcastic, Agen said there was "a little of both in there."

In all, the entire episode seems likely to end up being just another footnote in a Senate candidacy that has been filled with incredible oddities and dramatics. But context remains important. It's not unusual for a candidate to invoke his or her religion in the course of an election. Harry Reid himself has said it's difficult to "separate your religion from your politics, its part of your personality. It is part of who you are."

It's rare, however, for a candidate to insist that their candidacy is imbued with religion itself.

Angle has certainly raised the bar for envelope-pushing statements. Whether those following the campaign will adjust their expectations and coverage as a result (or continue to call a spade a spade) will matter as Election Day approaches.

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Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle has long seen religious meaning behind her candidacy, going so far as to tell supporters that God was behind her rise from political obscurity, guiding...
Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle has long seen religious meaning behind her candidacy, going so far as to tell supporters that God was behind her rise from political obscurity, guiding...
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dnalpahs   12:43 PM on 8/05/2010
To influence, you must first be willing to be influenced.

Most people here are stuck on the idea that the constitution creates a government of plenary power with limited exceptions. There seems to be a belief here that with government, more is better and we have nothing to fear and everything to gain by concentrating power in Washington. That is what Angle called making government your  Read More...
Nick Santiago   02:45 AM on 8/10/2010
I would not advise ignoring her. Though she doesn't have a chance in heaven or hell of winning against Reid, her agenda is a plainly-spoken rhetoric embraced by the conservative movement. They seek to replace our judges, city officials, education boards, and politicians with their own planted lemmings who want a theocracy for America.

I have seen the websites and the 'grassroots' movement statements that claim this very idea. They plan a slow but deliberate take-over while we are occupied with 'bigger' issues and 'bigger' candidates. I live in a very liberal area but suddenly have a very conservative city council and board of education. We now find ourselves running to 'catch-up' with these religious activists from behind.

Watch your local elections for judges, sheriffs, mayors, city councils, boards of education. These people are gunning for positions of power in order to rewrite everything we have accomplished in the last 100 years.

And just for the record, anyone who claims that robust social 'entitlement' programs are anti-christian is an idiot who never read the book they thump around.
applebutter   03:49 PM on 8/07/2010
The first commandment? Of the Christian Bible? When did the USA become a theocracy? Or maybe the question is When WILL the USA become a theocracy?
skatoolaki   09:17 AM on 8/07/2010
I'm starting to think Tennessee governor candidate Basil Marceaux(.com) is more sane than Sharron Angle.
fmd   12:55 AM on 8/07/2010
Umm... which one is the first commandment? And why is it assumed that we will know?
Nonpartay   03:19 AM on 8/07/2010
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:1-3)

Of course, Sharron Angle, the gift that keeps on giving (to Democrats, that is) is completely misinterpreting what Democrats are trying to do, and I find her interpretation of the Bible really offensive and missing the point of Christianity, which is, after all, to bring people together and make a society that's fair and loving. "Thy Kingdom come...." and all that. Her way doesn't sound remotely like something Jesus would want as it would allow people who are needy to suffer even more than they already do with no help from anyone except possibly the random charity of neighbors if they happen to be in a position to offer such charity, which most people these days are not, so really it would be a crap shoot. If a so-called "Christian" country (I disagree with that, but some think it is) can't act in a more Christian manner than what Angle is espousing, what's the point? Just because we set up a society that offers help to those in need doesn't make the government a god. What a stupid argument, imho. Harry must be smiling though. Every time she opens her mouth, she helps him more than she knows. :)
JudgeMoonbox   09:20 AM on 8/07/2010
"Of course, Sharron Angle, the gift that keeps on giving (to Democrats, that is) is completely misinterpreting what Democrats are trying to do"

I disagree. To misinterpret, you must be trying to understand. Sharron Angle isn't trying to understand at all; or if she is, her representation would be a conscious lie.

