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Most of Scott's political experience was ultimately centered on being Republicans' Black best friend.
The “March for Israel” offered a resounding and bipartisan endorsement of one of America's closest allies as criticism has intensified over Israel's offensive in Gaza.
After a fight nearly broke out in the Senate, Jones offered to take it to the next level.
The actor said he wanted Perry to“Spread your wings and fly brother you’re finally free," but added, "I guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me.”
The “Late Night” comedian grilled Republican candidates in a spoof segment, and things took a turn.
"New Blue Sun" marks the OutKast artist's first full-length recording in 17 years and takes his music in a totally different direction.
The comedian also shared a not-so-hidden cry for help from the former first lady.
Hammam Alloh, a kidney doctor, kept working at Shifa Hospital as it was encircled by Israeli troops.
The leader of the House impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden bristled at a suggestion he'd been involved in a shady business deal.
The actor and comedian described 23-year-old Kai as the “most well-read, smartest” member of the family “hands down.”
David DePape testified that far-right conspiracies influenced him in his attack on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband.