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Marvel Debuts ‘Thor 2′ Footage in Italy: Descriptions & What to Expect from the Trailer

17 hours ago by  

Thor The Dark World Trailer Description

Back in August, Marvel screened early Iron Man 3 footage for Movie Fest attendees in Dublin and, after a few weeks later, offered London fans a sneak peek at the first official trailer for the next Tony Stark adventure. Then, one month later, the studio officially debuted the Iron Man 3 trailer online for all to see.

Now, we’re getting word that Marvel has screened early Thor: The Dark World footage to Italian film enthusiasts at the “Sorrento Professional Cinema Days.” Does this mean that a Thor 2 trailer is only a few months away? If so, descriptions of the Italian sneak peek might give us an idea of what to expect.

According to CBM, who culled together a number of Italian sources, the Thor 2 footage was presented by Marvel’s International Vice President, Nigel Cook and features a number of MILD SPOILERS for the film – including brief glimpses at scenes involving Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Odin (Anthony Hopkins), and the film’s Dark Elf antagonists.

At this point, there’s no concrete evidence to suggest that Marvel will use the same marketing progression for the Thor 2 trailer as they did for Iron Man 3 (i.e. sneak peek, trailer preview, and online trailer launch) but, given that the Iron Man 3 footage presentations created a lot of buzz for the eventual trailer release, it’s certainly possible that the Italian debut is the first piece of a larger marketing run-up. Either way, past experience makes it clear that a good chunk of the Italian preview video will likely be used in the first official Dark World trailer – meaning the reports give a quick glimpse at what we can expect.

Thor The Dark World Synopsis

Since Marvel has not released official information regarding the alleged footage, it’s worth taking these reports with a grain of salt for now. Read ahead for the first-hand descriptions of the footage but, as a warning, the text is a very rough-translation (we’ll update should a cleaner version becomes available):

In the preview, a voice-over is heard with the oath of the God of Thunder as the new supreme ruler. We see a clash between Thor and the enemy army, in a world that is neither Asgard let alone the Earth. We see Chris Hemsworth wielding his hammer and Tom Hiddleston as Loki first wounded without a helmet, with long, loose hair and then imprisoned; his anger increasingly desperate and irrational. Then there’s a scene later in which he is free again, but still furious.

Against the backdrop of a forest, in the middle of a clearing, among the dust, we in fact face off anthropomorphic creatures, but also a big “gorilla” krosan tusker: a rather alien fauna varies so, although not extreme in size (there are also some envoys/ambassadors of a people mysterious, with oval face and black eyes, elongated and sunken).

The rest of the images show glimpses of Asgard, with Anthony Hopkins as Odin and Natalie Portman in clothes that seem more like a princess; an Asgardian princess. In between, there are images of an epic battle on horseback, who seems to have left an epic cloak-and-dagger. The threat to the Asgardians is certainly a new alien race pale (now identified as the dark elves).

A black spaceship shaped irregularly looks like a serious threat to Asgard. More sequences show Natalie Portman then alongside Thor lying on the ground, probably overwhelmed in a clash.

Very little of the information comes as a surprise to anyone who has been following the film’s development – especially the battle with the Dark Elves and the “attack on Asgard” plotline (a story beat we had been discussing long-before Avengers hit theaters).

However their are some interesting new details to unpack here – especially Natalie Portman’s fancy “Asgardian” garb. Despite a set photos that hinted at epic off-world battle sequences, as well as reports that Thor 2 would jump from realm to realm, many insiders were still expecting some of the film to be Earth-based. While Cook told the attendees that the film will begin and end on Earth, it’s sounding increasingly likely that the majority of Thor 2 will take place in Asgard, among other fantasy/mythology-based locales.

chris hemsworth thor sequel loki

The mention of a desperate, irrational, and “increasingly angry” Loki is also an interesting image – given that many expected the villain to experience a change of heart in Thor 2. That said, the descriptions don’t necessarily give an indication of where Loki’s fury is directed and it’s still very possible that fallout from his actions in Thor and The Avengers (possibly the death of a loved one) cause the character to harness his rage and use it to join the fight against Malekith and Asgard’s attackers.

Then there’s the question of that “Black Spaceship.” Could Thanos make a Thor 2 cameo appearance?


Follow me on Twitter @benkendrick for more on Thor: The Dark World as well as future movie, TV, and gaming news.

Thor: The Dark World releases November 8, 2013

Source: Thor2Fans & Vingadoresdepre [via CBM]

Tags: thor, thor 2

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  1. Awesome! It already sounds better than the first one!(Which I thought was great.)

