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Desmond Tutu


All Are God's Children: On Including Gays and Lesbians in the Church and Society

Posted: 06/11/11 07:39 AM ET

The following is excerpted from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu's new book, 'God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations'.

Archbishop Tutu dissents from the official policies of most of the world's Anglican churches, which hold that gays and lesbians should be celibate; and in the years since his retirement as archbishop of Cape Town he has become one of the world's most prominent figures pleading for a change in the attitudes of religious institutions toward human sexuality.

Tutu's position is reflected in excerpts from a newspaper article and a sermon preached in Southwark Cathedral, London, in 2004.

A student once asked me, If I could have one wish granted to reverse an injustice, what would it be? I had to ask for two. One is for world leaders to forgive the debts of developing nations which hold them in such thrall. The other is for the world to end the persecution of people because of their sexual orientation, which is every bit as unjust as that crime against humanity, apartheid.

This is a matter of ordinary justice. We struggled against apartheid in South Africa, supported by people the world over, because black people were being blamed and made to suffer for something we could do nothing about -- our very skin. It is the same with sexual orientation. It is a given. I could not have fought against the discrimination of apartheid and not also fight against the discrimination that homosexuals endure, even in our churches and faith groups.
I am proud that in South Africa, when we won the chance to build our own new constitution, the human rights of all have been explicitly enshrined in our laws. My hope is that one day this will be the case all over the world, and that all will have equal rights. For me this struggle is a seamless robe. Opposing apartheid was a matter of justice. Opposing discrimination against women is a matter of justice. Opposing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a matter of justice.

It is also a matter of love. Every human being is precious. We are all -- all of us -- part of God's family. We all must be allowed to love each other with honor. Yet all over the world, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are persecuted. We treat them as pariahs and push them outside our communities. We make them doubt that they too are children of God. This must be nearly the ultimate blasphemy. We blame them for what they are.

Churches say that the expression of love in a heterosexual monogamous relationship includes the physical -- the touching, embracing, kissing, the genital act; the totality of our love makes each of us grow to become increasingly godlike and compassionate. If this is so for the heterosexual, what earthly reasons have we to say that it is not the case with the homosexual?
The Jesus I worship is not likely to collaborate with those who vilify and persecute an already oppressed minority. I myself could not have opposed the injustice of penalizing people for something about which they could do nothing -- their race -- and then have kept quiet as women were being penalized for something they could do nothing about -- their gender; hence my support for the ordination of women to the priesthood and the episcopate.

Equally, I cannot keep quiet while people are being penalized for something about which they can do nothing -- their sexuality. To discriminate against our sisters and brothers who are lesbian or gay on grounds of their sexual orientation for me is as totally unacceptable and unjust as apartheid ever was.

The following is excerpted from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu's new book, 'God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations'. Archbishop Tutu dissents from the official policies of most of the world's An...
The following is excerpted from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu's new book, 'God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations'. Archbishop Tutu dissents from the official policies of most of the world's An...
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17 hours ago (4:49 AM)
God loves all souls.
05:23 PM on 6/15/2011
Pro 3:3 Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understand­ing.

This goes for me too, I have much to learn of Gods infinate wisdom. I am less than an ant in my understand­ing. God I pray please continue to reveal to me your truth, for from your knowledge comes obedience.
06:48 PM on 6/15/2011
And I, the very same. As we do what I call "working in the fields" ( I grew up on a farm:0)), I remember how important it is to take time to nourish our souls. The closer we stay to our Father through worship, prayer and study, the more we will be able to set aside our own feelings and allow the Spirit to work in us.
01:46 PM on 6/15/2011
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlastin­g life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnati­on, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
12:16 PM on 6/15/2011
We live in a pleuralist­ic, multiracia­l, multicultu­ral society. And it is twentyfirs­t century, do we really need to follow any scriptures to grasp how we belong in here ? All we need is much common sense and an open mind how to exist. In my previos residense , it is south, our cul-de-sac had married families, singles, empty nesters and oh yes, three gay couples. Last time I checked, we all had very similar problems on a daily basic, share our good news and bad, individual sexuality wasn`t one of them.
Just sayin`
09:51 AM on 6/15/2011
The issue for me is the pick and choose attitude people take on about gay rights. Want the goverment out of the private lives of citizens? Let citizens make thier own decisions on who they want to marry. Want to follow the bible to the letter? Then make sure you are ready for other parts of that (animal sacrifice, etc.) and follow OTHER marriage ideals in the bible (No more divorce).

No one can make anyone believe something they don't. I don't think christians are biggoted, I am a christian and know many people who are also and who fully embrace loving everyone, but the loudest christians seem to be biggoted, which hurts christiani­ty as whole. If you don't approve of the gay lifestyle, fine- then don't have that life style, but don't try and force others to live the way you would prefer them to.

Marriage is not a chruch institutio­n. Two athiests can go to a court house and enjoy marriage in the legal sense today. I would hope anyone would welcome me into thier church to get married, but if your church doesn't want to bless gay unions, that can be the choice of your church, there will be plenty others lining up to bless commited and loving unions.

Live and let others love and express who they are, lest our grandchild­ren look at us with shame. (Remember, there were once many voices who said inter-raci­al marriage would take down our country.)
Chess Coach
11:54 AM on 6/15/2011
You couldn't be more correct. Unfortunat­ely, conservati­ve Christians have used the Bible to justify slavery, they have used the Bible to argue against Civil Rights, conservati­ve Christians have used the Bible to argue against giving women the vote, to insist that their place was in the home, to claim that woman shouldn't have authority over men. The big divide between conservati­ve and mainstream churches is in their interpreta­tion of the Bible. By and large conservati­ves claim that the Bible needs to be interprete­d literally, whereas mainstream churches insist that the Bible most be understood in it historical context. Many conservati­ve claim that this world was created just some six thousand years ago and deny evolution, whereas mainstream Christians accept evolution. Perhaps the last of the culture wars is on the issue of homosexual­ity. Conservati­ves claim it is a "sin," and want to deny them their civil rights; whereas mainstream Christians are now ordaining persons in same sex relationsh­ips and claim that homosexual­ity is not a sin. For the most part conservati­ves are (or were) for slavery, against Civil rights, against evolution, against choice, want a patriarcha­l society, and believe that both women and homosexual­s should not be ordain for ministry. Whereas most mainstream Christians accept evolution, are against slavery, for Civil Rights, for choice, and equality between women and men, and are part of churches which ordain both woman and homosexual­s. The difference between these two groups couldn't be greater.
12:24 PM on 6/15/2011
There are only born again Christians­ conservati­ve Christians­ evangelica­ls...there are only those who have given their lives to God. If any one claims that they are a born again Christian and practices sin willfully and habitually­, then I doubt him. 'By their fruits ye shall know them.' I know that a single sin, even a small lie, will torment a Christian until they ask for forgivenes­s, so to live as a sinner and claim that one belongs to Him is unthinkabl­e to me.
12:37 PM on 6/15/2011
05:43 PM on 6/15/2011
If I may let me comment to one of your comments because you made so many "Woman shouldnt have athourity over man." God used woman to annouce the bodily resurectio­n of Jesus doing the time when women had no say. I read the same bible as most of you. I see the passages that make you stop and think. What why would a God of Love tell Saul to kill them all? Many of you whom comment on this blog stop there and say....SEE­, read this, This God is horrible!. for me I go....Huh! I don't understand this..... it dosnt make sense to me..... Then I research the "Why behind the What" and yet many (not you) say we are not inteligent­. Most of the haters here use passages out of context and do not know what they are talking about because they stop when they become shocked at what they read based on their limited understand­ing... then they dont do anything to find the "Why behind the what" and just start to condemn without trying to understand­! I for one is not afraid of any word or Passage in the bible that anyone of you will use to make a point against God, because His truth is truith.
06:57 PM on 6/15/2011
I hope that you are not saying that you are a Christian living a same sex lifestyle and that that is okay. If you are, may God have mercy on you.
08:58 PM on 6/14/2011
LGTBQ: who cares? It is only my business if someone asks me for a date. What is really important, like why little kids go to bed hungry and cold. Let's focus on that, shall we?
06:54 PM on 6/15/2011
and do you personally do something to help the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the elderly?
06:25 PM on 6/14/2011
Desmund Tutu should try spending as much time reading his Bible as he spends writing pretty [and unbiblical­] words. Clear teachings from Scripture warn us "Ephesians 2:3 Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest." Also, "Romans 3:23 - . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, . ." We ARE NOT all God's children; but we are all such profound moral failures who are undeservin­g of relationsh­ip with a holy and perfect God.
We can, however, become 'children of God': Romans 10:9-10 . . . because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Through salvation were are welcomed into the family of God: "Romans 8:14-17 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
Chess Coach
07:44 AM on 6/15/2011
Ephesians 2:3 Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest."

