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Fall TV 2010: Monday's Premieres (PHOTOS)

First Posted: 09-20-10 02:16 PM   |   Updated: 09-20-10 02:27 PM

Monday night marks the real kickoff of 2010's fall TV season. There are five new network shows premiering, and seven shows returning. So far, most of the new network shows have gotten mixed to middling reviews. Below, see the new schedule for Monday night--and tell us what you think of the shows on offer.

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Monday night marks the real kickoff of 2010's fall TV season. There are five new network shows premiering, and seven shows returning. So far, most of the new network shows have gotten mixed to middlin...
Monday night marks the real kickoff of 2010's fall TV season. There are five new network shows premiering, and seven shows returning. So far, most of the new network shows have gotten mixed to middlin...
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JJovana   2 hours ago (10:30 AM)
The Office. Thats pretty much all you need to know watch and live.
julbar   12:30 PM on 9/22/2010
TV is getting like Broadway. Why a revival like Hawaii Five-O? Where is all the original writing
(oh no, not another "cop" show!) unless it is a take on a "Lost" type show with convoluted plots that are too tough to think about at the end of the day- literally.

Seems, beside Mad Men and PBS the only alternatives are those dreadful Bravo TV or E reality shows. With 150 channels, that seems a shame.
Whitrome   19 minutes ago (12:20 PM)
Mad Men is my absolute favorite-but you might want to also consider checking out Breaking Bad, which is fantastic television, as well as some of the other shows that cable has to offer in the non-reality department, ie. Lie to me, The Closer, White Collar, etc.
scout10   09:02 PM on 9/21/2010
Chase: Bad acting, fake.
The Event: Cannot do it again, commit to years of not knowing after being a Lost fan.
Dancing with the Stars: I hate Sarah Palin so will not watch.
Tasha1269   1 minute ago (12:37 PM)
I am so excited about The Event. I need a lost replacement.
bleuwolf13   08:38 PM on 9/21/2010
Hawaii 5-0 was pretty good. I have no interest in the other shows offered.
richchaplin   06:19 PM on 9/21/2010
Chuck -- campy fun, as always, but starting to show it's age.
Lone Star -- No guns, car chases, vampires, wormholes....but I might still watch it. The ladies are cute.
The Event - Liking the story, but not the timeline jumping. You've got four story lines going already. Keep them in chronological order at least!
Castle -- Hard to keep the sexual tension going, but they manage. Fun show.
Hawaii 5-0 - Gorgeous Hawaiian scenery (inc. Grace), nice action, the plot is a little unbelievable, but okay. Since I'm in Arizona, i'll probably keep watching just for the water and the lush vegetation.
Chase -- the clear LOSER of the night. I had to stop watching after 8 minutes as the exposition was so unbelievably clunky. It was as if it was written by someone for whom English was a second language -- learned last week. Complete waste of time.
APaulShockley   05:46 PM on 9/21/2010
I don't normally watch DWTS (all those BOOBS in your face!) But I love Margaret Cho, and was curious about Bristol. Bristol surprised me - she was beautiful, likeable, and I loved her little red dress. Enjoyed watching her dance. Hey - don't blame the poor kid for her lunatic of a mother. And Margaret - don't let the Turkeys get ya down. You GO, girl.
GHARDY   02:51 PM on 9/21/2010
Are there any minorities on T.V.?
Tasha1269   1 minute ago (12:38 PM)
tcny   02:14 PM on 9/21/2010
Hawaii 5-0 was pretty good, a little too shoot-em-up & action-oriented. Some over-the-top gunfight scenes (but at least guns run out of ammo eventually).
There was the core of some intelligent plotting (Was McGarrett's dad on to deep corruption at Honolulu PD? Did Coast Guard find body of weapons trafficker who fell in harbor?)
Decent chemistry between McGarrett and Williams (largely due to Caan) and McGarrett and Chin. Five-0 team will need some techie/brainwork/researcher types; will be unbelievable if these 4 do everything w/o supporting members.
donasanya   01:54 PM on 9/21/2010
I started to watch Lone Star, but then I saw they had a teabagger birth in the cast and quickly changed the channel.
KJLSanDiego   02:38 PM on 9/21/2010
donasanya   02:51 PM on 9/21/2010
Jon Voight
amst   05:56 PM on 9/21/2010

