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Last updated: November 25, 2011

Weather: Adelaide 15°C - 21°C . Shower or two.


Editorial: Support local musicians

A PUSH to drop Australian content quotas for commercial radio should be given short shrift by the Federal Government.

Editorial: Mining tax a shabby deal

JULIA Gillard may well trumpet the achievement of securing her much criticised mining tax. For an embattled PM, any legislative victory is significant.

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Editorial: Shocking power bills

SOUTH Australia has played a leading role in promoting alternate clean energy sources in recent times.

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Editorial: Wake-up call for state

THE anticipated skills crisis is near the moment of reckoning. The mining and energy sectors are clamouring for workers, with construction on multibillion-dollar projects.

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Editorial: A political football

AUSTRALIANS have far stronger emotions about the small number of boat people who arrive than they do about those who visit, then refuse to go home.

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Editorial: Style and substance

PREMIER Jay Weatherill's "debate and decide" style of government as opposed to the former "announce and defend" administration appears to be paying dividends.

Editorial: APY lands need a plan

ABORIGINAL people in remote areas of the state deserve better in their quest for an economic path towards a meaningful life on their land.

Editorial: Taxes go travelling

THE saga surrounding the travel expenses of Education Minister Grace Portolesi highlights not only the political misjudgment of one Member of Parliament but the much deeper problem of how our elected representatives sometimes spend taxpayer money.

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Editorial: Triple-A not the only way

SOUTH Australia will very likely lose its long-cherished triple-A credit rating as the State Government finances major projects and revenue continues to erode.

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Editorial: Sell uranium to friends

ALLOWING the sale of Australian uranium to India will be a sensible change to an outdated policy.

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Editorial: Glad of profitable zoo

SOUTH Australians will be glad there has been a resolution to Zoos SA's rolling financial troubles. It is a key part of the state's social and economic life and must remain so.

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Editorial: Our crumbling courts

WHEN well-paid lawyers call for taxpayer dollars to be spent upgrading the courts in which they work, some public scepticism is understandable.

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Jos Valdman - The Advertiser

Jos Valdman

VALDMAN is the cartoonist for The Advertiser and AdelaideNow. He is fascinated by politicians and other zoo animals – especially Fandango the flamingo. 

Peter MacMullin - The Sunday Mail

Peter MacMullin

SUNDAY Mail artist MacMullin swears to abide by the cartoonists' charter of being forever frivolous and loosely accurate.


PM's new golden Slipper


THE Liberal turncoat who accepted Julia Gillard's support to become Speaker is being investigated over his spending on taxpayer-funded travel.


Devastation at Margaret River

Galler Margaret river fire

Shocking images of the fire devastation in Western Australia's Margaret River region.

Close encounters by estuary

seal gallery

Roger Foster of Foster Photographique's posted these images via NewsForce of kayakers and walkers having a close encounter with seal froll...

As cool as a...koala

Cool koalas

A new misting system introduced at the Cleland Wildlife Park is sure to keep its koalas cool this summer.

Bangalore and Breaker Morant

A heritage-listed homestead in the Riverland that belonged to the Morant family - and where Breaker Morant is believed to have stayed - is a...