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'The Amazing Race''s Amazing Fail (VIDEO)

First Posted: 09- 8-10 01:06 PM   |   Updated: 09- 9-10 03:28 AM

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This clip from the upcoming season of "The Amazing Race" almost just made us actually want to watch "The Amazing Race." It's THAT good! If you were to instant message this video to one of your coworkers, the conversation should read something like this:

Coworker: what is this?
Coworker: are those watermelons
Coworker: oh shit!!!!!!!!!!
Coworker: WTF?!

Yeah, we said it was good. (Via The Daily What)


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This clip from the upcoming season of "The Amazing Race" almost just made us actually want to watch "The Amazing Race." It's THAT good! If you were to instant message this video to one of your cowork...
This clip from the upcoming season of "The Amazing Race" almost just made us actually want to watch "The Amazing Race." It's THAT good! If you were to instant message this video to one of your cowork...
Filed by Katla McGlynn  |  Report Corrections
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ataha   0 minute ago (6:57 PM)
"They don't call it the amazing race for nothing" ? What does that even mean?
Bouncewaddle   1 hour ago (5:31 PM)
Hoohoohoo-maaaan! Give it to her: the gal is TOUGH!
Ricosan   2 hours ago (5:08 PM)
Next episode: "The Amazing Lawsuit"
daniellek86   4 hours ago (2:57 PM)
also of note: the blonde at the beginning of the video saying, "Think long and hard. Do whatever you need to do to get it right into that guy."
Oni   8 hours ago (11:01 AM)
how about EMT fail!?
kevinbaja   13 hours ago (6:02 AM)
BAM ! ! ! headshot............
kellysans   17 hours ago (1:28 AM)
Amazing and funny but fake. Name of the contestant was claire. Details:
Scent   15 hours ago (4:22 AM)
Sorry, but that someone says it MIGHT be a fake doesn`t make it one. And the reasoning he posts "she got hit in the face and might have a slight traume - but she talks funny?!?" - sorry but lets hit him in the face with a watermelon and see if HE talks straight and "believable" after that. - Get real. TV shows make up a lot of shit. But they will ALWAYS be the ones cashing in on the pain their own mistakes cause. I for one would sue their butts off if they constructed a machine like that so it could fire BACK at me. - Which physically is not even something that would accur rarely. Just let go of the thing higher or lower than middle and it will turn in flight.

I know WTC was taken down with explosives and the first moon landing was probably fake. But this one? - I do not see where there is anything fake here.
Deezul   11 hours ago (7:47 AM)
This is worse than a youtube comment. Go back and start yelling on street corners about 9/11 truth or something
PurrfectPeach   5 hours ago (2:05 PM)
Right, because *your* reply was a model of decorum and really added something to the conversation.

I agree with Scent that someone saying a clip could be fake doesn't make it fake.

Re: suing, though - come on. Do you really think these TV shows are stupid enough not to have their contestants sign waivers?
3rdCitizen   19 hours ago (11:46 PM)
If you hate ALL reality shows & don't watch any of them, I really respect you for that. But if you claim that you do while secretly looking forward to 1 or more guilty pleasures of that type, I submit that the Amazing Race is as good as that tawdry genre gets. Personally, I find it interesting to watch how various types of couples deal with stress in unfamiliar surroundings, and it also presents a modicum of multi-cultural awareness. What I find most commendable about the show is its commitment to diversity: straight couples & gay couples, young couples & older couples, couples of all ethnicities & ideologies, and, on a few seasons, contestants with various disabilities.
In our home, my wife will watch AR with me as long as I watch (gritting teeth) Project Runway with her. There. I've admitted it.
wdw505   19 hours ago (12:19 AM)
that was just plain funny
thefooligan5   10 hours ago (9:14 AM)
I find the contestants the worst part about the show :P They all turn into yammering, whiney idiots. I love the idea of the show but the people just turn me off. However, the one time I thoroughly enjoyed it was when these two young males with beards were on a team and they were the most positive, outgoing, enjoyable people I'd ever seen on the show and they looked like they were merely on a journey as opposed to taking part in a race. They ended up winning too which was great.
Pilatunes   24 hours ago (7:24 PM)
Geez, that 'Right in the kisser' was prophetic.
henry krinkle   24 hours ago (7:00 PM)
holy cr*p who filmed this Abraham Zapruder
TwoGayGuys   06:51 PM on 9/09/2010
Well, I guess this is one way of eating watermelon...
zebstar   06:43 PM on 9/09/2010
I guess the decision to use watermelons and not coconuts was the right decision after all. LOL
veggiehead   22 hours ago (8:32 PM)
Fanned and faved!
Entheo   06:20 PM on 9/09/2010
where's gallagher when you need him?
Webfoot98101   06:49 PM on 9/09/2010
Hilarious. Would fave this multiple times if possible.
huffevie   05:37 PM on 9/09/2010
oh, ow! i kind of feel like she must have felt, every day at work... hope she's okay!
bogey1   05:30 PM on 9/09/2010
the only phrase that keeps coming to mind is Kevin Costner from JFK; (start 8mm camera noise) "Back and to the left.... back and to the left....back and to the left...."

yeah, yeah, I know... too soon

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