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Peter Block


A Future for Journalism? The Story of What's Working

Peter Block | Posted April 25, 2011 | Media

By Peter Block

Most of what you read about the field of journalism is grim. Journalists now rank below lawyers as being trusted in the eyes of the public. Print news and TV channels are in a steep revenue decline. We are told that the younger generation gets their news...

Chris Benson


Media Should Call Trump on Race-Based 'Birther' Campaign

Chris Benson | Posted April 25, 2011 | Media

What has become clear during Donald Trump's media-blitz-of-a-non-campaign-campaign is that too many mainstream journalists are missing the story. The story and the opportunity. The story about what the "birther" issue really is all about, and the opportunity to live up to media responsibility in helping people make enlightened decisions...

Norman MacAfee


The Public Intellectual in a Corporatized and Privatized Society

Norman MacAfee | Posted April 25, 2011 | Media

The PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature, held annually in New York, is particularly good this year. I am attending a number of sessions, and the first will be "The Public Intellectual" on Monday, April 25.

I want to put down some thoughts on the subject beforehand.

What is...

Amy Chavez


Bali Paradise? Hell Yes!

Amy Chavez | Posted April 25, 2011 | Travel

Bali is still reeling from an April 9 Time magazine article by Andrew Marshall called "Holidays in Hell: Bali's Ongoing Woes." In the article, Marshall claims that water shortages, blackouts, garbage, sewage, traffic congestion and a rising crime rate are ruining the tourist paradise.

Having spent several...

Fortune's Stanley Bing


I'm Going to the Royal Wedding!

Fortune's Stanley Bing | Posted April 25, 2011 | Media

I don't know about you, but I'm all in a swivet about the Royal Wedding. My invitation seems to have been lost in the mail, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm sure it's just an oversight. These things happen to me all the time. In the...

Erik Rasmussen


Who Owns Your Future?

Erik Rasmussen | Posted April 25, 2011 | Green

If your electrician tells you that there is a 30 percent risk that your house will set on fire if you do not change your cables, would you call another electrician? If the next electrician confirms the 30 percent risk, would you hire a third, fourth or fifth electrician in...

Michael Shaw


Reading the Pictures: Beached White Male? Oh, Please.

Michael Shaw | Posted April 25, 2011 | Media


1. Don't these big news mags do this "endangered white male" thing at least once a year?

2. Given Newsweek's relaunch (and continued financial straights, I assume), the pandering (or, "protecting the base") is at least comprehensible.

3. No beach on Wall...

Art Markman, Ph.D.


The Trick to Outsmarting Advertising

Art Markman, Ph.D. | Posted April 24, 2011 | Living

Over the last 20 years, a big trend in psychology has been a focus on how the world helps you learn. A hundred years ago the behaviorists (like B. F. Skinner) assumed that everything was learned, from your knowledge of skills like riding a bicycle to your knowledge about how...

David Honig


Broadcast Advertising Nondiscrimination: A Victory for Civil Rights at the FCC

David Honig | Posted April 25, 2011 | Media

Last month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a modest two-page Enforcement Advisory to remind broadcasters that they must certify in broadcast applications that their advertising contracts do not discriminate. The Advisory also designated a senior member of the FCC's Media Bureau to serve as a compliance officer...

Joshua Kors


Letters From Tim Hetherington

Joshua Kors | Posted April 23, 2011 | Media

This morning I printed out all the emails Tim Hetherington sent to me over the last few weeks. They were short but thoughtful. I smiled every time my Gmail chimed, every time his name popped up in my inbox.

Tim died Wednesday in Misrata, Libya, while covering Gaddafi's...

Norman MacAfee


About Chris Hondros

Norman MacAfee | Posted April 22, 2011 | Media

It is beyond dispute that the unrelenting television coverage of the war in Vietnam shortened that war. Americans grew repelled by the carnage.

The Bushes learned, and so they kept the media at a distance for the 1991 Gulf war and the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. When journalists wanted...

