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May 11, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up
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Member Since January 2009
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Coloradem's Comments

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Rangers' Sean Avery Comes Out In Support Of Marriage Equality (VIDEO)

Rangers' Sean Avery Comes Out In Support Of Marriage Equality (VIDEO)

Commented May 11, 2011 at 10:38:02 in New York

“It certainly is an American, and in the context in which it was spoken, specifical­ly a New York state, issue.”
'Good Choices' Program Promoted By Scientologist 'Simpsons' Actress Debated In Springfield

'Good Choices' Program Promoted By Scientologist 'Simpsons' Actress Debated In Springfield

Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:53:10 in Chicago

“I think there certainly should be some lessons on "good manners" for school children (Lord knows they don't seem to be getting it from their parents). Having said that, I'm not particular­ly comfortabl­e with any religious institutio­n worming their way into the schools to do it, be they Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Scientolog­ist or any other ilk...and I say that as a Christian. L Ron Hubbard may have written the book from a secular perspectiv­e, but he is/was the founder of a religion so he simply cannot remove that hat. Furthermor­e, there are numerous "good manner" training programs out there that don't come with the added religious baggage.

If Scientolog­y practition­ers want to present their program to youth, let them start a youth group or a private school.”
Rangers' Sean Avery Comes Out In Support Of Marriage Equality (VIDEO)

Rangers' Sean Avery Comes Out In Support Of Marriage Equality (VIDEO)

Commented May 10, 2011 at 18:18:36 in New York

“Todd Reynolds, who lives in Burlington­, Ontario, Canada, should keep his opinions about internal US issues to himself. Having been born in Massachuse­tts, he chose to leave this country, so he should confine his political commentary to Canadian issues.”

canpete on May 11, 2011 at 11:03:55

“perhaps we canadians have freedom of speech also......­....”

opprobrious on May 11, 2011 at 01:22:48

“Really? Same-sex marriage is an American issue? I don't agree with his opinion but your comment rivals his in ignorance.”

sunnydee07 on May 10, 2011 at 19:11:38

“He couldn't spout off about denying equal marriage rights then, because we've had legal gay marriage in Canada for quite a few years now. Happy to know he wasn't born here though - thanks for that :)”
Rush Limbaugh: 'I Still Want Obama To Fail' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh: 'I Still Want Obama To Fail' (AUDIO)

Commented May 10, 2011 at 17:32:23 in Media

“I am with Wanda Sykes...I still want Limbaugh's kidneys to fail.”
'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

Commented May 10, 2011 at 13:48:39 in Entertainment

“When did the "talent contest" become a "beauty contest"? If he was such a bad singer should perhaps the producers of the show fire a few of the preleminar­y round judges for putting him through? Or were they perhaps doing precisely what they were supposed to do and putting people through just so they could run into the buzz saw of Simon Cowell? In other words, are the preliminar­y rounds just a prime-time version of "The Jerry Springer Show"?”

tiredofthesameoldstuff on May 10, 2011 at 23:44:11

“Those are the auditions to pick people off the streets who show up to the auditions. Thousands in each city are allowed to sing in front of the judges who decide if the person is allowed to go the next round. The vast majority of people in each city fail miserably with the notable ones according to the producers shown. There are youtube collection­s of many of the most outrageous failures from auditions that were shown on tv.

Between 10-60 people in each city may go to Hollywood for the next rounds.”
'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

Commented May 10, 2011 at 10:47:51 in Entertainment

“At her initial audition, Paula and Randy voted to send her to Hollywood.­...Simon didn't.”
'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

Commented May 10, 2011 at 10:46:53 in Entertainment

“The term he used was "bush monkey"...­and I don't know of any bush monkeys that are 6 ft. tall.

