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May 11, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Soldier Does 'The Carlton' Dance While Rocket Launches Behind Him (VIDEO)

First Posted: 05/ 9/11 09:29 AM ET Updated: 05/ 9/11 09:29 AM ET

This description from the YouTube video pretty much says it all:

Dancing like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air on top of a M1068 in full gear, while MLRS rockets fly behind me.

There's just something about a man in uniform busting a move on top of a mobile command center that gets us every time.



This description from the YouTube video pretty much says it all: Dancing like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air on top of a M1068 in full gear, while MLRS rockets fly behind me. There's jus...
This description from the YouTube video pretty much says it all: Dancing like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air on top of a M1068 in full gear, while MLRS rockets fly behind me. There's jus...
Filed by Carol Hartsell  |  Report Corrections
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1 hour ago (5:49 PM)
This is the kind of thing that makes me glad that I live in this country...­.coping skills, that is what we are seeing....­Americians are gifted with a sense of humor that is very necessary in times like this. Americans come from many countries to OURS to live in FREEDOM and become Americans. This IS coping with reality. I would bet that this particular soldier comes away from this horrible experience of war with his sense of humor intact and his Sanity....­.May God Bless!
Marc NL
32 minutes ago (6:29 PM)
Yes only Americans are Free.. Only Americans have a sense of humor. Only Americans fight in wars..May God only Bless America..

I could go on, but you get the idea.. I hope. :D
3 hours ago (4:30 PM)
Take this for what it is.....the insanity of who we are and what we do or maybe the planets are just in the right alignment.­.....The abnormal is now normal...T­his is what happens when the mind cannot cope with reality.
4 hours ago (3:21 PM)
Okay, we REALLY need to bring our guys home - they should be dancing on table tops inside a building, out of harm's way (unless they fall off the table!).
4 hours ago (3:20 PM)
And the rockets behind him were hitting their tagets? So people were dying while he was dancing? How is that so noble?
4 hours ago (3:25 PM)
So people were dying while the Towers were falling? And yet we made it through, with support & whatever could bring us some joy.
3 hours ago (3:40 PM)
Your remark only shows your ignorance.­ do you know it wasnt a response to being fired on...and who mentioned nobility!! He was having some fun..which he is entitled!
2 hours ago (4:44 PM)
Nobody said it was noble you ignoramus. Just a kid trying to make the best of a really bad place. Try not to take life so personal.
4 hours ago (3:16 PM)
where are those missiles going?
5 hours ago (2:20 PM)
He is standing on top of an M577 mobile communicat­ions vehicle. I did NOT know they were still in service !

Nice moves, too!
5 hours ago (2:09 PM)
Looks good from here. The boy's got moves. Awe, what a difference a little joy can make. Whatever it takes to lessen the pains of war that our soldiers have undertaken to secure our safety, I am all for. Just keep it clean. -- God bless him and God bless our soldiers.
6 hours ago (1:22 PM)
I'll bet he loves the smell of napalm in the morning!
7 hours ago (12:27 PM)
It's nice to see them having some fun...they are going through a lot over there.
8 hours ago (10:48 AM)
Glorificat­ion of war and the reducing of war to trite. Boooo.
7 hours ago (11:47 AM)
I'm pretty sure that soldier knows more about war than you ever will. He's allowed to have fun when he's putting his life on the line for his country. Can you blame him for trying to make something out of a bad situation?
7 hours ago (12:12 PM)
4 hours ago (3:17 PM)
well said! I wonder how many days months or years zoarman has spent with his life on the line.
2 hours ago (4:47 PM)
Do you really think that guy wouldn't rather be almost anywhere. If they can smile occasional­ly, in the middle of that hell hole, good for them.
9 hours ago (10:01 AM)
That's what we need more of!
All your consciousness are belong to us
10 hours ago (8:51 AM)
This guy would be a friend of mine....
11 hours ago (8:15 AM)
I would say that he could give up his day job.
11 hours ago (7:57 AM)
What a dancing machine!
Democratic Socialist Buddhist.
16 hours ago (3:04 AM)­esomeness.