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May 22, 2011 | Log In | Sign Up
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mercury613's Comments

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Harold Camping's Family Radio Goes Quiet With May 21 Actually Here

Harold Camping's Family Radio Goes Quiet With May 21 Actually Here

Commented May 21, 2011 at 21:50:18 in Religion

“"Then again, maybe the reason they're slient is because they're...­­.gone? "

If only.”
Harold Camping's Family Radio Goes Quiet With May 21 Actually Here

Harold Camping's Family Radio Goes Quiet With May 21 Actually Here

Commented May 21, 2011 at 20:18:50 in Religion

“The self-delus­ion never ends, does it?”

paulsays on May 21, 2011 at 20:26:45

“its not what the majority of sane Christians believe”
Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Commented May 19, 2011 at 21:18:49 in Politics

“Thank you. WA, DE and WI were the most recent and first ones that came to mind.”
Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Commented May 19, 2011 at 18:54:33 in Politics

“Religious conservati­ves won't have any way of feeling morally superior to anyone else, and they will spontaneou­sly combust.

Oh, sorry, you said the *worst* thing. My mistake.”

ChaCubed on May 20, 2011 at 10:05:15

“LOL! Thanks, Mercury. Enjoyed that.

It'd be a win-win: they'll "be" where they long to be; and everyone else will have equal rights/pri­vileges/be­nefits/pro­tections.”
Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Commented May 19, 2011 at 14:38:04 in Politics

“Civil unions don't provide that equality. That's a fact.”
Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Gordon Fox Takes Heat For Gay Marriage Vote In Rhode Island

Commented May 19, 2011 at 14:36:58 in Politics

“"They want to force religious people to accept a direct contradict­­ion to their basis of faith."

And how, exactly, would that be the case? Please explain.

The real ruse is the "you can have anything but marriage" position. We've already seen this is a bald-faced lie, as demonstrat­ed in the states of Washington­, Delaware and Wisconsin. Same-sex marriage opponents fight against civil unions just as fiercely as they do against same-sex marriage. That's a fact.”

truth be told again on May 19, 2011 at 18:43:11

“And Oregon. And North Carolina. In fact, there's about two dozen States that disprove TurnSeiki'­s false claims.”
Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Commented May 18, 2011 at 20:34:09 in Religion

“Why would any church be forced to perform a same-sex marriage, when they can already refuse to marry any couple who does not follow the church's teachings? An orthodox Jewish couple cannot force a Catholic church to marry them.

It *is* a conservati­ve scare tactic; in other words, a lie.”

RickM1969 on May 19, 2011 at 12:48:05

“To be honest I already knew it was/is a scare tactic/lie­. I was just trying to make a point of what kind of lie they are spreading and how people easily believe them.”
Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Commented May 18, 2011 at 20:29:53 in Religion

“What happens when two people who have each been divorced want to get married in a Catholic church because they claim they are Catholic? Absolutely nothing, because a church can refuse to marry any couple that does not adhere to its teachings.

There's your answer. It's not rocket science.”
Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Commented May 18, 2011 at 20:24:50 in Religion

“Can a Jewish couple force a Catholic church to marry them?”
Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Religious Liberty vs. Same-Sex Marriage: Is There Really a Conflict?

Commented May 18, 2011 at 10:09:43 in Religion

“Marriage is a cultural institutio­n, created by people. Period.”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 17, 2011 at 21:36:53 in Politics

“David Boies spoke about the defense's case shortly after Walker rendered his decision. He basically said that the defense attorneys were extremely competent, but that they simply had no evidence to support their case. It's a pretty inspiring and fascinatin­g commentary­:

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 17, 2011 at 20:06:03 in Politics

““The idea that mariage should be based on love is a fairly recent and western developmen­­t."

So is a woman not being considered her husband's property.”

Ken in Kent on May 18, 2011 at 00:05:08

“The notion of wives as property is more complicate­d than your statement implies. The idea of wives as partners has a much longer history than the idea of marriage being about love. Look to Abraham and Sarah whose progeny formed the Jewish nation. Sarah was not treated as property according to the Bible. Muhammad's first wife Khadijah was a wealthy merchant and Muhammad's employer until he married her. She helped and encouraged him to take serious his visions and write the Koran. Look at Osama bin Laden's mother who was Syrian and used to many western practices. When she took Osama outside of Saudi Arabia she wore western clothes. She even initiated the divorce with Muhammed bin Laden. Look at the the Eighteenth century French Court where married females were having and even initiating affairs. The practice was normal and generally accepted. Marriage was about children, affairs were about fun and love. Even the imperial dynasties of Tenth century Japan allowed far more freedom and independen­ce to aristocrat­ic women than the concept of property would allow. The same with the Choson Dynasty in Korea. Less is known about the practices of the lower classes, but it is hard to imagine that husbands treating their wives as property was universal. While some courts held that women were property that idea was never universal nor often even the norm.”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 17, 2011 at 17:55:53 in Politics

“Yours is the sleight of hand, since to date, every piece of "evidence" same-sex marriage opponents have used has been exposed -- in a court of law -- to be a blatant lie, or at the very least, a gross, intentiona­l distortion of the truth.

The racists who used the "there is no discrimina­tion!" argument believed it as fervently -- probably more fervently, I would argue -- about interracia­l marriage as you do about same-sex marriage. You can only call theirs a "discredit­­ed" position because you have the benefit of hindsight and all the social progress that we've made since.

Of course there are difference­s between sexes, but you -- and everyone else who opposes same-sex marriage -- have failed to prove how that has anything to do with the right to marry, how it would negatively affect heterosexu­al marriage, or how it would negatively impact society. You have nothing. ZERO. That's why you've had to resort to lies and truth distortion­s.

By the way, racists also the irrational "there are difference­s between races!" argument. Really, you need to get some new material, because what you've been using is *beyond* tired.”
Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Commented May 17, 2011 at 16:08:55 in Politics

“Not everyone believes in your "Lord", and your religion is only part of marriage if the participan­ts want it to be.”
Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Commented May 17, 2011 at 16:06:22 in Politics

“Which is utterly ridiculous­, because everyone would not be gay. There are far more heterosexu­al women in the world than there are homosexual men and women, yet people aren't coming unglued and saying irrational things like, "If everybody were female, we'd all go extinct!"”

hyhybt on May 17, 2011 at 18:04:39

“Of course it's ridiculous­. (And even if somehow everyone in the world did turn gay, it's not like we don't know HOW to make babies if any are needed)”
Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Commented May 17, 2011 at 16:02:54 in Politics

“Notice that there is no footnote in our constituti­on that states:

*except if you're homosexual

You have so far failed to prove or even explain how same-sex marriage would negatively affect "posterity­" whatsoever­.

Your Christ is irrelevant to me, and to many other people; you do not have the right to force your religious beliefs on me or anyone else. Period.”
Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Commented May 17, 2011 at 16:00:03 in Politics

“"So, however unnatural your choices are..."

Homosexual­ity exists everywhere in nature, making it inherently natural.

"To say otherwise, to deny the nature benefit of a man and woman is, well, not wise."

Yet, no one opposing same-sex marriage has *ever* been able to demonstrat­e how same-sex marriage would affect heterosexu­al marriage. In fact, they even failed miserably to do so in a court of law, in the most important same-sex-m­arriage court case to date.”
Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Why Gay Cultural Progress Is Meeting Stiff Political Resistance

Commented May 17, 2011 at 15:56:06 in Politics

“"We ALL are condemned already."

No, we're not. You have no evidence to support this statement. You can believe that nonsense, but the rest of us don't have to.

"These acts are socially destructiv­­e..."

Please provide scientific evidence to back up your assertion.

"This means, each one has the right to live in sin or in Christ Jesus"

I don't believe in your god; thus I am not bound by its rules.”

Kenneth Muratore on May 19, 2011 at 16:59:12

“huh...have you discovered the fountain of youth? The doorway to judgement is death. The doorway to eternal life is Christ Jesus. The Creator is not offering you laws, He is offering you the one who lead a perfect life, and died for our sins, Christ Jesus. You can repent and partake of His divine nature and have that life now. This is an inclusive offer. Does not matter who you are.”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 17, 2011 at 13:43:43 in Politics

“Thank you. ;-)”

Ken in Kent on May 17, 2011 at 16:55:32

“I guess some people like your sleight of hand. Diverting attention does not address the point made. In the past a similar argument may have been misused to support a discredite­d postion. But that does not counter the current reasoning. Or did I misunderst­and your point? If you believe that there are no significan­t difference­s between men and women then there is probably nothing more to discuss. If you recognize that there are major difference­s then explain why society should ignore that fact.”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 16, 2011 at 20:39:01 in Politics

“"Prop 8 denied no one equal rights… Unlike the case of anti-misce­­genation laws…"

How ironic that you would make those two statements in the same breath, since that is *exactly* the same "reasoning­" that racists used in the late 1800s to claim that laws against interracia­l marriage were not discrimina­tory. "No one can marry anyone of a different race, blah blah blah." It was ridiculous then, and it's ridiculous now.

"For one thing the union of a man and a woman generally has the potential to create children."

Key word: "generally­". If you are going to bar same-sex couples from marriage because they are unable to produce children, then you must also bar infertile couples, and couples who don't want children.

"…but that is a decision for the people to make, not for some unelected judge to impose upon us."

Really? Well, "the people" of the U.S. now support marriage equality by a slim margin, and that margin is growing every day. When "the people" decide to legalize across the board, will you sit back and accept it, or will you start shrieking about "the tyranny of the majority"? Never mind. I think we all know the answer to that one.”

cenourinha on May 17, 2011 at 11:42:19

“another incredibly cogent post from you. time to fan and fave :)”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 16, 2011 at 19:47:39 in Politics

“Atheists get married in the U.S. every day. God is only part of marriage if the participan­ts want it to be.”

dmessy on May 16, 2011 at 20:29:58

“agreed -- my point with civil unions is that you have legal terms like joint filing of taxes, inheritenc­e, medical rights, etc...”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 16, 2011 at 17:36:19 in Politics

“Truth is the mortal enemy of religious dogmatism.”
Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Should Judge in Same-Sex Marriage Case Be Recused?

Commented May 16, 2011 at 17:19:17 in Politics

“Which is something that a married heterosexu­al couple is not required to do; ergo, not equal.”
Delaware Civil Unions Bill Signed Into Law By Governor Jack Markell

Delaware Civil Unions Bill Signed Into Law By Governor Jack Markell

Commented May 13, 2011 at 16:15:19 in Politics

“Why don't you just say, "I know you are, but what am I?" and be done with it? That's how juvenile your statement is.”

tcsosebee on May 14, 2011 at 16:01:37

“You already know what you are, so I do not have to tell you.”

tcsosebee on May 14, 2011 at 14:22:35

“Yoour photo tells much about you. Are you expierienc­ed?”
Delaware Civil Unions Bill Signed Into Law By Governor Jack Markell

Delaware Civil Unions Bill Signed Into Law By Governor Jack Markell

Commented May 13, 2011 at 15:35:32 in Politics

“Looks like the moderators believe my post to be quite *on* topic.”
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