If the guy couldn't sing, then why did each of the previous panels of judges keep sending him forward to appear before the (washed up) "star" judges? American Idol is not a "talent competitio­n" until they arrive in Hollywood (and then it is more of a beauty pagent/pop­ularity contest). Prior to that, the show is simply a chance to abuse individual­s. They crossed the line when they started abusing individual­s with disabiliti­es.”

tiredofthesameoldstuff on May 10, 2011 at 13:29:00

“No he used the term bush baby and the guy wasn't six feet tall.

Do you want to see the youtube video of it?
http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=5R7jSEQTX­Sk it was day two of the Seattle audition for the 2007 season

Lots of people who cannot sing are sent before the judges because what they have about thousands of people at each city event come to the screenings­.

"Jackson said the judges are continuall­y surprised at how people who should know they can’t sing show up thinking they have a chance. They should see what it takes by the people who have won before, he said."”
Paul Thomas Anderson's Scientology Movie Bought By Weinstein Company

Paul Thomas Anderson's Scientology Movie Bought By Weinstein Company

Commented May 9, 2011 at 18:08:31 in Entertainment

“Actaully, there has been studies that do seem to indicate that there is something to prayer or "focused intention"­.

'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

Commented May 9, 2011 at 12:48:57 in Entertainment

“He also didn't want to have Season One winner Kelly Clarkson advanced to Hollywood week.”

Ugonna on May 9, 2011 at 22:04:01

“its not that he didn't want her to advance, he didn't remember her, lol. But pretty early on in the top 10, he said KELLY would win, and this was when many thought Tamyra was still the frontrunne­r.”

pgurlatl on May 9, 2011 at 13:13:33

“Wow, I didn't know that. I love Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson's voices.

I guess they showed him.”
'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

'X Factor' Auditions: Audience Boos, LA Reid 'Meaner' Then Simon Cowell

Commented May 9, 2011 at 12:47:46 in Entertainment

“Then you don't recall or have selective memory to suit your preconceiv­ed idea. Cowell (and Idol) lost this viewer when he called an individual who quite obviously had a developmen­tal disability a "monkey".”

tiredofthesameoldstuff on May 9, 2011 at 21:07:22

“He said he looked like a bush baby. The guy did look like one and couldn't sing.”
Wouter Weylandt Dead: Crash Kills Cyclist (VIDEO)

Wouter Weylandt Dead: Crash Kills Cyclist (VIDEO)

Commented May 9, 2011 at 12:34:38 in Sports

“"Release"? It was already in the public domain.”
Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Commented May 9, 2011 at 10:27:01 in Politics

“In my opinion, yes, it should be legal.

Why are you so set on controllin­g other peoples' choices and how they live their lives? Is your life so perfect that you now feel compelled to manage the lives of others? ((+ +))”
Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Commented May 9, 2011 at 10:24:11 in Chicago

“They do not have the right to discrimina­te against anyone that the people of the state have decided merit protection from discrimina­tion, no....unle­ss, of course, they chose to forgo public funding. Why should LGBT taxpayers have their money used by a private agency to discrimina­te against them?”
George W. Bush Reportedly Feels Ignored In Obama 'Victory Lap' Following Osama Bin Laden's Death

George W. Bush Reportedly Feels Ignored In Obama 'Victory Lap' Following Osama Bin Laden's Death

Commented May 8, 2011 at 19:12:45 in Politics

“"I don't know where he is. Honestly, I don't spend that much time on him anymore." Shrub on OBL in 2002.”
Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Commented May 8, 2011 at 19:11:37 in Chicago

“The law does not say otherwise.­...if it did, this wouldn't be an issue. Catholic Charities does no have the right to discrimina­te in adoption placements precisely because it is a contractor with the state of Illinois..­..thus the receipt of public funds.”
George W. Bush Reportedly Feels Ignored In Obama 'Victory Lap' Following Osama Bin Laden's Death

George W. Bush Reportedly Feels Ignored In Obama 'Victory Lap' Following Osama Bin Laden's Death

Commented May 6, 2011 at 17:38:19 in Politics

“He should be ignored. Just like he ignored bin Laden while he was President.­...”

rebt on May 6, 2011 at 19:47:38

“Who was it that Bush told "okay, you've covered you @zz, now move along?" Was it Richard Clark? The man who was literally running up and down the halls of the White House conveying that Bin Laden was going to attack buildings inside the U.S. with hi jacked air liners. Google his name. Apparently he pleaded with his bosses to go on higher alert.”

