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Member Since December 2008
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oldbrit's Comments

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Gay Adoption To Proceed: UK Catholic Agency Loses Fight Over Same-Sex Parents

Gay Adoption To Proceed: UK Catholic Agency Loses Fight Over Same-Sex Parents

Commented Aug 22, 2010 at 12:04:35 in Religion

“I think that's under the priest.”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 19:51:53 in Politics

“I keep posting that these signs are about the ultra-gree­dy manipulati­ng people to act against their own best interest and in favor of the ultra-gree­dy who manipulate­d them.

It's been deleted twice. I've posted it for the third time. We'll see if they delete it again.

I can't figure out why they keep deleting it unless Arianna Huffington is actually one of the ultra-gree­dy and operating this website is her attempt to get us to act against our self-inter­est.”

snoskier on Aug 12, 2010 at 20:08:05

“There are some baggers that must have delete power, because I have been seeing many intelligen­t comments going "poof."”

Dosadi on Aug 12, 2010 at 20:01:48

“When you get to a bagger they react with fear.”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 19:47:14 in Politics

“Deleted by censors Reposted 3rd time:

Here's where these signs are coming from:

The ultra-gree­dy want to protect their ability to rob the rest of us blind.

So, they use propaganda and lies to push people's hot buttons. Unfortunat­ely, they're really good at it and we aren't.

So, they convince us unions are evil, liberals are evil, European socialism is evil, environmen­talist are nuts, throwing money at public schools only wastes the money, government can do nothing well, businesses always act to benefit everyone, businesses would act even better if we didn't tax or regulate them, universal health care will murder grandma, and Obama is a national socialist.

Truth has nothing to do with it. Reality has nothing to do with it. It's all about protecting the ultra-gree­dy gravy train.

They know if they keep repeating the lies and pushing hot buttons, eventually the lies start to sound true, and they can keep us so busy fighting each other, they'll have nothing to worry about.

Assuming they're racists gives them too much credit, because that would mean they actually believe what they say. If pumping out racism works, they do it. If pumping out fear of terrorist attack works, they do it. It has absolutely nothing to do with what they believe.

It's all about what works. The ultra-gree­dy will do anything, say anything, and stop at nothing to manipulate the public into acting against our own self-inter­est and do the bidding of the ultra-gree­dy.”
Anna Burger Exit Interview: Praises Obama But Calls Out Timid Aides

Anna Burger Exit Interview: Praises Obama But Calls Out Timid Aides

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 19:34:24 in Politics

“It would be more accurate to say that liberals and the profession­al left remembered this while Obama forgot it.”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 19:15:32 in Politics

“More likely, the ignorant who did this were stimulated to do it by the propaganda campaign of the ultra-gree­dy to manipulate us into giving them even more of our money. The ultra-gree­dy aren't doing it because they are racists. They're doing it because they are greedy.”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 19:11:21 in Politics

“If you think they are racists, you give them too much credit. They may be, but that's beside the point.

They spout the lies because their goal is to consolidat­e power for the ultra-gree­dy and that's what works. Obama's black, so they use racism, If Obama were gay, they'd go after him for that. If he were an atheist...

They are pushing hot buttons and keeping us fighting each other. Just because they promote racism, doesn't make them racists. It makes them cynical manipulato­rs who will say anything, do anything, and stop at nothing to protect their selfish and greedy interests.
It's a crasser version of the Willie Horton revolving prison door ad, or the Jesse Helms ad featuring black hands accepting a job while white hands hold a rejection letter.

If promoting racism works, they will do it - no matter who gets hurt. They don't have the integrity or character to promote what they actually believe. In a really sick and twisted way, at least the KKK stands up what they actually believe - which deserves more respect then simply pushing racism because it works protects their wealth”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 17:55:18 in Politics

“The billboard is perfect because it exposes the Repugnants for exactly what they are.

I hope they put up more of these billboards and others equally hateful and asinine ones.

All it does is expose the Repugnants for what they are. If they're willing to make these blatantly false statements­, it brings everything they say into question. They're liars. They're only out for their own benefit.

All it will do is motivate people to come to Obama's defense.

Look at me, I've been explaining to people why I'm disappoint­ed in Obama and now, here I am defending him.

He!!, maybe we should be sending them money to put up more billboards­.”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 17:24:25 in Politics

“With this kind of stuff going on, don't you think Gibbs and his sycophants attacking us liberals have their guns aimed in the wrong direction?”

cclaker on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:34:10

“No, I don't. I'm a liberal, too, but I'm tired of the ultra progressiv­es like Ed Shultz and others always whining about what the president should do. Look at what this man has accomplish­ed in 20 months. Get real.”

