Liberal Party

Abbott accuser to sue Liberal Party powerbroker

Phillip CooreyChief Political Correspondent BARBARA RAMJAN, the woman who accused Tony Abbott of intimidating her physically at Sydney University, is suing the Victorian Liberal Party powerbroker, Michael Kroger, and The Australian newspaper,...

Palmer sticks to his guns over lobbyists' roles in Liberal Party

Mining magnate Clive Palmer.

Lenore Taylor THE bitter feud between Liberal Party life member Clive Palmer and senior Liberal figures will spill into the party's federal council meeting this weekend, with Mr Palmer saying his concerns about...

Legal threats and allegations rock Liberal Party in run-up to preselection

Greg Burnett

Sean Nicholls THE resignation of the mayor of Hills Shire, Greg Burnett, over embezzlement claims has sparked recriminations within the Liberal Party and legal threats before this Saturday's preselection for the...

Baillieu tells of sadness after Fraser quits Liberal Party

Malcolm Fraser

Paul Austin Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has quit the party, allegedly over a belief it has tilted too far to the right.

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Fraser quits Liberal Party

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Former PM Malcolm Fraser quits Liberal Party after allegedly telling his friends that his replacement, Tony Abbott, was "all over the place" in terms of policy

Costello slams Liberal party chiefs

Kate Hannon Former treasurer Peter Costello says the organisational wing of the federal Liberal Party has done nothing since the coalition lost government in 2007.

SA Liberal Party director quits

The Liberal Party's South Australian director has quit just seven months before a state election.

Down and dirty in the Liberal Party

The war between David Clarke and his one-time protege, Alex Hawke, for political control in north-west Sydney has taken a surreal turn.

Liberal Party staffer forced to resign

Kate Hannon A Liberal opposition staffer has resigned over the alleged sexual harassment of several women at a social function in Canberra on Wednesday night.

Rare Swan in praise of Rudd

Kevin Rudd

Jessica Wright NINE MONTHS after Wayne Swan described Kevin Rudd as a Labor saboteur in a blistering attack at the height of the leadership contest in February, the Treasurer has paid tribute to the former prime...

How greenie left-wingers conspired to wreck Aboriginal prosperity

Prof. Marcia Langton

Marcia Langton The ALP has taken the Aboriginal electorate for granted, writes Marcia Langton.

Green activism 'keeping Aborigines in poverty'

An abandoned car in the South Australian outback.

Dan Harrison Aboriginal academic Marcia Langton accuses the left of standing in the way of indigenous advancement, consigning the nation's first peoples to lives of poverty as caretakers of wilderness.

Doorknock campaigns to get smarter, app-ier, better connected

Political campaigns have always been about organising.

Daniel Flitton The big difference first. Australians are compelled by law to vote - in America, people get to choose.

How the casino deal fell into Packer's hands

James Packer (Co-chairman, Melco-Crown Entertainment Limited) handing signed agreement to Cristino Naguiat Jr (Chairman, PAGCOR).25th of october 2012Photo: Jacky Ghossein

Sean Nicholls THE Premier, Barry O'Farrell, has played down the potential cost to James Packer of Sydney's second casino licence, leaving open the possibility he will pay nothing by arguing his proposal for a $1...

Party donor's safety charges dropped at department request

Anna Patty The NSW Department of Resoures and Energy asked for the dismissal of criminal charges against a high-profile Liberal Party donor who fought it for six years.

Labor seeks end to 'gender war'

Penny Wong

Labor appears to have eased back on the so-called gender wars with Finance Minister Penny Wong calms for calm.

Senior Lib admits green wedge fears

Jason Dowling The shadow federal environment spokesman has taken a swipe at the Baillieu government.

Blue sketch inadmissible as senior judges walk out

Diana Bryant

Eamonn Duff The Chief Justice of the Family Court, Diana Bryant, has been forced to apologise to some of Australia's most senior judges after they stormed out of a dinner hosted by her which featured a sexually...

Alan Jones apologises to Prime Minister

Alan Jones

Emma Partridge The broadcaster Alan Jones has apologised for remarks he made about Prime Minister Julia Gillard's late father, describing them as unacceptable.

Alan Jones claims Gillard's dad 'died of shame'

Heath Aston THERE are calls for a boycott of radio station 2GB over remarks by broadcaster Alan Jones that the Prime Minister's father, John Gillard, had ''died of shame''.