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Robert Schwab


Republicans, Weiners and My Friends

Posted: 06/14/11 06:39 PM ET

A friend -- you may remember Eric Marburger from when I wrote about him last October -- asked yesterday, during a croquet game, whether I was planning to watch the Republican presidential campaign debate last night.

I wasn't, and this morning, reading about the debate I realized why. It doesn't matter. Look at the potential nominees and it becomes clear not one of them will have a ghost's chance in hell of beating President Barack Obama.

Unless, perhaps, the nominee is U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who announced her official candidacy at the debate.

If Republicans nominate her, the country might entertain the idea of electing the first woman president, but then a majority of voters would also reconsider her Tea Party affiliations and vote for the incumbent as the lesser of two evils.

It seems every presidential election comes down to that kind of decision in modern America.

Besides that, by November of 2012, Obama will have proven himself a president who acts in the best interests of all Americans, not leaving out even those who oppose him.

One element of the debate last night proves my contention. I'm depending on New York Times coverage published in the Denver Post when I quote former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney who said during the debate: "What you're doing will not work. It's a huge power grab by the federal government."

That's nonsense and Romney knows it. He was talking about Obama's health-care legislation and even conservative-minded Tea Partyers will realize the benefits universal health-care coverage will provide them by the time the election rolls around. By then, too, all Republican opposition to the plan will be seen for the lie that it is.

Affordable health care for all the people of the United States will be just as laudable a goal in November of 2012 as it was during November of 2008 and all through 2009 and 2010 when the Congress debated the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Obama signed it.

Calling it "Obamneycare" will just remind people that the president, like Mitt Romney when he signed similar legislation in Massachusetts, was thinking of all the people in America, not just the rich and not just the poor, but all the people who make up the great middle class.

We need universal health care in America; the president's plan protected the private insurance industry and offered health-insurance availability to 30 million uninsured Americans. It was a compromise position, but he got it enacted into law, and a grateful electorate will reward him with a second four-year term.

Even the idea of a woman president won't overcome that perception when we go the polls in 2012.

Now, about Weiner. New York Rep. Anthony Weiner made all kinds of headlines except one over the past few weeks. Another friend, I won't say who, suggested I write this headline for a blog post I might write about Weiner: "It really was Weiner's wiener!"

I hope my other readers appreciate my discretion in containing the headline to a single paragraph here.


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of course mitt romney won't sign a pro-life pledge. its called keeping your options open. (mitt runs as dem in 2016, think bout it :)
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Recency  | 
12:16 PM on 6/15/2011
The truth is, socialized medicine would impact the economy negatively­, no matter how much Obama lies about it reducing the federal deficit.
11:11 AM on 6/16/2011
Thank you for your well informed, fact checked, non-biased comment.

Non-partis­an studies prove that it will in fact reduce the deficit. But hey, why believe studies that have no political sway? Rhetoric plays better.

I hear Obama faked his birth certificat­e too.
Relief is the order of business...
3 hours ago (2:05 PM)
Except that every other industrial­ized nation with universal health care has LOWER per capita costs when compared with the USA. All other countries, without exception, have lower costs. I am not sure how spending less money equates with a negative economy.
3 hours ago (2:27 PM)
High federal government­al spending is the reason our economy is in trouble, and socialized medicine would increase federal government­al spending.
12:49 AM on 6/15/2011
It seems affordable health care is getting someone else's money to pay for your health care. I'm just learning to be a liberal and I like the idea of using other peoples money for my good. What else will I get as a liberal because I deserve better treatment from the government­.
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Robert Schwab
10:33 AM on 6/15/2011
worker2, thanks for commenting and learning to be liberal. I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but the idea of government helping its people seems not at all strange to me. Hope you agree.
11:14 AM on 6/16/2011
Welcome to the country of "We the people", not "ME the people".
Relief is the order of business...
3 hours ago (2:07 PM)
Well first of all, if you really want to be a liberal, you will need to educate yourself. Libs do not embrace the idea of using other people's money. We support the idea that helping the group is best for the individual­.
Walk like an Egyptian
10:11 PM on 6/14/2011
Republican wieners, aren't those usually called cocktail wieners?