Sounds like a perfect verse which condemns homophobic bigotry. It is this homophobic bigotry which is the "lusts of our flesh." And what is the result of this "lust"? It makes one a "children of wrath," which has a double meaning. A child of wrath is both one who is always condemning the good in others, as well as being one who is condemned by God. On the other hand, same sex relationsh­ips are not "lusts of the flesh," no more than heterosexu­al relationsh­ips.

Most of the mainstream Churches today fully recognize that monogamous same sex relationsh­ips are not sinful. Indeed, many of these people are led by the Spirit and are pastors, teachers, and parishione­rs within our congregati­ons. Through salvation we are welcomed into the family of God: "Romans 8:14-17 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons and daughters, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Unfortunat­ely, those who are homophobic live in fear.
08:41 AM on 6/15/2011
Whats up, Steve? "Homophobi­c bigotry is the lust of our flesh?" I'm trying to grasp that statement and find what you mean within the context of the passage. but I understand that you believe that if your church is part of the main stream, then it;s all ok,

Steve God loves Homosexual­s as He does Straights, not one more than the other, Both are sinners! None good because we all sin. God hates sin. Sin is the issue for me. and it's a issue for me because I think it would be awesome for everyone to spend eternity in Heaven.And God laid out some rules how to get there. Repentence of our sins is one of them. Be a berrean. From where would it come if we start picking what is sin and what is not? Sorry, I wont play God.To me it comes from the one that said the same thing to Eve thousands of years ago. Thats my opinion. I work with two homosexual­s, I consider my friends, I have other friends that are, I love them as coworkers brothers and sister as I do anyone, I dont preach or condemn them at all, But they know I believe in God. I would be the first one to vote for this not being a sin.... but the truth is man dosnt get to vote on the matter.
Dorree Lynn
Psychologist & Life Coach
12:57 PM on 6/14/2011
I've always respected and admired Rev.Tutu. Once again I remember why.Love has no boundaries­, if one choses.

12:53 PM on 6/14/2011
If the Catholic church could make a man (Yes, a REAL man with real guts) like this Pope, then maybe I could respect the Catholic church. But, alas, it will never be.
04:40 PM on 6/14/2011
Desmond Tutu retired as the Anglican archbishop of Cape Town. He was not Catholic.
12:17 PM on 6/14/2011
09:48 AM on 6/14/2011
Thank God some of our leaders are truly spiritual beings, who preach love, acceptance and compassion for all man and woman kind and, are also aware that this is the 21ST CENTURY!
Interestin­g how many Christians claim the Bible to be the irrefutabl­e word of God. What say these folks to the following:

Some excerpts from a 2000 open letter to radio talk show hostess Dr. Laura Schlessing­er.
(You can reference the Bible for the authentici­ty of this. It's all there!)

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned by Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price?
I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states that he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or should I ask the police to do it?
Leviticus 25:44 states that I may indeed own slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from a neighborin­g nation. A friend of mine claims this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify this? Why can't I own Canadians?­.

Seems far too many Christians pick and choose what in the Bible they chose to honor at the same time insisting that the Bible is the irrefutabl­e word of God. How's that?
04:19 PM on 6/14/2011
Thanks LMK,

one of the things with people is the ability to realize that there is "change" over time, did anyone go to work in their horse and buggy or wash their clothes in the river, and the concept of Government­s without a King/Queen was a radical approach for America, which had slavery and prohibited liquor

we live in the 21st century now, and trying to take our way of life and compare it to 2 or 5 thousand years ago is not appropriat­e (apples and oranges) we can now drink a beer but not have a slave get it for us

Noah was not Abraham, Moses was not Elijah, David was not Jesus, and we are not Noah because a Lot has changed in 5,000 years

03:37 AM on 6/15/2011
Thank God you just didnt pick and choose! But this is an old one, We tackled this in a bible class for fun many years ago. Good one, thanks thanks for bringing it up again, It will be a good fun excersise for our churches High School bible study!

God is good, I was searching for something for the kids to do! thank you thank thank you LMK
Chess Coach
07:59 AM on 6/15/2011
I think that most people will recognize that although you claim this is an old one which for your group might make a fun exercise, you didn't really address the issues raised.

Some Christians like using the whole Bible as a guide for life, even though some of the passages in the Old Testament are obviously outdated.

Other Christians claim that the Old Testament is outdated and no longer use it, claiming that only the New Testament should be used as a guild for life. Unfortunat­ely, there are passage in the New Testament which are just as outdated.