I saw that too. At first I thought it might be good and I saw Voight was in the cast and it was a complete turn-off. Not fair really, but that did it for me.
mowgo   09:24 PM on 9/21/2010
I tried watching Lone Star and found it boring.
KJLSanDiego   12:09 PM on 9/21/2010
James Marsters as an Irish Villain in HI 5-0! He makes bad look soo good!
tcny   02:21 PM on 9/21/2010
IMO, the potential of his villiany was largely wasted (unless the Coast Guard never found his shot-up body in the harbor and he becomes a recurring baddie - can anyone say Wo Fat?).
KJLSanDiego   02:37 PM on 9/21/2010
That is what I'm hoping happens!
seabelly   10:48 AM on 9/21/2010
The Event may possibly turn out to be a good show, but it definitely annoyed me. I suspect I may be done with these byzantine, twisty-turny, never-ending mega-mystery shows. Just tell me a freaking story already. I found the fast-paced intercutting of characters and timelines disconcerting - Donnie Doodlebug, 5 minutes ago; Captain Spamhammer, 11 days ago; Dr. Deep, 6 months ago. Pick a timeline and stick with it, for pity's sake. Have mercy on those of use who come home fried from twelve hour work days - we're meant to follow this mishigos and be entertained by it?

And nothing for nothing, but Little Ritter just looked dirty. I mean really - can't he shower? Bathe? Wipe himself down with a moist towelette. He's on television; he should try not to look like he dumpster dives for dinner. Honestly, he made Ethan Hawke look clean and fresh-smelling.

The plane getting sucked into the sky was interesting. It just wasn't enough to get me to tune in next week.
amst   11:40 AM on 9/21/2010
Since I've not watched any of the continuing "never-ending" shows, I find that appealing. Probably because other than a couple seasons of 24, I haven't seen any others.

As far as Ritter, dirty????? Really? I didn't notice at all. During many of his scenes he was more or less "on the run" and I would think understandably a bit tattered I never picked up on his hygiene. Hmmmmm
julbar   12:22 PM on 9/22/2010
I may tune in just to see Little Ritter. However, I too ma tired of the Event or/and Rubicon type shows. I have no idea what is going on in Rube and just tune in because it precedes Mad Men.
seabelly   20 hours ago (5:02 PM)
I am right there with you on Rubicon. I don't even know who the characters are any more. Except for the lead guy who looks like Mr. Shue's older brother.
intelliwoman   10:20 AM on 9/21/2010
Liked the Event, 5-0 ok
amst   10:00 AM on 9/21/2010
Although I found the constant flashback a bit confusing, I must admit, I liked The Event. The ending left me interested. I intend to continuing least the next few episodes. Unless of course it goes totally downhill.

I liked Hawaii Five-0 as well. It was actually a little better than I thought it would be. Just the luscious scenery it almost worth it (including O'Loughlin). And to whomever asked, yes they did keep the original theme song (it would have been blasphemous if not).
GraniteSkyline   09:36 AM on 9/21/2010
All I want to know about Hawaii 5-0 is, are they keeping the old theme song? If not, then I'm not interested.
Bogey907   10:05 AM on 9/21/2010
They kept that and the names of the characters, but that's about it. Otherwise it was the A-Team hits Honolulu. Three gun battles with automatic weapons and only the bad guys got more than a band-aid wound.
amst   11:43 AM on 9/21/2010
Is O'Loughlin playing a "new" McGarret (from the original) OR is he suppose to be Steve's son (or maybe grandson). In the pilot they show his father who was not named Steve (I forgot what his name was). For some reason I thought he was suppose to be Steve Jr. (son of original). Interesting too that this time Kono is a female hu?
tcny   01:38 PM on 9/21/2010
The original theme song was there... BUT it's been re-recorded at a faster tempo and has been shortened. It's moderately disappointing. The opening sequence, however, evokes the original in some of the shots (McGarret in black suit on balcony, King Kamehameha Statue) but no war canoes.
They really missed an opportunity, as that is one of the iconic openings and theme songs in all of TV history.
amst   05:59 PM on 9/21/2010
Somewhere on YouTube they have an interview with the producer of Hawaii Five-0 (or one of the bigwigs involved). He was saying how they brought in a guitar player (no name mentioned) and how they thought of different options for the theme. THEN he said we decided ti just leave it as is. Glad they did. Why mess with perfection. I can NOT imagine Hawaii Five-0 with the theme song performed in any other way than as the original.
amst   06:03 PM on 9/21/2010
Btw regarding the theme, I noticed the shorter version too. I thought it was just me. I don't know the musical correctness, so I'll just try to explain it. The beginning drumbeat usually is in three segments before the theme begins (as the wave rushes in) this new version is only two. Ha ha...Well, I know what I mean and the new version is very close except for that drumbeat.
MsWright   09:36 AM on 9/21/2010
What Happened to V?

Please tell me they are bringing it back.. I Love that Show!
memememeeeee   12:43 PM on 9/21/2010
I remember watching that show in the 80s with my mom! How they peeled of their skin and revealed their lizard like underskin. ItT was awesome cheesy!

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