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Chicago Cubs Tell LGBT Youth "It Gets Better" (VIDEO)

Cubs It Gets Better

First Posted: 06/20/11 01:43 PM ET Updated: 06/20/11 01:43 PM ET

Following in the footsteps of the San Francisco Giants, the Chicago Cubs Monday became the second professional sports team to join the "It Gets Better" YouTube video campaign, a project intended to raise awareness of and call for an end to anti-LGBT bullying and harassment.

The minute-long video (embedded below) features team manager Mike Quade, first base coach Bob Dernier, starting pitcher Ryan Dempster, outfielder Marlon Byrd and second baseman Darwin Barney offering their messages of support for LGBT youth just short of a week before the city's Pride weekend kicks off.

"Hatred, bigotry and intolerance have no place in this world," Dempster said.

In the video, co-owner Laura Ricketts, who in 2009 became the first openly LGBT owner of a professional sports team, said: "We know it can get really tough. I've been there. So many of us have been there. And we can promise you, it does get better."

Last year, the Cubs participated for the first time in the city's Pride Parade as Ricketts and Mr. Cub himself, Ernie Banks, appeared on their float entry. The team also hosts an annual "Pride Day" at Wrigley Field and has donated to many organizations who support the LGBT community, including the Center on Halsted and AIDS Foundation of Chicago, according to the team's press release announcing the video's creation.

The It Gets Better Project was launched in September 2010 by former Chicagoan sex columnist Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller in response to a string of suicides of teenagers who either identified as or were perceived as being gay. Since the project launched, it has attracted many A-list contributors, including President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and many of the nation's leading corporations.

Wrote Savage of the Cubs' new video Monday: "[W]hat really got me was seeing the Cubs' iconic Clark Street flashing 'IT GETS BETTER.' I probably rode my bike and the bus past that Cubs sign about 100,000 times when I was a teenager living on the North Side of Chicago struggling with when and how to come out to my family ... Going to Cubs games as an adult and splitting your time between watching the game—which you've developed an appreciation for—and checking out the shirtless guys in the bleachers: Just one of the many ways that it gets better."

Story continues below

The Boston Red Sox and Seattle Mariners; who both, like the Cubs and Giants, were petitioned via to join the campaign; have also also announced plans to create "It Gets Better" videos.


Following in the footsteps of the San Francisco Giants, the Chicago Cubs Monday became the second professional sports team to join the "It Gets Better" YouTube video campaign, a project intended to ra...
Following in the footsteps of the San Francisco Giants, the Chicago Cubs Monday became the second professional sports team to join the "It Gets Better" YouTube video campaign, a project intended to ra...
become 2nd pro sports team in country to join the 'It Gets Better' campaign.
It gets better... but not for the Cubs -- North Siders release LGBT public service vid -
Have you seen the Cubs 'It Gets Better' video? It premiered yesterday. Let us know what you think.
Chicago Cubs release It Gets Better video:
2 days ago from web
Filed by Joseph Erbentraut  | 
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0 minute ago (10:50 PM)
To me, the It Gets Better thing goes beyond gay people, but anyone who is different. Be it race, sexual orientatio­n, religion, style, opinion, or just plain old appearance­, no one should have to go through bullying. I know, I was bullied myself.
11 hours ago (11:44 AM)
Great article. Bravo to all of the MLB teams who are embarking on a journey to help youth and adults that bullying is not and should not be something that should be tolerated! In our book, "When Your Child Is Being Bullied: Real Solutions,­" we offer victims and families real solutions that work to stop bullying and further, we offer a step by step guide for parents and educators to work together to build an anti-bully­ing program in schools when funding is not available. See solutionsf­orbullying­.com.
10:30 PM on 6/20/2011
Too bad the Cubs owner gives thousands to candidates who hate gays.
10:18 PM on 6/20/2011
Thank you, Cubs!
09:21 PM on 6/20/2011
Nice effort by the Cubs. In fact, the only nice effort the Cubs have had all year!
08:51 PM on 6/20/2011
No. It doesn't really get better.
10:15 PM on 6/20/2011
I am sorry for you, but for so many of us, it does truly get better.
Un-Holy Cow!
14 hours ago (8:56 AM)
I, too, feel sorry for you. It really did get much better for me. Why not look at the ways in which it hasn't gotten better for you and work to make some changes? Perhaps moving to a not so crooked county might be a good start.
Peace is its own reward.
07:41 PM on 6/20/2011
It makes me so happy to see major league sport teams taking part in this campaign. There's so much homophobia generated by the idea of "machismo"­, which is very common in sports. Seeing athletes speak out against hatred like this sends the message that accepting others regardless of sexuality does NOT reduce one's "manliness­" or heterosexu­ality. Thanks, Cubs!
My brain hurts.
06:27 PM on 6/20/2011
Be patient, in the big picture, a century is not that long.
If you can pitch, you can catch.
06:16 PM on 6/20/2011
The real message is to support youth, and save lives. If these campaigns make the difference in a persons life, then it is worth the effort to tell the youth, that it gets better. Cheers!
06:14 PM on 6/20/2011
Go Cubbies!
Socialist, veteran, pagan, nerd
06:09 PM on 6/20/2011
Love the Cubs
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro- HST
06:06 PM on 6/20/2011
If you are a Cubs fan, it never ever ever gets better. Not even Piniella could turn that club around.
John Crane
05:56 PM on 6/20/2011
It does get better, but it gets better even faster when you realize that not everybody is going to love you, accept you, agree with you, or want to be your friend. Unfortunat­ely, it's true for anybody who is seen as "not normal", and even those people who are considered "normal", though I've never met a "normal" person, and the sooner in your life your understand this, the happier you are going to be.
geoffrey s
Another Progressive from Texas ...
06:03 PM on 6/20/2011
I was in my mid-twenti­es before I learned that particular lesson ... well at least that I don't need to seek the approval of everyone but instead seek out those who freely give it. But, just getting out my my high school and my small town and out into the world made things immensely better ....
Peace is its own reward.
07:36 PM on 6/20/2011
I don't think any LGTB teen or kid is expecting everyone to accept them, but when the number of people that seem to hate you outweighs the number who support you and accept you, it's very difficult to deal with.
13 hours ago (9:25 AM)
Even more difficult when all you hear from sensationa­lized media outlets is the negativity­, fear-monge­ring and hatred toward LGBT community.
05:40 PM on 6/20/2011
Any life long Cub's fan will probably tell you.....
It Doesn't Get Any Better
Socialist, veteran, pagan, nerd
06:11 PM on 6/20/2011
Going to a Cubs game isn't about winning, it's about the experience­. Any life long Cubs fan can tell you that.

I remember when I was a kid, I went to a game, we lost, everyone was feeling bad, but the stars still came out back and signed autographs for the kids who were their fans. Got my handmade poster signed by Sammy Sosa, Mark Grace, and a couple others.

If you're there for your fans, win or lose, then your fans will be there for you win or lose.
Thunder Chicken
It's not rocket surgery...
06:15 PM on 6/20/2011
"Going to a Cubs game isn't about winning, it's about the experience­­."

Sorry, but as a Cardinals fan I couldn't help but giggle at that comment.
09:24 PM on 6/20/2011
As a life long Cubs fan, I can say that I have had it up to my eyeballs with losing many years ago! The Cubs are an awful organizati­on, and Ricketts is only going to add to the problem!
I eat micro-bio with milk.
05:38 PM on 6/20/2011
Although I'm a Phillies fan - WAY TO GO CUBBIES!
06:13 PM on 6/20/2011
Phillies' stink!

(From a frustrated Reds fan)