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Sam Waterston

Sam Waterston

Posted: September 23, 2010 04:59 PM

Historic Movement on Fair Elections

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Today, the Committee on House Administration passed landmark legislation aimed at putting our elections squarely where they belong: back in the hands of voters.

The committee passed the Fair Elections Now Act (H.R. 6116/1826), legislation that would take members of Congress off the fundraising treadmill and let them focus on their constituents.

Chairman Bob Brady and his colleagues on the committee, Reps. Mike Capuano (D-Mass.), Susan Davis (D-Calif.), Charlie Gonzales (D-Texas), and Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), must all be commended for their leadership on passing this legislation today.

This is an historic vote, and would be the most sweeping reform legislation since Watergate.

The Fair Elections Now Act would allow candidates for Congress to run competitive campaigns for office by relying on small contributions from back home. Candidates would collect donations of $100 or less from residents of their state, which would then be matched four-to-one with Fair Elections funds. Fair Elections would be funded by the sale of unused broadcast spectrum, ensuring that in this time of debt and deficits, it wouldn't cost taxpayers a dime.

With Fair Elections, constituents don't have to wonder if their elected officials are standing up for them or their big money donors when casting their votes on Capitol Hill. Congress would be accountable to them, not wealthy donors or lobbyists.

Now that it's passed in committee, the legislation can head to the floor. To help our push for a floor vote before Congress adjourns just days from now, I've joined with the Campaign for Fair Elections in releasing new television ads that will air in several key Congressional districts praising lawmakers for supporting this legislation.

Every day, we see a steady stream of news reports of fundraisers with lobbyists, ongoing ethics investigations, and millions of dollars in outside secret spending. It is no wonder if we're angry ... or alienated.

The Fair Elections Now Act. Congress should make its passage a priority -- now.

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SHElliott   11 hours ago (5:25 PM)
Sure the House will pass it but it will never make it to the Senate. The Repugs will make sure it dies just like evey other bill that the House has sent it this past 22 months. Unless we get a real super majority in the Senate we will NEVER have fair elections.
GandenT   16 hours ago (12:26 PM)
I wish this effort good luck, although I can't help but feel critical of the fact that it still essentially preserves the money equals access problem with our functionally privatized public election "system."
Computer Geek   19 hours ago (9:44 AM)
Thanks to all those trying - but I doubt this will get very far - I can't imagine that those in congress who have already been bought will have the integrity to vote for this bill. I wonder if this is truly one of the cases where a '2nd Amendment remedy' is the only way we will ever get special interests out of our congress.
Macready   20 hours ago (8:45 AM)
we need reform badly . . the lobbyists are running the country . . our congress is a joke
patrick cousins   12:27 AM on 9/24/2010
will someone please hire jack mcoy put him back on tv where he belongs
CenaW   12:18 AM on 9/24/2010
I hope we can get reform, right now
Afghanistan and Iraq run cleaner elections than the U.S.A.
All that money hidden in front groups, PACs and 501c and whatever clever ploy they create.
Heartlight3   11:20 PM on 9/23/2010
Corporate funding of elections has gotten totally out of hand. I would like to think that our congress would have enough sense to pass this bill, but I'm not very hopeful. It's beyond my comprehension that the Supreme Court would have unleashed such a juggernaut on our election system. I have lost all respect for them.
Macready   20 hours ago (8:45 AM)
ditto Heartlight3
ZeraLee   10:45 PM on 9/23/2010
Mr. Waterston, thank you so much for citing both the title and bill number. Most articles talk and talk about a bill without identifying which specific bill they are referring to. This has been an ongoing pet peeve of mine as it makes further research much more difficult when the details are missing.
elkabong   10:29 PM on 9/23/2010
Thanks very much, Mr. Waterston. Campaign finance and the revolving door between Capitol Hill and K Street are at the root of many if not most of out problems.

I really appreciate that you get it and are doing something abut it. Please stay with it and let us know how we can help.

Thanks again.

(I also think a little free campaign airtime on the broadcast networks might not be such a bad idea. They are the public airwaves, after all.)
eduardo fernandez   09:40 PM on 9/23/2010
Fair Elections ?

