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Ask an ELLEgirl

J.Crew Creative Director Jenna Lyons, courtesy of

Q. I love the idea of mixing flirty accents with the rough edge of structured menswear, but I am a little concerned that look just won’t translate on me. What I’m really loving are sequins, especially on pants, but I can’t find any at a reasonable price point that look sophisticated, not cheap or tacky. Can you help me find a sequin statement piece for my closet and suggest ways to wear it?
-Kadie of Baltimore, Md.

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When I was a freshman in college, I would have loved to have a wiser someone over my shoulder telling me what to do and what not to do. Your first year of college can be really great, or it can be extremely damagingboth physically and mentally. So here are some helpful hints from a Junior in college on how to survive the first year and finish strong!

Go to class: Sounds simple, right? Not! My brother sent me off to college with this simple piece of advice, and it really has been the single most important one I’ve ever received. As freshmen, we’re finally given the option to go to class or stay in our rooms and sleep, and most of us abuse the freedom and choose sleep. But by the end of October when you’re midterm grades come out, your wondering why you have a C and didn’t do so hot on the midterm. Reading at home and doing the homework is not enough. I had a teacher once tell us on the first day, “I’m not your mother. I don’t get paid to make sure you come to class or not. I do get paid to grade you, however, and if you’re not here it’s a slap in the face to me, and you’ll feel the slap right back by the end of the semester.” Teachers notice when you are and aren’t there, so go!

Watch what you eat: Yea, everyone laughs about the Freshman 15, but that’s because it actually happens! The two biggest reasons: beer and late-night snacking. I can’t stress to you enough that if you’re working on a paper at 3 in the morning, DO NOT snack away on chips or Cheez-Its—eat some apple slices or any kind of vegetable. Studies show that eating after 10 p.m. is a quick way to pack on weight. Not only will baby carrots not add to your waist line, but they’ll keep your energy up so you can finish before dawn!

Reward yourself: College can be difficult, so don’t forget to reward yourself by having fun! Sometimes it’s disheartening to know that your friends are going out while you’re cramming for an exam, so celebrate after by inviting them over the next night, or treat yourself to a nice dinner. It’s always good to reward your hard work and effort.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help: I know I was intimated by my professors, and in a class of over 100 students, you don’t want to single yourself out as being the kid that doesn’t understand the work. But your teachers are there to help you when you’re lost. After I approached by Physics professor, he said if I hadn’t talked to him he would have had no idea I was having trouble, and since I showed him I cared and gave the class my best effort, my grade went up by an entire letter grade.

If you have any other questions or tips you found to be helpful, post them!

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Ask an ELLEgirl: Avery Knott

by ELLEgirl on August 27, 2010

Courtesy of Avery Knott

Q. I’m going to be senior in high school this fall and will start to look at colleges soon. What are the most important factors that you consider when choosing a school? [Read more...]


Photo: Courtesy of Liukin

Hey ELLEgirls!

I am having such a great, but busy summer. One of the hardest things about traveling is trying to stay fit while on the road. I’m sure a lot of you girls are taking some much needed vacations, family time, or just time away from the daily grind, so I wanted to share some of my tips for staying fit while traveling.

The most important thing is to make sure you stay committed to your goals to stay healthy and HAPPY! I can’t even tell you how critical it is to take just 30 minutes of your day and devote it to yourself. When you think about your day, you are awake for at least 12 hours of the day, right? Now think about just 30 minutes of those 12 hours! (LESS than five percent of those 12 hours!)

That is what I have learned in the past two years of my busy, hectic life. Whether it means waking up at 5am or going to the gym at 11pm, I always feel so much better after a quick workout. Here are a few of my favorite exercises.

Always start your workout with at least five minutes of stretching. Make sure you stretch out ALL of your muscles! Then start with some cardio. I love running outside on a trail or in the park, but if those aren’t available I will opt for the treadmill or elliptical.

· 3 mile run on the treadmill

· 30 minutes on the elliptical

You can also do some strength training after, or mixed in with your cardio to make it a little more fun, but harder too! You can do all these exercises in a row and repeat this circuit 3 times!