Her illustration of the Democratic policy is so different from reality, it's like she's on another planet.
Jeannette Lacey   12:29 AM on 8/07/2010
Gee!! I AM impressed with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi! Even while they are working around the clock to bring ruination upon our country, they still find the time to make graven images. I wonder which one of them knows "the art of the temple" like Aaron in the Bible? Is Nancy casting the Golden Calf or is Harry? I just hope I'm invited to join the dancing girls at the pagan orgy when the idol is ready!!!
Magdalin   11:52 PM on 8/06/2010
I wish I could rely on God alone to stop all these rapists from climbin' in my window and snatchin' my people up!
JudgeMoonbox   10:44 PM on 8/06/2010
How about the Ninth Commandment: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor?"

Or doesn't this count because Angle's lie is so preposterous; nobody will believe it?

Michael Gerson says that Democrats are getting desperate, doing things like not treating Republican obstructionism like some military secret because they're stressed out. So what's the Republicans' excuse? You have this stuff flaking off the side of Angle's brain. You have Rush Limbaugh coming out as a Birther. So who's suffering from stress?
Nonpartay   03:03 AM on 8/07/2010
I like that 9th commandment. I don't think it sits well with most Republicans though....
Herbm55   10:30 PM on 8/06/2010
Ugh. Sharron Angle makes me wish birth-control was retroactive.
Whats Goin On   09:28 PM on 8/06/2010
DickRay Schliep   08:22 PM on 8/06/2010
Angle is what was wrong with the Bush years . Let us move forward and keep politics outof our personal lives. Angle is a frustrated wanna be Palin lover
colbey   02:26 AM on 8/07/2010
love it -- angle's nuttiness caused by unrequited lust for palin!
ZeraLee   06:33 PM on 8/06/2010
The republican agenda violates the First Amendment. The Fourth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment. The Sixth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment.

If she is that far into the Kingdom of God instead of the domain of Man, then maybe she should just emigrate.
TheKurgan   06:05 PM on 8/06/2010
Christ said the First Commandment was "Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, all thy soul, and all thy mind. The Second is like unto it, "Love thy neighbor as thyself. Upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

Well, lets' see. Obama goes to Church. Reid is a Latter Day Saint. Pelosi is a staunch, if decidedly modern, Catholic. Seems to me there's a lot of "love the Lord" in those three. And it also seems to me that the Democrats are FAR more into "Love thy neighbor as thyself" than the Republicans, who always, despite Christ's warning, seem to be VERY eager to throw the first stone at anyone who disagrees with them.
Whats Goin On   09:27 PM on 8/06/2010
Is Angle a Double Dipped End Timer?
applebutter   03:52 PM on 8/07/2010
Yes. Even tho your question was rhetorical ;)
Ronald LaForge   05:28 PM on 8/06/2010
Dear Sharron,
As a demonstration of the power of your faith, please stop campaigning. Then there'll be no need for you to ask us for money to support your run for political office. Any way, why should we lend you a helping hand? Politicians who don't pay their own way, will just become lazy. We can keep more money in our own pockets (just like a tax cut).

If god can provide our daily bread, it should be a relatively easy matter for him/her to swing the election in your favor. Particularly since you'll doing the his/her work... repealing health care, ending social security, and revoking our Constitutional rights.
Nonpartay   02:58 AM on 8/07/2010
You are definitely worthy of more than just 3 fans! :) Love it!
skatoolaki   09:19 AM on 8/07/2010
CommonSenseBda   05:00 PM on 8/06/2010
Wait for it ......

Her next act is that President Barack Obama is the earthly incarnation of the DEVIL ! Oh wait .... he's already been lableled as the Anti-Christ, hasn't he.

Harry Reid PERSONALLY went to each employer of all those that are unemployed and used his unholy Sith powers to get them fired!

Most unfortunate is the fact that PEOPLE ARE LISTENING TO HER !?!?!?!

America: Home of the Gullible, Unemployed and Homeless ..... BUT they haven't taken our guns!
Matt Jacobs   04:32 PM on 8/06/2010
Wow. A quick search finds she's not doing so well in the polls, but if she were to win, Michelle Bachmann would no longer be the craziest person in congress. Kinda scary that she actually won the primary.
ZeraLee   06:01 PM on 8/06/2010
That one could be a photo-finish.
DickRay Schliep   08:25 PM on 8/06/2010
U got that right but Bachman will always lead the charge for wackos

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