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May 10, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Hillary Clinton Removed From Situation Room Photo By Der Tzitung, Hasidic Newspaper (PHOTOS)

First Posted: 05/ 9/11 07:17 AM ET Updated: 05/ 9/11 04:21 PM ET

A Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper removed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and another woman from the now-iconic photo of the Obama national security team watching the raid that killed Osama bin Laden from the White House Situation Room.

The original photo, taken as the raid was occurring, famously shows Clinton in the center of the room, with her hand over her mouth. But the newspaper Der Tzitung, described by the Jewish Week as "ultra-Orthodox," has a policy of never printing photos of women in its pages because it thinks they could be sexually suggestive. Thus, Clinton and counterterrorism director Audrey Tomason, who was seen standing at the back of the room, were removed from the picture.

The blogger Failed Messiah was the first to notice the Photoshopping.

UPDATE: Der Tzitung sent a statement to the press, apologizing for altering the photo—which the White House had forbidden news outlets from doing—and explaining why they had removed Clinton and Tomason.

“In accord with our religious beliefs, we do not publish photos of women, which in no way relegates them to a lower status," the statement said in part. "... Because of laws of modesty, we are not allowed to publish pictures of women, and we regret if this gives an impression of disparaging to women, which is certainly never our intention. We apologize if this was seen as offensive.” Read the full statement here.

See the Photoshopped version:

See the original:


A Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper removed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and another woman from the now-iconic photo of the Obama national security team watching the raid that killed Osama bin La...
A Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper removed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and another woman from the now-iconic photo of the Obama national security team watching the raid that killed Osama bin La...
Filed by Jack Mirkinson  |  Report Corrections
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4 minutes ago (12:47 PM)
Since the majority of my lifelong inspiratio­nal figures are Jewish (Sagan, Asimov, Einstein, Feynman, Bohr, Spinoza, etc), it continues to jar me when confronted with the lunatic fringe of Judaism. Ultimately­, I have to face the fact that every group, including those I admire the most, has a lunatic fringe.
13 minutes ago (12:37 PM)
....and I thought the radical Islamics were extreme in their treatment of women?
16 minutes ago (12:34 PM)
Makin' the Taliban look progressiv­e . . .
Christopher Nicoll
Prop man for Marcel Marceau. Duties include preten
11 minutes ago (12:39 PM)
They sound very much the same to me. I always strip back the language they use to self describe and let the actions speak for themselves­.
23 minutes ago (12:27 PM)
people do believe what they want, which in some cases, may be different from the majority. witness the comments in this thread.
27 minutes ago (12:24 PM)
Maybe they should have just covered them with burka's... or is that the other religious nitwits?
Bynocent Instander
29 minutes ago (12:21 PM)
Well, it certainly is offensive to do such a thing.
ignore this sentence
30 minutes ago (12:21 PM)
Thank the Lord for Athiesm!
Christopher Nicoll
Prop man for Marcel Marceau. Duties include preten
30 minutes ago (12:20 PM)
Seems to me you can say and do as you will if you have a devout faith in some desert god. These folks are revolting at best, they automatica­lly go on the defensive in their statement claiming slander and libel if you say anything they don't like? What?
They're sexist for sure, and hiding behind a pretend desert god makes it 1000x worse. Makes you cowards.
32 minutes ago (12:18 PM)
yet another example of how religious extremists of all denominati­ons are a threat to our modern way of life. Too bad we can't ship them all back to the 12th century where they belong.
34 minutes ago (12:16 PM)
What's remarkable is how easy it is to manipulate images--an­d thus manipulate reality and manipulate minds.

Bear this in mind, folks. Particular­ly when watching television­.

Meanwhile, if an arab or muslim newspaper had pulled this stunt, how fast before Peter King was foaming at the mouth on television­?
34 minutes ago (12:16 PM)
Good thing they don't publish People magazine. For their sexiest man alive issue all you'd see would be empty backdrops, page after page of empty rooms. What's that? Only women are attractive­? could be People magazine be getting it so wrong for so many years?
38 minutes ago (12:12 PM)
So, it's okay if the men in the picture excite gay men and straight women?
39 minutes ago (12:11 PM)
Hey everybody! Do you want to see how the majority of HuffPost 'posters' think? This article and the majority of responses are what make for case studies exposing the underbelly of the 'liberal/l­eftist mind'. New paper: Published by and for a very, very small religious sect. Reaction of the publisher: (paraphras­ing his response) The picture should not have been published and we apologize and have done so all the way to the 'White House'. But, since this is a Hebrew sect...wel­l you know HP, so the majority of responses were to be expected!
30 minutes ago (12:21 PM)
Actually the newspaper publishes is in Yiddish, not Hebrew.

Insinuate bias on the part of everyone who objects to this? Now that's chutzpah.
ignore this sentence
28 minutes ago (12:22 PM)
Not true at all. We are calling BS on BS. If any other extremist sect of any other religion had done this, we would be saying the same.
Chief Imperial Sage, Earth, Milky Way Quandrant
41 minutes ago (12:10 PM)
These Orthodox Jews are very similar to other Fundamenta­lists. They don't like the facts/real­ity to interfere with their rigid, settled way of looking at things. Preferring a photo without women in it, even though those women were in it, rejects reality and manufactur­ers a false version of life.
42 minutes ago (12:08 PM)
There are many methods societies use to "erase" women. While I think every rational person in this country sees the overt misogyny in this photoshopp­ed example, the vast majority of us (myself included) promulgate the convention of women giving up their names when they get married. It makes women more difficult to track over time and makes invisible their life before marriage.

We need to encourage our daughters to keep their names if they decide to marry. Why is it any more important that men keep their identity intact than women?