· Push ups (15 reps)

· Reverse push ups/dips (15 reps)

· Step ups onto a block/bench (15 reps)

· Lunges (15 reps)

· Bicycle crunches (opposite elbow to opposite knee) (8-10 each side)

· Sit ups (20 reps)

I hope these workout tips will help you feel better and be confident about the way you look J Next time I will share with you my favorite play list to get pumped up for your workout sessions!

XOXO~ Nastia


Photo: Courtesy of Liukin

Hi ELLEgirls!

Hope you are all having a great summer so far! Some of you might remember me from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Since then, life has changed quite a bit for me. I have had the opportunity to do many amazing things and meet some wonderful people. One of the coolest things so far has been getting the opportunity to work with JCPenney & Warner Bros. to launch my very own fashion collection called “Supergirl by Nastia”.

I have always been very interested in fashion. I designed all the leotards I competed in, but never had the time to pursue my dream of having a clothing line. For the past few months I have been traveling back and forth to Los Angeles and working intensely with the design team for the Supergirl line to get everything just right. Just last week I was finally was able to see the collection on the racks, and it was SO cool! I hope you all will love it too. We have also already designed the Holiday collection AND are almost done with the spring collection. (Can you believe how far in advance everything is created?!)

My inspiration for this line comes from many things. Through my gymnastics journey, I had some injuries, struggles, tears of greatness and laugher but also tears of disappointment. So many people lost hope in me achieving my dreams, except my parents and closest friends. They taught me that if I worked hard enough every single day, believed in myself, and went after my dreams, ANYTHING is possible. I stuck with this advice and was able to not only achieve my dream of representing my country at the Olympic Games, but I surpassed them by winning the all-around gold and 5 medals total at the Olympics.

I hope to change at least ONE person’s life by telling them to simply BELIEVE. I will be sharing a little more about myself, the things I love, shopping advice, styling tips, and more over the course of the summer!

Stay safe, have fun, and don’t ever forget… Follow YOUR dreams.


Nastia <3


Cool Job: Fashion Buyer

by ELLEgirl on October 8, 2009

Doesn’t shopping for a living sound like a dream job?

Working as a buyer is basically every girl’s dream job: traveling to fantastic places, shopping for a living and all the while spending someone else’s money. So granted you don’t get to take the clothes home with you and it turns out there is a lot of paperwork involved, but we still think it’s basically an ideal gig for any fashionista. To discover how to make the jump from shopaholic to professional buyer, we grilled Francyne Granico, whose gig at chic NYC boutique Big Drop has us green with envy.

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All Done Up

by ELLEgirl on October 8, 2009

Go from ELLEgirl reader to Kimora Lee Simmons’ employee.

California native Whitney Krainock was one of five finalists to compete in our KLS Cosmetics Search for a Goddess Challenge at Sephora on May 11. Whitney joined contestants from all over the United States as the group convened in Times Square to interpret Kimora Lee Simmons’ guiding theme–uncovering your inner Goddess–through makeup. Each artist had 30 minutes to show her stuff using Kimora’s new KLS Cosmetics line, but it was Whitney’s modern take on a shimmering Grecian classic that won over the judges. Kimora hand-picked Whitney’s winning look, and turned over a grand prize worthy of the Baby Phat founder; a $5,000 Baby Phat/KLS shopping spree, a summer internship with KLS Cosmetics, and a spot on Kimora’s Glam Squad at New York City’s Fashion Week this fall. ELLEgirl’s resident cosmetics Goddess, Joanna Douglas, tracked down Whitney to get the scoop on her experience.

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Annabelle Dexter-Jones

by ELLEgirl on September 1, 2008

Last night, ELLEgirl caught up with the next It Girl from the Ronson Clan, Annabelle Dexter-Jones, during Catherine Fulmer‘s after-party at the hot new nightclub, The Eldridge. Seen earlier this week walking in big sis Charlotte’s fashion show (technically, they are step sisters), she admitted she was embarrassed to be a guest model. “I was mortified,” she said, which we find pretty hard to imagine since she did such a great job! So what was the current college student (she attends Bard) doing out on the town while school is in session? “I just came from the Zac Posen show. I don’t really go to any shows during Fashion Week, but I always make it to Zac’s.”


Annabelle Ronson at the after-party to celebrate Catherine Fulmer‘s S/S ’09 presentation


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