    • Agreed man

      • It sounds a lot better… didn’t care for the first one that much, seemed too much like a long trailer for The Avengers.

  2. I wonder if there will be any GOTG in a post credit or mid-credit scene? how did they get around??? not a big comicbook reader so if anyone can tell me how they got aroung I would be very thankful!! Right now ONLY them and Thor are space based, so maybe there is a lead-up to them

    • well, a number of guardians are from earth, so we could see a nod to them, however I am wondering if we will get any illusions to the original Guardians who were all from the future, or even from the second incarnation (for example, I think it would be fun to have a Hollywood cameo or easter egg[He is a future version of Wonderman who worked withe the 2nd or third version of the guardians, is pretty cool], even though we proably wont see wonderman himself(no relation to wonderwoman. He was a foe of iron man and the avengers, was turned into pure energy, and is immortal, would love to see him in a movie(his brain patterns were also used to help make vision), as he is a villian who in the ends realize heroism beats death, but its gets a tad bit more complicated than that)

    • cant answer your question but when i read “spaceship” thats what i thought…

  3. Doctor strange better have a cameo…

  4. In actual norse mythology Loki is less of an evil entity bent on world domination as he is just an agent of chaos. I know the comics barely line up with the actual mythology but it would be nice if we could get that version of Loki instead of the cliched super villain bent on conquering the world(s)

    • Rather like what he was in the Thor solo film?

      I REALLY loved that film… and Thor was the very last superhero on my list of “heroes I’d like to see in a film”. It turned out to be my favourite of the entire crop of recent superhero incarnations.

      The scene in the vault with Odin is hair-raising.

  5. I was thinking that the perfect time to release the trailer would obviously be before Iron Man 3 in theaters. That would be roughly 6 months before it is released which is usually when bigger films release the first trailers. Maybe we will get a super bowl teaser or something before hand.

    Though I guess the Iron man 3 trailer was released about 7-8 months before release so maybe we will be getting a trailer around march.

    • I was thinking the same thing – specifically with Disney’s Oz The Great and Powerful in March.

      I just didn’t want to mention it in the article because that’s purely speculation on my part.

  6. “A black spaceship shaped irregularly looks like a serious threat to Asgard.”

    Thanos? Kree? Skrulls? None of the above? To me, this is the most interesting part of the summery.

    • With thanos being te main baddy for phase 2, I can’t see it be anyone else.. Granted now all the various “realms” dark elves included are aliens living on actual planets who all presumably have high end tech (though frost giants certainly didn’t seem to have any other than the casket).

      Kree/skrull might be mentioned etc but I’m very doubtful they’ll ever make a full appearance until navel is ready to go full on kree/skrull & secret wars in the movieverse.

      • If it is the Kree (I hope it is) then that could be how they show Ms. Marvel?

        • Can’t be the Skrulls, Kree, or Shiar you guys for the same reason we don’t have Galactus and the silver surfer, Fox has the movie rights (however marvel does have the ms marvel rights, which is part of the reason we got the wimpy rouge in x-men, she stole the power to fly and strength from ms marvel in the comics, but couldnt in the movie)

          • I thought the rights were reverted back to marvel because Fox has never used the Skrulls or Kree?

            Even if the rights didnt go back, I can still dream, can’t I? ;) IF Fox, Sony, and Marvel/Disney work together, then it could be the Kree? Until then, I’m just gonna imagine :D

            • sorry dude, but its because the Skrulls and Kree are directly related to the fantasic four and appeared in the pages of the original comic

    • Agree with you fully, the spaceship on above Asgard is the coolest part. As powerful as Odin/Asgard are, this will be one epic invasion (if that’s what going to happen).

    • Thanos! Coming to get his Infinity Gauntlet out of Odin’s treasure room

  7. EXCELSIOR! :)

    • No offense intended here at all but why bother commenting if that’s all you ever say?

      Anyway, this sounds intriguing. Hope we get to find out more but I definitely need to know more about this space ship.

  8. Is there any news on whether the Enchantress is in The Dark World?

    Hemsworth is on the record as saying he would like Theron for the part. It would be big news if this was the case, but I haven’t heard any more about it.

    • No, she’s not in the movie. Be that doesn’t mean there’s no possibility of a cameo or a hint. ;-)

      • Thanks Ur mom.

        There is still lots of potential with Kat Dennings expanded role to be The Enchantress or even Hela.

  9. cooning around

  10. I’m probably more excited for Thor than Iron Man 3. Can’t wait to see a trailer! :)

    • I concur…The movie helped me become a “fan” of Thor.

