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Episode Guide, Recaps, Watch Online, Previews - Zap2it"; var desc = "Where to watch Get SHARK Clean! on TV: show recaps, news, cast, and more at Zap2it."; var imgSrc = ""; var imgAlt = ""; var entryBase = "get-shark-clean"; var userAction = new; userAction.setLinkBack(url); userAction.setTitle(title); userAction.setDescription(desc); userAction.addMediaItem({ type: 'image', src: '', href: url }); var userActionAlt = new; userActionAlt.setLinkBack(url); userActionAlt.setTitle(title); userActionAlt.setDescription(desc); userActionAlt.addMediaItem({ type: 'image', src: '', href: url }); function checkCommentsClick(e) { if(e.shareItem.provider == "comments") { document.getElementById('commentsDiv').scrollIntoView(); } } var topSocial = { userAction: userAction, onSendDone: function() { publishFeed(url,title,imgSrc) }, shareButtons: [ { provider: 'facebook-like', tooltip:'Like this on Facebook', action:'like', enableCount: true, url: url}, { provider: 'twitter-tweet', via:'zap2it', enableCount: true, url: url }, { provider: 'google-plusone', enableCount: true, url: url } ], operationMode:'autoDetect', shortURLs: 'never', cid:'', containerID: "divButtonsTop" } var bottomSocial = { userAction: userAction, pinterestUserAction: userActionAlt, onSendDone: function() { publishFeed(url,title,imgSrc) }, onShareButtonClicked: checkCommentsClick, shareButtons: [ { provider: 'share', tooltip:'General Share Button', userMessage:'default user message' , enableCount: false }, { provider: 'email', enableCount: false }, { provider: 'comments', categoryID: 'TV Listings', streamID: entryBase }, { provider: 'pinterest', enableCount: false } ], operationMode:'autoDetect', shortURLs: 'never', cid:'', containerID: "divButtonsBottom" } var actComment = new; actComment.setLinkBack(window.location.href); actComment.setTitle("Commented on: Get SHARK Clean!"); actComment.addMediaItem({ type: 'image', src: '', href: window.location.href }); var conf = {} var commentParams ={ categoryID: 'TV Listings', streamID: 'get-shark-clean', streamTitle: "Get SHARK Clean!", containerID: 'commentsDiv', disabledShareProviders: 'orkut, qq, renren, sina', cid:'', width:'420', scope: 'both', privacy: 'public', userAction: actComment } var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval(function() { if (document.readyState === "complete") {;;,commentParams); clearInterval(readyStateCheckInterval); } }, 10);

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Get SHARK Clean!

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This no loss of suction vacuum features a pet hair turbo brush at less than half the price of other brands!
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