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AP/ November 17, 2012, 12:24 PM

Alito takes on critics of Citizens United

A Sept. 14, 2012 file photo of Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito, at Roger Williams University Law School in Bristol, R.I.

A Sept. 14, 2012 file photo of Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito, at Roger Williams University Law School in Bristol, R.I. / AP Photo/Stephan Savoia

WASHINGTON Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is defending the court's 2010 decision in the Citizens United case that helped fuel hundreds of millions of dollars of spending by independent groups in the just-concluded campaign season.

Alito told roughly 1,500 people at a Federalist Society dinner this week that the First Amendment protects political speech, whether from an individual or a corporation. His comments to the overwhelmingly conservative and Republican crowd were part of his broader analysis of arguments put forth by the Obama administration in recent years that Alito said would curtail individual freedoms in favor of stronger federal power.

He said opponents of the 5-4 decision have conducted an effective, but misleading, public relations campaign by stressing that the court extended free speech rights to corporations.

He even praised opponents' pithy cleverness, noting such bumper stickers as "Life Does Not Begin at Incorporation."

But Alito rattled off the names of the nation's leading newspapers and television networks, all owned by corporations and possessing acknowledged rights to print and say what they wish about politics and government.

"The question is whether speech that goes to the very heart of government should be limited to certain preferred corporations; namely, media corporations," he said. "Surely the idea that the First Amendment protects only certain privileged voices should be disturbing to anybody who believes in free speech."

It was not the first time Alito has taken on critics of the outcome in the Citizens United case. At President Barack Obama's State of the Union address soon after the court's ruling in January 2010, the president said the court "reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections."

Alito, sitting with five other justices, was seen to mouth, "Not true."

The justice in his speech Thursday also briefly dealt with high court cases involving religion, private property, surveillance, immigration and health care. In the latter case, of course, Alito was among four justices who dissented from the ruling that upheld Obama's health care overhaul.

But he noted that, even in the health care ruling, the court rejected administration arguments in favor of congressional power at the expense of the states and individuals.

Taken together, Alito said, the views put forth by the government begin to suggest a vision of society "in which the federal government towers over people." He noted that in several cases, not a single justice endorsed the administration's arguments.

He also humorously recounted his experience at Yale Law School in the early 1970s when he was a student of constitutional law professor Charles Reich, who by then was more interested in American counterculture than the law.

He quoted from Reich's bestselling "The Greening of America," in which the author painted a frightening picture of a disintegrating society and called the era a "moment of utmost sterility, darkest night, most extreme peril."

Here, Alito paused and, to the delight of a crowd dismayed by President Obama's re-election, added, "So our current situation is nothing new."

Conservative justices routinely speak at Federalist Society gatherings, including the yearly fall meeting in Washington.

Thursday's black-tie dinner at a Washington hotel cost $175 a plate, or for $550 a participant could attend the dinner and three days of speeches and panel discussions featuring a host of federal judges, conservative and liberal legal scholars and leading Supreme Court lawyers.

Some critics have said the justices are crossing an ethical line when they allow their names to be used by the group to help sell tickets to the event. Alliance for Justice, a not-for-profit group that advocates for liberal court nominees, said Alito showed "insensitivity to the need for a justice's ethical behavior to be above reproach" by doing just that.

Ethics guidelines for federal judges other than Supreme Court justices say judges should steer clear of fundraising efforts and not allow the prestige of their office to be used to drum up ticket sales.


© 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
52 Comments Add a Comment
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TJphoto says:
I'm sure he came there for FREE. Wouldn't want to create the impression that money could possibly buy a Supreme Court Decision. Thank God that our Congress is not for sale. Pass the Prozac please.
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Typez says:
"This (liberal) vision so permeates the media and academia, and has made such major inroads into the religious community, that many grow into adulthood unaware that there is any other way of looking at things, or that evidence might be relevant to checking out the sweeping assumptions of so-called "thinking people". Many of these "thinking people" could more accurately be characterized as articulate people, as people whose verbal nimbleness can elude both evidence and logic. This can be a fatal talent, when it supplies the crucial insulation from reality behind may historic catastrophes."

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Rafterman11 says:
"Citizen's United" will be the "Dred Scott" of the 21st century.
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85fr15 says:
So what's being said by many of you is that media, which as noted is owned mostly by large corporations,should be allowed to skew their so called journalism in any direction that they see fit? The media has a 24/7 stump to freely, meant in the monetary sense, slant their stories in any direction that they so choose.

It's okay for these mostly liberal media corporations to do this but any other corporation not within the media industry needs to keep their mouth shut......BS!

Alito is right.....If we can't get honest and straight forward reporting directly from the media who controls what we are allowed to hear, then "other than media" corporations should be allowed to funnel money towards campaigns so that their message can get out through different venues.

The media, for the most part, is the mouth piece for the liberals and does not allow good and decent reporting on what the conservative values. When they do a piece on conservatism they do their level best to not give a true perspective as to why we feel and think like we do and then the more liberal viewers and commentators pounce with all kinds of innuendo and accusation as to how radical we are. You know.....we are all about the money, we don't care about our neighbor, all we want to do is start more wars......
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bluejacket2-2009 says:
Alito is a confederate... he and Jefferson Davis are one in the same..
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calif7 says:
Alito again demonstrates the corporate culture that he and the other four 'conservatives' bring to the court. The common voter may have held their ground this election cycle but corporate fascism will be relentless in the coming years. So sad for America.
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bobnjersey says:
[Ethics guidelines for federal judges other than Supreme Court justices say judges should steer clear of fundraising efforts and not allow the prestige of their office to be used to drum up ticket sales.]
isn't this really a better example of 'the greening of america'?
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AustinRunner says:
Oh Alito, you lovable little fascist. Well not that lovable.
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webvisor says:
It's not the free speech that is an issue here - it's the MONEY! Equating Corporations with People allows them to donate freely via PACs - We need an anti-PAC law and an overturn of the Citizens United decision. Judge Alito, retire please and allow someone who won't preach to his choir like the Federalists to take your place...
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stevex47 says:
Hopefully Obama will pick many Supreme court justices.
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