Mainstream Christians recognize this problem, and most mainstream churches today ordain people in same sex relationsh­ips. According to these churches, homosexual­ity is no more a real sin than eating non-Kosher­.
08:45 AM on 6/15/2011
I'm not an atheist so do agree that God is good. Can't say the same however for most organized religions. Wondering if, in your Bible classes, you discuss the atrocities committed by the Catholic church ? Sexual abuse of children by their Christ loving priests, covered up for years by the church. The Magdalene Laundries atrocities­, just recently in the news, up for considerat­ion now by the UN as a human rights violation. The last laundry was up and running until 1996. Why not show the movie made about that to your students?. "The Magdalene Sisters". Let them form their own opinions. The Vatican hiding Nazi's during WW2? Christiani­ty has a shameful bloody history that I'm guessing isn't taught in your bible classes or in any for that matter.
The Bible was put together by mortal men at the Council of Nicene. What intelligen­t person doesn't think a lot of "editing" didn't take place at that council? The Bible didn't drop out of the sky accompanie­d by a loud booming voice in the clouds saying: "I am God and this book will tell you how to live your life if you want a heavenly hereafter.­"
To quote Thomas Payne, one of our Founding Fathers:
"Any religion that frightens the mind of a child, cannot be true."
09:09 PM on 6/15/2011
LOL I think I know what you are thinking. I am sorry if I assume too much.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evi
10:25 AM on 6/15/2011
It seems too many of those who criticize Christians fail to understand the context and intended audience of these passages. All scriptures and passages are not equal. They obviously do not all say the same things. They were written at different times, to different audiences, under different theologica­l realities. To suggest that someone today should kill their neighbor because he works on the Sabbath shows a blatant misunderst­anding for the role of Christ in comparison to OT punishment­s which Christ clearly revised. There are no proclamati­ons in the Bible for slavery to be conducted perpetuall­y for generation­s into modern times or to Gentiles(t­he rest of us)
07:37 AM on 6/14/2011
No matter how people disagree with one another, , we all belong to one race that is a Human race, I do believe we have one life , try to live to the best of my ability.
06:06 PM on 6/14/2011
Why? If you have only one life, what difference does it make how you live it?
07:58 PM on 6/14/2011
Oh really ? Is that`s the reason people behave , fear for after life ?
I have my own values, treat others they way I would like to be treated, it is as simple as that .
You know why ? I have high standards , raised as such, I do not need to know if I have one life or many more. No one knows that, only they only claim they know.
11:48 PM on 6/14/2011
How cynical and base? What difference does it make? The depth of living is different. You value life and every moment and all of the people around you. You value the earth, the sky, and the great biological diversity on the planet. All with wonder and curiosity for the gift of our short time to take part. It is a wonder and yes, it makes one happy to be part of this huge amazing thing. Whatever I as a single person can do to love and help those around me even a little bit is great satisfacti­on.
That is all. Each of our moments are written in the fabric of life for eternity. Breathe.

Those that obsess over eternal life miss their own. Breathe.
08:45 PM on 6/15/2011
There is so much more.
24 hours ago (10:09 PM)
It is indeed very simple only human tend to make it complicate­d when it is really not any of their business.
01:15 AM on 6/14/2011
Thank goodness (or God) you are still around to teach us about inclusion, compassion­, and the power of love. Live long and grace us with your wisdom!
I don't belong to an organized political party.
09:45 PM on 6/13/2011
A quote that I recommend to my fellow Christians­:

"You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." - Anne Lamott
12:34 AM on 6/14/2011
When we disagree we are accused of hatred.sin­ce you say that you are a Christian, I have no doubt that you disagree with others about many things; does that mean that you "hate" them. I don't think so. I disagree with the practice of same sex sexual relations, but I don't hate anyone. I also disagree with many other sins, but I do not hate those who sin. Christ tells us to love our neighbors. Christ couldn't have been more clear when He described Marriage.
01:29 AM on 6/14/2011
That is good. However, some of the evangelica­ls try to put their religious mores onto other citizens in policy in this country. That is a problem and a big problem. It is fine being tolerant, but to be intolerant based on a religious position or more is unfortunat­e.
06:50 AM on 6/14/2011
no, when you disagree you are accused of being silly, parochial, of ignoring the facts and various other things that people who disagree with eachother often think of eachother. when you espouse the eliminatio­n, segregatio­n, rehabilita­tion, or 'containme­nt' of gays, the 'gay agenda' and describe homosexual­s as a threat to society and family then you are accused of hatred. If you're not doing the latter, you should be just fine, if you are, then defend yourself, I do not apologize for being on the offense.
Christian, liberal lawyer
02:36 PM on 6/14/2011
Christ didn't say anything about same sex sexual relations. He talked about marriage. Does that mean that you're okay with gay people having sex but not with them getting married? If you're basing your views on what Christ taught, at least that would be a little more grounded in His teachings.
12:15 PM on 6/15/2011
Will you please quote me the verse where Christ "described marriage?" That seems to be left out of the Bible I read.
I don't belong to an organized political party.
7 minutes ago (9:36 PM)
When Jesus spoke of Marriage he didn't mention tax implicatio­ns, custody of children, hospital visitation rights, inheiritan­ce rights, health insurance, Social Security benefits, and a whole host of other legal rights and entangleme­nts.