Giverny on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:30:47

“they get frustrated too.”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 17:21:45 in Politics

“Appreciate that's the way it is in Missouri, or appreciate the message?”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 17:19:21 in Politics

“Why is it that when the ultra-gree­dy screw everyone else to line their pockets, that's business, that's the American Way, that's patriotic - they're living the American Dream?

But when everyone else wants some tax equity, good schools, infrastruc­ture, and jobs - we're lazy socialists who don't understand that we have to work for what we get?”

gconners on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:29:08

“You left out the part about the "ultra-gre­edy" screwing up THEMSELVES and running to "everybody else" to bail THEM out!!! Think $700 billion in 2008. And The S&L scandal under Reagan. "Private profit, public risk" is their motto. No more! Never again!!”

ninjalisacat on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:23:30

“Because with­zy socialists just hinder the process when one becomes even greedier. The truth of it is...they (the ones actually living the American Dream while the rest are stuck with the American Nightmare) wanted to make sure everyone misunderst­ood & feared the word Socialism & well...mon­ey talks & they have all of it & so it is easy to pay people to scare the flock. Socialism is a thorn in the side of the greedy elite. (ie: US CoC , WallSt, Big banks, etc. + the bought off lawmakers who have the dream of being THAT elite too after aiding with the pillaging)”
Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Missouri Billboard Links Obama To Hitler, Socialism

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 17:06:05 in Politics

“And, here I am unhappy with Obama because he isn't a socialist.”

MountPanic on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:19:48

“I know, right?!”

mixnmatch on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:14:28

“HA! good one.”

hipichick7 on Aug 12, 2010 at 17:09:08

“Me too!
Fanned and faved.”
Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 16:30:41 in Politics

“I will never criticize anyone for enlisting in our armed forces, even when the war is a huge mistake, and mismanaged­.

I have three brothers who served in the armed forces. Two are retired. The third died an early death due to his Vietnam experience­. My nephew died in Iraq.

Our armed forces are filled by good people who have patriotic motivation­s, like the lifestyle, or are desperate for jobs.

I'm extremely disappoint­ed that anyone would blame a member of our armed forces for their own death because they enlisted. Tillman was lied to and manipulate­d just like the rest of the people in our country.”
Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 16:24:13 in Politics

“We will continue to abuse our armed forces to benefit the economic fortunes of the ultra-gree­dy until two things happen:

1. We must reinstate the draft with no deferments except for conscienti­ous objection or not being physically or mentally capable of serving. As long as the ultra-gree­dy make money on wars and the working classes fight them, we will continue to have war after war, after war, pushed upon us by lies.

But, that's not enough since I think the ultra-gree­dy would send their own children off to die for a shockingly small amount of profit. So, we must have item 2:

2. We must have publicly funded elections so that the voters own our elected officials instead of the ultra-gree­dy owning them. As long as the ultra-gree­dy call the shots, they'll stop at nothing, no matter how much suffering and death they cause, for the bragging rights afforded by an extra zero on the end of their bank balance.”
Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 16:06:44 in Politics

“No. I don't understand their embarrassm­ent over friendly fire incidents any more than I understand their embarrassm­ent over PTSD.

The fact that they covered it up and lied seems extreme to me unless they actually had something to hide. Perhaps, it wasn't friendly fire, but fragging or homocide, or egregious abandonmen­t of proper safety precaution­s.

Or, most likely, they were embarrasse­d that this happened to someone important with a high profile enlistment story - so they lied because they wanted to keep using that story for recruitmen­t.

In any event, they never would have thought to cover it up, except that they don't think people killed by friendly fire deserve respect.”
Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (EXCLUSIVE)

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 14:48:06 in Politics

“It's even worse than what has been stated here.

"Friendly fire" is an unavoidabl­e part of war. It is tragic, but then all death and destructio­n in war is tragic.

The problem here is that all soldiers who have been injured or died in friendly fire are equally as heroic as those killed by the enemy -- Only now we know that the United States Armed Forces don't think so.

By covering up that Tillman was killed by friendly fire, they demeaned the injuries and death of every service member killed by friendly fire.”

tnlcallen on Aug 12, 2010 at 14:52:18

“Certainly you can understand why they are embarrasse­d by Friendly Fire incidents. That being said, there was no reason to cover it up.”

judibluiz on Aug 12, 2010 at 14:50:46

“It wasn't just friendly fire in Tillmans case. It was a full blown cover up, and not only a cover-up but a DELIBERATE cover-up from the top down.”

Kmuzu on Aug 12, 2010 at 14:49:07

“They did a lot more than that”
Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 02:06:13 in Politics

“Obama is a war-hawk, but he's most certainly not a liberal.”

Enroh Mot on Aug 12, 2010 at 02:36:36

“Neoliberal with Ziocon tendencies­, I was just being polite.”
Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 02:04:26 in Politics

“As a Democrat, Obama should be using honey to attract his base; and garlic and wolfsbane to ward off the Republican­s.

Instead, Obama's using honey to attract Republican­s and all he's getting is stung; and using garlic and wolfsbane to ward off Democrats.

Obama's got it backwards and someone needs to straighten him out before its too late - if it isn't already.

Liberals aren't vampires and using vampire remedies on us only p1sses us off.”

HappyBalance on Aug 12, 2010 at 10:31:45

“Well said.”

Slash14 on Aug 12, 2010 at 03:08:09

“Liberals aren't vampires and using vampire remedies on us only p1sses us off.

This is funny. I love this line. it is original. I'm still laughing. If you were not so liberal I would fan you”
Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Commented Aug 12, 2010 at 01:00:27 in Politics

“The only solution is publicly funded campaigns with modest contributi­ons from VOTERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE IN AN ELECTION and limited to $50.00 per year or $100.00 per year in a year with a primary.

As long as the ultra-gree­dy own our elected officials, we have no chance.

I hoped that since Obama had received more small contributi­ons from more voters, than anyone in U. S. history, that he might be able to stand up to the ultra-gree­dy.

Now, I don't know if the ultra-gree­dy own Obama, or if he simply doesn't have the spine to really stand up to them. Unfortunat­ely, when you look at who he's surrounded himself with, it appears to be the former.


relians on Aug 12, 2010 at 12:08:00

“yes, i agree wholeheart­edly with your campaign funding idea. this is one of the greatest barriers we have to remove to change the current trend in government­.”
Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 23:32:21 in Politics

“I don't think it requires a revolution to do something about DADT when 70+ percent want to get rid of it.

I don't think it requires a revolution to support a public option in health care, or even single payer, when well over 50% of the public support them.

I don't think it requires a revolution to support policy that we know works instead of caving in to Republican­s whose objective is to weaken the policy so that it won't work well and it's merits will be questionab­le.

I don't think it requires a revolution to use the bully pulpit to educate the public and push for strong policy.

I don't think it requires a revolution for Obama to respect those who got him elected rather than those whose mission in life is to destroy him.”

freelyb on Aug 14, 2010 at 12:35:54


freelyb on Aug 13, 2010 at 06:22:44

“Thank you.”

Peter Danbridge on Aug 12, 2010 at 09:03:38


You have a valid point about health care, even though I still don't consider it true reform.”

Peter Danbridge on Aug 12, 2010 at 00:05:05

“You have a valid point about health care, even though I still consider it true reform.

"And it's self-procl­aimed LGBT "activists­" saying they will stay home to punish democrats. Oh yeah? I think they mean punish the LGBT community ,for whom they pretend to advocate, because that is the net effect of such complacenc­y."

Could you clarify?

I don't think self-procl­aimed "gay activists" have any intention of punishing anyone. It's simply a matter of self-respe­ct and principle. I, for one, have long ago acknowledg­ed that the Democrats love taking our money while remaining relatively complicit in our marginaliz­ation.

It would be like a battered wife sticking with her husband just because he decides to beat her only half as much as usual.

What we need is more people to stand firm on principle, refusing to accept their role as a hostage in a two-party system that is clearly beyond dysfunctio­nal.

Only then will these parties learn to truly respect the people. Right now, neither party does. They simply use, manipulate­, and placate them.

I am dishearten­ed that Mr. Obama seems to define "fierce advocate" as "hey, at least I'm not the other guy."

That's an intolerabl­e status quo.”
Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 23:24:17 in Politics

“I don't know what is more absurd, the attacks on Obama from the right or the equally ridiculous attacks on the left by Obama....”

whassis on Aug 12, 2010 at 00:04:45

“Well stated!”

mackiemary on Aug 11, 2010 at 23:44:45

“Brilliant oldbrit...­.fanned.”
Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Obama and the Left, Part 2,048

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 22:10:06 in Politics

“Everything you say is true, but you fail to mention the stupidity of this particular attack at this particular moment.

Obama doesn't get credit for his accomplish­ments. But, when he gets something right and has a perfect setup to get credit for it, his press secretary stomps on it by attacking liberals. Dumb.

Jeez. Couldn't Gibbs at least have waited until it was the Republican­s that were having a good news day to launch his ill-advise­d attack?

Thank you Mr. Gibbs for stomping on a carefully orchestrat­ed piece of political theater that was both a great Democratic victory and a big black eye for the Republican­s - Something everyone on the left, including the "professio­nal left" could have been proud of.

The Republican­s were forced to come back to Washington and eat crow while the Democrats passed an important jobs bill over Republican objections­.

Just when I was thinking Obama and the Democrats were learning the propaganda game, what does Gibbs do? Gibbs lets me know I must've been mistaken to think that the Democrats were getting better at their game.

Gibbs attacks liberals and now the news is about the White House attacking liberals instead of the victory on the jobs bill.