Finagonow on May 6, 2011 at 18:48:11

“Sort of like Clinton turning down obl served on a silver plater”
Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Commented May 6, 2011 at 15:37:43 in Politics

“I find it backward that anyone would seek to control someone elses genitalia through the force of law.”
Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Commented May 6, 2011 at 15:35:32 in Politics

“It absolutely is capitalism­. Free enterprise at its most basic.”

JohnnyAce Okeke on May 6, 2011 at 21:23:20

“Then so is selling cocaine. Should that be legal? That doesn't harm anyone either. {{-_-}}”

absolument on May 6, 2011 at 16:50:47

“The oldest profession­, in fact.

"I'm so hungry, I'll ---- you for that hunk of mastodon meat. Ooga-booga­."”
Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Commented May 6, 2011 at 14:15:19 in Politics

“This is in the same state that just re-elected a john as their US Senator...­.I wonder if his drivers' license indicates that he is a "Sex Offender".­..”
Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Sex Crimes In New Orleans, Separate And Unequal

Commented May 6, 2011 at 14:14:02 in Politics

“What do you have against capitalism­?”

JohnnyAce Okeke on May 6, 2011 at 14:28:26

“Nothing. But this is not it. McDonald's is hiring. {{-_-}}”
Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Commented May 6, 2011 at 13:02:11 in Chicago

“If you smell a double standard then not only is your thinking not working correctly but neither is your nose.

Catholic Charities has every right to do as they wish provided the do one of two things: 1) stop receiving public funding in the form of tax breaks and government subsidies; or 2) permit their board of directors to be elected by members of the public.”
Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Commented May 6, 2011 at 11:49:08 in Chicago

“Take it up with the black birth parents who abandoned him.”

Hpotterfan77 on May 6, 2011 at 12:52:51

“Touche! ;)”
Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Commented May 6, 2011 at 11:47:41 in Chicago

“Public, state funded Universiti­es that have implemente­d such polices have done so via their elected boards. State Legislatur­es who pass concealed carry laws also forbid guns within their­y to carry your gun to go visit the Governor of Texas and see how far you get.”

SOD on May 8, 2011 at 23:09:13

“"Catholic Charities does no have the right to discrimina­­te in adoption placements precisely because it is a contractor with the state of Illinois..­­..thus the receipt of public funds."

So no discrimina­tion should be involved in adoption placement? It seems to me that adoption placement is one case in which an elevated degree of discrimina­tion is warranted.

Before you blow a gasket, keep in mind I'm speaking of discrimina­tion in the traditiona­l sense of the term, not the neutered PC sense.”

SOD on May 7, 2011 at 00:05:29

“"Catholic Charities has every right to do as they wish provided the do one of two things: 1) stop receiving public funding in the form of tax breaks and government subsidies; or 2) permit their board of directors to be elected by members of the public."

The law says otherwise.

1. You are aware that churches don't generate revenue and that all contributi­ons have already been taxed at least once, aren't you?

2. So a religious congregati­on should have it's board of directors elected by people that aren't part of the congregati­on, and thus have no vested interest in its success?”

SOD on May 6, 2011 at 12:56:01

“I smell a double standard.

It seems you are saying if the state condones or prohibits behavior for a publicly funded or tax exempt institutio­n, so be it. However, this is an opinion rejected by many people regarding the Catholic Church's position regarding homosexual­ity.”
Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Gay Adoption In Illinois: Catholic Charities Threatens To Turn Away Gay Couples

Commented May 6, 2011 at 11:24:34 in Chicago

“Gay Christian here. And just curious, nowhere in the Bible did Christ turn anyone away....wh­y do you feel compelled to? Seems a bit un-Christ-­like to me....”
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