As Billboards Pop Up In Wisconsin, Tea Party And GOP Accused Of Voter Suppression

The Wisconsin Republican Party claims to have shelved an elaborate plan to coordinate with other conservative groups to root out purported voter fraud in the state's upcoming election.

The original plan, which was revealed in a document obtained and made public by a progressive group in the state, would have designated Tea Party groups as investigators in the field looking for fraudulent registrations -- looking through the white pages to authenticate voter addresses, pulling up homes on Google Maps and even driving by houses and apartments to conduct visual checks.

Under an earlier draft of the plan, Tea Party volunteers would then send complete reports to a Wisconsin GOP official, and were instructed to delete all copies of the data and required to sign a confidentiality notice.

The Wisconsin GOP confirmed to Talking Points Memo that documents released by One Wisconsin Now this week outlining a coordinated campaign between the party, a Tea Party group and the state chapter of Americans for Prosperity .­rds_pop_up­_in_wiscon­sin_tea_pa­rty_and_go­p_accused_­of_voter_s­uppression.php?ref=fpb

They are going to pull every dirty trick in the book this election !
SmartladyDem   09:45 PM on 9/23/2010
Wow, they will stop at nothing.
Helloise   10:37 PM on 9/23/2010
Except a cash machine. You're right, just when you thought the GOP and their demented doppelgangers couldn't stoop any lower in indulging their basest instincts, they brazenly take another step down into the mud pit.
aceshigh   09:22 PM on 9/23/2010
Remember, Sam...

...those robots are still out there, and they still feed on the medicine of old people!

(little SNL joke, there, guys)
WarriorLemming   03:31 AM on 9/24/2010
haha ;D
fbros   07:27 PM on 9/23/2010
This is the last thing any Congressman or Senator would want. The money and graft is the reason they try to get elected. This is like asking them to freeze their salary along with the freeze on social security, fat chance.
e-cat   07:16 PM on 9/23/2010
Keep fighting the good fight, Sam..... but then you had me at Jack McCoy years ago.
Orly Holmes   06:50 PM on 9/23/2010
Just so Sam. People forget that Ds and Rs are interchangeable parts in the same political engine. Get rid of one party and another comes to take its place with DCs alphabet streets packed with the modern-day version of Nasts seedy wardheelers and Grants to-be-suffered ''lobbyists''. The idea here is for pols to maintain ideological ''purity'' to their constituencies at the front door while the loot and favors roll through the back. For every Abramoff, a Magliochetti. For every ENRON, a PMA. Both parties grease the skids of the powerful, whether ''corporate'' or ''union'' or ''trial lawyer'' or ''Big'' anything,and all Americans continue to suffer as a result. Until they become angry enough to try and do something about it. At the present time, its this tea party, liberals being merely upset because they did not think of it sooner, and missing the point by a mile by attaching amorphous ''fears of a black president'' before real their fears of where this nation is headed in its present course. These fears are legitimate.
elkabong   10:48 PM on 9/23/2010
I agree with the main premise of your comment. However, and unless I'm mistaken, the only big-money the Tea-Partiers stand against is from labor unions. They support the rest. But maybe that has something to do with this:
WarriorLemming   03:49 AM on 9/24/2010
Both parties? BOTH PARTIES??? Those are the words of a less than genuine, trying-to-come-across-as-an independent sort of person--above the fray looking down on all us poor deluded souls. That might work with the knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers on the extreme right--you forget where you're at?
PatrickJ08   17 hours ago (11:26 AM)
> Ds and Rs are interchangeable parts

Pathetically lazy.

There are in fact, good dems.
The same is not true of the republicans.
Every single one is a liar, even Paul.
Borborigny   06:34 PM on 9/23/2010
I hate to be cynical in the face of someone trying to be positive, so I won't be.
patrick cousins   12:29 AM on 9/24/2010
man up
Borborigny   20 hours ago (8:34 AM)
OK, since you insist: nothing will happen that will seriously threaten the power of the wealthy to own politicians.

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