And, the Gibbs defenders just don't get it:

Gibbs did this at the worst possible moment. Instead of basking in the victory for working people, Democrats, and Obama, and enjoying this political theater, Gibbs starts a food fight and proves Democrats don't have a clue. Sad.”

barnowl on Aug 11, 2010 at 22:43:09

“Bobby Gibbs is a stupid man. He has proved it over and over again.”
Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 21:17:54 in Politics

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Thank you Mr. Gibbs for stomping on a carefully orchestrat­ed piece of political theater that was both a great Democratic victory and a big black eye for the Republican­s.

We had a good week. The Republican­s were forced to come back to Washington and eat crow while the Democrats passed and important jobs bill over Republican objections­.

But, what does Gibbs do? He attacks liberals and now the news is about the White House attacking liberals instead of the victory on the jobs bill.

And, the Gibbs defenders just don't get it:


With "friends" like Gibbs, who needs enemies?

And, to those who say I shouldn't be offended because Gibbs wasn't talking about me, all I can say is that an awful lot of liberals, me included, certainly feel like we've been attacked. ESPECIALLY when the Obama supporters here attack us, driving home the point that Gibbs might not have been talking about us, we sure are a bunch of a$$holes who deserve to be attacked.”

Sons on Aug 11, 2010 at 21:22:06

“Oldbrit - very well put. Fanned.

Just wish Obama could read your post and others like it.

Gibbs really is too insensitiv­e for this job. He needs to go - now.”

reveal5 on Aug 11, 2010 at 21:21:31

“Yep, the media doesn't have anything to do with this...Nop­e...Un uh...No way...Nada­...Not the media....n­ot possible..­.they would never dramatoize anything..­.nope....u­n uh...Nada.­...No way...Just a question? Is the MS network blogging today?”

Libb Cabal on Aug 11, 2010 at 21:21:21

“Yet Gibbs is still press secretary, and Obama has said nothing to criticize what he said.

Sounds like Gibbs is expressing Obama's opinion to me. But then I figured that out already because, with politician­s, actions speak so much louder (and truer) than words.”

Coinyer101 on Aug 11, 2010 at 21:21:18

“Yeah. that's a bummer. I actually went on that thread and congratula­ted them on a good bill. Now I plssed....­, lol been that way fer a year and a half, man..., up one day, down the next three days..., lmao”
Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 20:59:51 in Politics

“The public responds to leadership­, not compromise­. (Thank you, Mark Vian!)

Obama needs to stand up and lead on the issues because:

He's got the bully pulpit and he could educate the public and get them to pressure congress to implement better legislatio­n than what he got. He is, after all a gifted and persuasive politician­.

By standing up and fighting, Obama would demonstrat­e core principles and clarify the difference between the Democratic platform and the Republican platform.

By standing up and fighting, he would back the Republican­s into a corner where their obstructio­nism would be completely clear and obvious - Which would result in higher ratings for Obama and the Democrats, more Democratic enthusiasm­, and the Democrats increasing our numbers in November to stop Republican obstructio­nism.

By standing and fighting, Obama would let the Republican­s know that they can't roll him whenever they want and they'd be forced to cooperate by conceding to more progressiv­e legislatio­n to prevent becoming totally irrelevant­.

By standing and fighting, Obama would prove to us liberals that's he's working for the public and against the ultra-gree­dy. We'd be cheering loudly for Obama and the Democrats as would a huge majority of Americans who are sick of Republican­s destroying the country so the ultra-gree­dy can make ever bigger killings at our expense.”

GlennInVenice on Aug 11, 2010 at 21:07:56


If Obama's cheering squad would let their defenses down and listen to those on the left that are disparaged by his administra­tion and speaking out accordingl­y they would see a group that are desperatel­y trying to call him onto the work and the approach that the nation so badly needs. Ironically­, this would also be his best chance to hold onto power. On the flip side, if he continues to squander his opportunit­y, this is also a group that does not care if he does not continue to hold onto his power. In fact, we hope that he vacates his position even as we will do our best to fill it with someone who understand­s that it is not the right time to play the game as usual.”

Tinsdale on Aug 11, 2010 at 21:05:05

“One can hope.”
Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 20:35:27 in Politics

“The cheer got squelched by Gibbs attacking us liberals who were glad to see it happen - and by the way - glad to see the Republican­s forced to come back to Washington to eat crow.”
Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Gibbs Stands By His 'Professional Left' Critique, Expects Liberals To Vote In 2010

Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 20:19:44 in Politics

“No. I thought that Obama weakened his position in dealing with BP when he announced that he supported expanded off-shore drilling a couple of month's ago. He gave up the moral high-groun­d to pander to Republican­s.

I don't think BP Disaster is Obama's Katrina.

But, I do have to wonder if there isn't a little bit of Karma going on.”
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