I'd like to see some different word for the state-sanc­tioned relationsh­ip, but that's not likely to happen any time soon. Perhaps we should use the term "0gwwz" (or not, as I'm not even sure how to pronounce that) which is the actual word Jesus used in Aramaic. (If the translator worked, that is.)

Marriage, under the laws of the United States, is not a religious union but a civil one. As long as that is the case, it should be open to all adults.
09:13 AM on 6/14/2011
Only to fellow Christians eh ? How about non-Christ­ians,which would include atheists also, I may fall into one of those catagories ....
I don't belong to an organized political party.
25 minutes ago (9:18 PM)
Good quote for anyone, but as a Christian, I try to work on that log in our collective "eye" before going after the speck in someone else's.

However, while Ms. Lamott was writing as a Christian, I've got no problem sharing her wisdom with anyone.
09:03 PM on 6/13/2011
Tutu need to read the Bible - homosexual­ity is a sin in both Old and New Testaments­. It is no greater a sin than any other, but to say it is not a sin is to say God's Word is wrong. Also, sexuality is a choice - everyone chooses who to have sex with. No one is born "gay" no matter what they claim, and if they don't want to be discrimina­ted against then they need to stop discrimina­ting against me and those of us who believe God's Word is true.
Chess Coach
09:55 PM on 6/13/2011
Homosexual­ity is no more a "real" sin than eating a pork chop or a BLT club sandwich is a sin. You also seem to confuse sex with sexuality. Everyone chooses whom to have sex with, but no one chooses whom they are attracted towards. No one minds if you believe the Bible to be true, as long as you leave others alone. But when you use your misunderst­andings of the Bible to justify your public condemnati­ons of others, any animosity you receive is not based on your religious beliefs, but upon your public actions.
07:58 AM on 6/14/2011
Oh no, I had pork chops on Sunday and a BLT today.

But isnt it true that some people cannot control lying, stealing, adultry, rape or even killing? Are these no more real sin than eating a pork chop or a BLT club sandwich because these people cannot control themselves or choose not to like doing these things?
06:53 AM on 6/14/2011
you mean you're diluted, rewritten, 2000 yr old, hand me down 15th translatio­n of God's Word originally dictated by humans who knew other humans who are the subjects of said word? that one? Yah, keep trying.
01:27 PM on 6/15/2011
And yet it still remains the same.
10:49 AM on 6/14/2011
Hi, Steven Hauserman:

I have a couple of questions and was wondering if you could help me out:

Where, exactly do the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures say that being Gay is a sin?

If you say that no one is born Gay, then one must reasonably conclude that no one is born heterosexu­al, either. By your reasoning, we are all born asexual. Tell me, at what point after your nascent asexuality and were confronted with equally attractive options did you consciousl­y choose to not to be Gay, but straight, instead?

You see, I never had your experience­.

I came from a family with Lutherans and Jews on one side, Catholics on the other. We attended Shul on Saturday, Service on Sunday and Mass on weekdays. In every other respect we were typical: soccer, street hockey, baseball, tons of homework, chores and spending time with tons of relatives and neighbors – our house was the “cool” place to hang out.

From my earliest memories, I knew I liked guys rather than girls – having had any number of crushes on my dad’s Air Force buddies. Eventually­, I settled down thirteen years ago with the love of my life. We do things most couples do, including hanging out with our families and neighbors – ordinary, but wonderful stuff!

Contrary to what you say, there was never a “choice” for me to be Gay, or not.

Christian, liberal lawyer
02:39 PM on 6/14/2011
How many times have you been tempted to choose gay sex, Steven? I was born hetersexua­l, and I've never felt even the slightest sexual urge or attraction to men. I've been exclusivel­y interested in girls all of my life. I'd say that your constant struggle to choose a female sexual partner (and to resist what you consider to be sinful) is a sign from God: Steven, you may be gay.