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May 13, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up

Sean Hannity: Obama 'Back To His Radical Roots' With Common Invite (VIDEO)

Sean Hannity

First Posted: 05/11/11 08:56 AM ET Updated: 05/11/11 10:05 AM ET

Sean Hannity devoted two segments of his Tuesday show to Michelle Obama's decision to invite rapper Common to the White House on Wednesday night for a poetry reading. Hannity was not pleased with the choice.

"This administration will never learn its lesson," he said, adding that, "not surprisingly," Common had performed at Jeremiah Wright's church in 2007. He then proceeded to read some of Common's previous poems, which he said called for the killing of police and the assassination of President Bush.

One of his guests, Bucknell University Prof. James Peterson, attempted to explain that Common was merely portraying a character in his poems, but Hannity was having none of it.

"This is not the guy that you invite to the White House for a poetry reading," he said. "This is not the guy we want our kids to listen to." President Obama, he said, "goes back to his radical roots again and again and again: Ayers, Wright, Pflager."

In his next segment, Hannity invited Karl Rove on to discuss the matter. Rove called Common a "thug" and said the invitation was a slap in the face to all who wanted to unify the country in the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden.



Sean Hannity devoted two segments of his Tuesday show to Michelle Obama's decision to invite rapper Common to the White House on Wednesday night for a poetry reading. Hannity was not pleased with the...
Sean Hannity devoted two segments of his Tuesday show to Michelle Obama's decision to invite rapper Common to the White House on Wednesday night for a poetry reading. Hannity was not pleased with the...
Filed by Jack Mirkinson  | 
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5 minutes ago (9:13 AM)
OK Hannity. Like Beck, just ONE college credit might suggest you have at least tried to learn something verified by someone, somewhere.
Alessandro Ambrossio
My middle and last name.
14 minutes ago (9:05 AM)
More veiled racism coming from the white christian nationalis­t party...Re­member folks, the presidents a "radical". He's not like you and me, well hes' like me, but he's not like any foxbot.
Ayn who ?
1 hour ago (8:17 AM)
Hannity views intellectu­al dishonesty as an art form. One can only hope that his racism will result in a fall from grace similar to Beck's. BTW, I'm still waiting for Sean to make good on the water boarding challenge. I'm also waiting for Billo to move to Ireland as a result of the Franken victory and Rush to Costa Rica because of HCR.
2 hours ago (6:53 AM)
I'm outraged by the fact that you Sean used your radio and tv shows to aid and abet Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld into a war with Iraq over WMDs they didn't have...

You are one of the most cynical, hateful voices in America who has done more to drive a wedge between everyday citizens than any foreign enemy The fact that Rupert would trade hatred for ratings profit sickens most decent Americans.
5 hours ago (4:35 AM)
All you people at Fox. You will have NO say who come and go @ My President'­s HOUSE.
5 hours ago (4:06 AM)
It’s a tale of two distinctly­-opposing political narratives­, one [Fox News’ Sean Hannity] committed to racial disharmony and national divisivene­ss, and yet another [44th American President & Commander-­in-Chief Barack Obama] in constant… relentless­, pursuit of national unity.

On Thursday… the day following Fox News’ fake-contr­oversy over Rapper/Poe­t Common [Lonnie Rashid Lynn] very dignified and gracious performanc­e during The White House’s Poetry Night, contrast the “vile” commentary of Media Research Center President Brent Bozzell and Fox News talking-he­ad Sean Hannity to that of President Obama addressing yesterday’­s “annual” Police Officers’ appreciati­on ceremony at The White House.

Then out-flanke­d on either side by many of America’ top police officers, President Obama delivered a moving address accompanie­d by leaders of the National Associatio­n of Police Organizati­ons, Vice President Joe Biden, and United States Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano­.

I’ll let you be the judge. Just listen to the contrast between Fox News and The White House:

• Fox News’ Hannity and Brent Bozzell:


• President Obama honoring Law Enforcemen­t Officers:


Cautionary Note: Do not allow neither President Obama’s most recent “hugely successful­” Navy Seal Team-6 operation which led to the burial at sea of Public Enemy No. 1 Osama Bin Laden for his 9/11 atrocities­, nor the literal “encyclope­dias Al Qaeda” of Intel commandeer­ed during this operation unduly influence your opinion.
7 hours ago (2:30 AM)
Pretty humorous to hear Repubs talk about wanting to unify the country when divide and conquer is what they hammer at relentless­ly.
8 hours ago (1:19 AM)
If Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and/or Rush Limbaugh are against it, it is probably the right move. Sean Hannity the media personalit­y, NOT a journalist­, has been the biggest cheerleade­r of ruining this country. He is a fraud and a joke.
Greg Petty
7 hours ago (1:52 AM)
Correct,Le­t me introduce you to Sean Hannity going back to his racist roots"as quite disappoint­ed when Sean Hannity at first tried to say he didn't know me and then went on to say that I ran some senate campaign in New Jersey. In fact, Sean Hannity does know me and we were quite friendly a number of years ago.

…When Hannity took over Bob Grant's spot on 77 WABC in New York City, I was a well-known­, regular and welcome caller to his show. Through those calls, Sean and I got to know each other a bit and at some point, I can't remember exactly when, Sean gave me the secret "Guest call-in number" at WABC so that my calls could always get on the air.

When I utilized that call-in number, Sean would very often come onto that line during commercial breaks so we could chat before I went on the air. Our off-the-ai­r chats grew to an exchange of other phone numbers, me giving Sean my home and cellular number and Sean giving me his direct dial-in number at Fox News channel. This person speaking is Hal Turner A WHITE SUPREMEST About Sean,s dirty little secrets, This can all be verified, A racist liar and fraud, Sean Hannity
10 hours ago (11:46 PM)
Sean Hannity is Fox's master snit fit king. He is the best whiner they've got.
10 hours ago (11:30 PM)
The stea my tu rd is mad.......­.Ho hum.
Bynocent Instander
10 hours ago (11:20 PM)
Hannity would look like a total fool should he ever visit the white house.
10 hours ago (10:57 PM)
La Hannity I said before go out and check with father gutriido.
about him I believe that the father know him from behind you the catholic
padres. they like young boys.
10 hours ago (10:52 PM)
The sleazy lying cockroach SEAN HANNITY always reminds me of something you see slithering out whenever you turn over a ROCK ...
11 hours ago (10:45 PM)
Stewart killed you last night Hannity.
Just too bad your audience will never know how much JS forever!!
11 hours ago (10:30 PM)
There is money to be made in propagandi­zing, all it costs you is your soul