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Last updated: November 05, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 19°C - 35°C . Mostly sunny.

It's fair to say we're failing the needy


ABOUT two weeks ago we reached an important new phase in the Government's ongoing education reforms, with the release of four major research reports into the funding of schools across Australia.

Food facts crucial in schools


A RECENT television program featured celebrity chef Jamie Oliver asking primary school-aged students in the US if they recognised a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Sport is good for everyone


OVER the past decade, there has been an increasing awareness of the issues confronting boys, particularly with respect to education outcomes.

Science education is important for all ages


IN the next month, the Australian Science Curriculum will be released. What is it? Will it improve science learning in our schools? Will it be another educational fad?

Best use of cash child's play


WHY do we give schools money?  The answer may seem obvious, but attention to it has been distracted by the political charge around the funding debate.

Exploring the hype of ADHD


ATTENTION deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has achieved celebrity status in many Western countries.

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Perspective on mental health

melissa raven

LAST month's Australian Bureau Statistics Mental Health of Young People, 2007 report generated predictable shock.

The future - a problem for parents or schools?


SHOULD our schools be responsible for teaching our children everything from how to care for pets to dealing with social problems from beyond the school gate?

The best books


THE introduction of a national curriculum seems the perfect opportunity to rethink the fiction and non-fiction works selected for Year 12 English and English Literature.

Get the better of exam fears


MOST of us at some time or other have experienced it - anxiety at taking exams and tests. It can be arousing at best and debilitating at worst.

End myths on funds


EDUCATION Minister Julia Gillard is presiding over unprecedented investment in capital and school improvement programs.

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Feelgood factor overkill


THERE is increasing interest in the mental health of school children.

How we studied before IPads

Pen and paper

A DECADE ago, I was 15. There was no Facebook, so I read a real book before going to sleep.

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Year 12 exams

Dr Paul Kilvert

THE final assessment period for Year 12 students is an exciting and, sometimes, anxious time.

Totalitarian education


TWO years ago, Commonwealth, state and territory education ministers produced the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.

Making of global teachers


DESPITE a number of disappointing racial incidents in the past 12 months, international students continue to come to Australia to complete their university studies.

My education pledge


DURING my first few weeks as the new Education Minister, one of my main tasks is to get out and meet as many people in the education sector as possible - from students and parents to teachers and their representatives as well as leading thinkers in the education field.

Students at home in our Learning City


ADELAIDE has changed enormously over the past decade. The enormous growth of international education and the number of overseas students have made it Australia's Learning City.

It's all over


WITH the UN Climate Change Conference, arguably the most important meeting in human history, drawing to a close, it's worth asking what took place, and what the future holds.

Closing in on the end


DAY seven begins. The first day of the last week.

Chasing a green dream


JOEL DIGNAM is on a mission to save the world. He writes from Copenhagen for the United Nations conference.

Day two


Today is the 29th anniversary of John Lennon's death. On this day 29 years ago, the world lost a dreamer - a person who had dared to believe in a better world.

EducationNow generic promo 1

Parents need more effective game ban


THE flurry of controversy over the question of evidence that computer games contribute to heightened aggression, and the comparison of the strength of that effect to the links between smoking and lung cancer, has been a convenient diversion from the main issue in the debate.

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It's all over


WITH the UN Climate Change Conference, arguably the most important meeting in human history, drawing to a close, it's worth asking what took place, and what the future holds.

Questions raised

Joel Dignam

THE climate crisis raises a great number of questions. There are questions about certain impacts and predictions from climate science.

Closing in on the end


DAY seven begins. The first day of the last week.

Copenhagen, I'm here

Joel Dignam

CURRENTLY I am in Copenhagen, involved in the UN Climate Change Conference, because of something that happened last year.

Democracy in the UN


In the UN, one would hope that the beautiful idea of democracy would take pride of place.

Day three


Today is the third day of the two-week negotiation process taking place in Copenhagen to come up with an international agreement to address climate change.

Chasing a green dream


WHILE COP15, the 15th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change began on Monday, hundreds of young people met over the previous weekend to take part in COY, the Conference of Youth.

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Chasing a green dream


JOEL DIGNAM is on a mission to save the world. He writes from Copenhagen for the United Nations conference.

Day two


Today is the 29th anniversary of John Lennon's death. On this day 29 years ago, the world lost a dreamer - a person who had dared to believe in a better world.

Day four - part two


Since the frenzy of the first two days, the Australian Youth Delegation hasn't yet organised another large action, but on the fouht day a number of us, including me, participated in a 'rainstorm'.

Day four


Today climate conspiracists were out in force at the UN Climate Negotiations, headed by notorious Lord Christopher Monckton, a British peer who has recently suggested that the aim of the conference currently taking place is to impose a "communist world government".

Literacy users - and learners


LITERACY learning is a work in progress. The way we use literacy and numeracy, the goals we want to achieve as we read, write and work with numbers, and the tools we have to do those things change through time.

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Unlocking door of opportunity


THERE is a little bit of "smoke and mirrors" going on in Australian higher education.

Skills for rest of life

Dr Paul Kilvert

A MAJOR assignment is due this next week, exams the following three weeks and the impending shift from the daily routine to which students have become accustomed for years.

Science Exchange opens pathways


THE last part of the opening celebrations for the Science Exchange of the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) was the launch of the October lecture series.

Mental health reality in our primary schools


IN Australia, we are very fortunate that governments recognise the importance of prevention.

Making uni accessible to all


THE implementation of the Bradley review recommendations demonstrates commitment to an educated and skilled workforce.


SE death enquiry ongoing

Suspicious death at Mt Gambier

POLICE investigating the suspicious death of a Mount Gambier man - found yesterday afternoon in his home - have released his name and age.


Comeback kids

Ian Thorpe

As swimming legend Ian Thorpe makes his much-anticipated return to competition swimming, we look at other historic returns by sportspeople.

Kangaroo Island Surf Music Festival

Kangaroo Island Surf Music Festival

The colour and action from the inaugural KI Surf Music Festival, where some of the world's top athletes were making waves.

Bureau's stunning weather photos

BOM weather calendar

Extraordinary photos from the Bureau of Meteorology's 2012 weather calendar

Captivating South Australian landscapes


Fabulous images of South Australian scenery sent by AdelaideNow readers via NewsForce.