David Schonauer


Hetherington, Hondros, and the Risky History of the War Photographer

David Schonauer | Posted April 22, 2011 | Media

To the list of photographers who have died while covering war and conflict, we must now add the names of Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros, killed in Misurata, Libya on Wednesday. They join the likes of Ken Oosterbroek, a member of the so-called Bang Bang Club of photojournalists...

Matthew Segal


CNN: N/A Is Still Not OK

Matthew Segal | Posted April 22, 2011 | Media

Earlier this week CNN/Opinion Research released a series of national polls that seemed to represent young Americans (under the age of 35) marginally at best, if at all. Specifically, they listed respondent data on questions pertaining to "the legalization of marijuana" and "marriages between gay and lesbian couples"...

Andy Plesser


Turmoil in the Middle East and the Ascension of YouTube News, Olivia Ma has the Backstory

Andy Plesser | Posted April 22, 2011 | Technology

Read More: Beet.TV, Olivia Ma, Youtube

SAN BRUNO, Calif -- With dramatic footage published today from violent demonstrations in Syria, YouTube is again displaying its role in giving the world a view of breaking news which is largely unseen by the cameras of mainstream news organizations.

Last week, we visited the headquarters of YouTube for an interview with Olivia Ma, manager of YouTube News.  

She explains that mobile phone uploads have predominated the newsgathering and uploads in the Middle East.  She speaks about the extraordinary efforts citizen journalists go to upload and share via satellite connections, proxy servers and other means.  She also speaks about  video from the Japan tsunami.

This is the first in a series of interviews with Ma.

Andy Plesser


You can also find this post up at

Dan Lybarger


A Few More Words on Tim Hetherington

Dan Lybarger | Posted April 22, 2011 | Media

On Wednesday afternoon, I was deeply troubled to find out that photojournalist Tim Hetherington had died in Libya covering a battle in the city of Misrata. He was apparently hit by a rocket propelled grenade (RPG) during a firefight between the rebels and forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.

Eric Alterman


Think Again: Two Views of Samantha Power: A Case Study in Conservative Journalism

Eric Alterman | Posted April 22, 2011 | Media

Samantha Power, Wikipedia tells me, is special assistant to President Barack Obama and runs the Office of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights as senior director of multilateral affairs on the staff of the National Security Council. She is, I can tell you, a remarkable woman by any imaginable...

Bruce Friedrich


The Great VegNews Photo "Controversy"

Bruce Friedrich | Posted April 22, 2011 | Food

The most recent example of that old adage "with friends like this, who needs enemies" has come in the form of what I would have called a silly controversy, except that the controversy has had a measurable negative impact.

You may have heard about a "scandal" that rocked the vegan...

Tucker Reed


Chris Hondros: "A Transcendent Voice for the Good in Life"

Tucker Reed | Posted April 22, 2011 | Media

I met Chris Hondros in 2009, when a mutual friend suggested we talk. I had just returned from a year in Iraq and our friend thought that Chris and I should trade "war stories." He lived in Brooklyn and I worked in his neighborhood, so we figured we'd have plenty...

John V. Santore


Thoughts on Tim Hetherington

John V. Santore | Posted April 21, 2011 | Media

A friend of mine served two tours of duty in Iraq. When WikiLeaks released its Apache attack video one year ago, he expressed surprise at the attention it received. Before his second deployment, he had spent hours watching recordings of IEDs exploding in and around American military convoys....

HuffPost TV


HuffPost's Howard Fineman Discusses Polls Related To The Budget On MSNBC's 'The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell' (VIDEO)

HuffPost TV | Posted April 21, 2011 | Politics

Read More: Barack Obama, Video

HuffPost's Howard Fineman appeared Wednesday night on MSNBC's 'The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell' to discuss polls related to the budget battle.

Fineman explained of the recent budget compromise bill, "the fact is, if you look at the numbers, the Democrats and the president actually gave up less in actual...

All posts from 04.25.2011 < 04.24.2011

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