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  • Network: FOX
  • Series Premiere Date: Nov 6, 2001
  • Season #: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
79 out of 100

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. 50
    The problem with the beginning of "24" isn't the plotting or the rusty acting. It's the pacing, the clunky rhythm of the action-adventure. Thank goodness, the quality of "24" fluctuates, so it has real potential to become great again in future episodes.
  2. 50
    Much as I am compelled to watch "24," and admire its craft, I find that I can't take it seriously.
  3. "24" still maintains some of its trademark intensity, but too often in these first four hours, the show is smack-your-forehead laughable.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 102 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 66
  2. Negative: 11 out of 66
  1. While increasingly unbelievable, the show has surprised me in each and every season in its plot construction. Although this season is a bit of a dip from the last, it still qualifies as an incredible season in which Sutherland once again keeps his character as entertaining as he was when he carried Teri's body away. Full Review »
  2. NicholasC.
    Honestly, 24 is a great show! Always was, always will be. It does however end with Season 4. The only interesting characters die in an absolutely pathetic manner, other characters die because they're just morons surrounded by more morons and the plot -- it stops being a political thriller and becomes a very poor imitation of StarWars. I own seasons 1 to 4 on DVD, watched season 5 and after seeing season 6 decided that I'm more interested in Telletubbys than season 7. I don’t know what happened to the guys making it between seasons 4 and 5, but right now the show is simply idiotic, to say the least. Full-stop. Full Review »
  3. GoofyDisney
    This show is fun to watch because series after after series CTU, and the presidency don't learn. There is always a assassination attempt, and CTU forget about a sewer network running right under them. In this series i thought the idea that jack's family were involved in the terrorist strikes was slightly unlikely. Ridiculous parts include, -When jack kicks a suicide bomber out of a train -When jack storms a Russian embassy -When he takes a nuclear component form high security -The president asking for jacks return from a Chinese prison to fight terrorism -The apparent skill jack has with guns -How different the president and vice president are considering how one is center and the other is sometimes far right wing -When the president fakes a nuclear strike on a country -When jack flies a nuclear carrying plane -The apparent sensitivity jack has for his girlfriend after all the torture and killing -Sometimes the timing on the show is off, such as jack has a shave, shower, gets dress and is on the road in less than a minute. -The count less times we find that someone related to someone we already know is apart of the terrorism. Full Review »