      • Me too :)

  11. Wow that is truly cool see loki rage and dark elves ,malelikh attacking the earth and thor alone with jane foster many other monster as well and i can,t wait to see thor:the dark world trailer.

  12. I didn’t really like the first one but this one sounds great.

  13. I absolutly hope they dont have Loki as a villain again. Three times would be one to many!

    Other than that, I am excited.

    Seems like I read somewhere that Jane Foster becomes an Asgardian but it prooves to much for her. As a resault, she is memory-wiped and returned to earth.

    • that sounds, correct. but you may be falsely misquoting.

    • This is what I found on her character (pulled from wikipedia)

      Jane Foster, was a nurse for Dr. Donald Blake, eventually developing feelings for him and Thor, not knowing that they were one and the same. The love triangle went on for a while until Thor revealed his secret identity to Jane, which caused Odin to punish him though he was forgiven after saving Asgard, and in return Thor even took her to Asgard with him.[2] There, Jane was briefly granted immortality and the power of gods, until she failed to pass the tests of courage set forth by Odin when she showed fear battling the monstrous Unknown. Odin then strips Jane of her new powers and returns her to Earth with no memory of Thor or her time in Asgard where she meets her new love Dr. Keith Kincaid, who resembles Blake. Meanwhile in Asgard Odin reunites Thor with his childhood love, Sif.[3] Jane and Thor remain separated for sometime until Thor learns that Jane had been manipulated into attempting suicide by an entity known as “Fear” and rushes to her hospital bedside.[4] Sif seeing that Thor still has feelings for Jane, chooses to save Jane’s life by merging their life-forces together.[5] Jane is soon separated from Sif and is exiled to a pocket dimension only accessible through the Possessor’s runestaff.[6] Thor and Sif eventually rescue Jane and return her to Earth. Upon her return Jane marries her mortal love, Dr. Keith Kincaid

      Civil War
      During the superhero Civil War, Jane takes Captain America’s side against the registration act and joins his resistance group, the Secret Avengers. She operates from SHIELD safe-house number 23. Though only briefly seen in Civil War #2, Marvel Editor Tom Brevoort stated in an interview on Newsarama that it was really her welcoming the Young Avengers at the new headquarters.[10] She is also seen in issue 4, helping to assist a beaten Spider-Man.

      After hearing rumors of the return of Dr. Donald Blake and Thor, Foster divorces her husband and subsequently loses custody of her child. Blake soon visits Foster at her work in a New York City hospital in search of Sif, whose spirit Blake mistakenly thought had been reborn in Foster since their spirits had been merged once before.[11] Foster and Blake go on a date after an initially turbulent reuniting.[12][13] Foster later discovers that Sif’s spirit had actually been reborn in the body of a dying elderly cancer patient and alerts Blake. Thor then travels to New York and is able to restore Sif, just before the patient dies.[14][15]
      Foster later goes to Broxton, Oklahoma the site of the resurrected Asgard[16] and opens a medical practice with Donald Blake.[17]

      • Thanks man. Knew it was something like that…

    • Didnt you read? MALEKITH is gonna be the villain. Loki’s role won’t be as big as before, but he’s still important (maybe redemption or become’s Malekith’s ally).

      • The first synopsis states loki as part of thors group across the relms. He will be a main character who in the end will do sonething bad. I think.

        • Bad for those attacking Asgard.. As in save everybody (for selfish reasons). That would be a fun twist of sorts (like he did to the frost giant king but on a grander scale). Loki might be angry and spouts off that he hates Odin but his actions have proven the contrary when it really came down to it. So we might not see a full redemption of sorts but we might see him be the hero (albeit for selfish reasons or personal motives).

  14. This looks great – better than the first one, which was good – but it will only reach it’s full potential if they make Thor as powerful as he is supposed to be! He is Marvel’s Superman – on Stan Lee’s own account the character was conceived to be stronger even than The Hulk – and yet in the movies he both fights on fairly even terms with Iron Man and is actually seen losing to Loki on a number of occasions!! They need to power him up and cut him loose!!!!

    • Him and the Hulk definitely, as well as Hawkeye and Wolverine! That would be awesome to see in the movies.

    • Marvels Superman would be Sentry, not Thor. I think that they showed all the characters perfectly as is.

      • Thor can destroy an entire planet with a single punch to its surface… read some comics lol.

        • That sounds lame. If Thor was powered up, there would be no film. No plot. No tension. He’d just throw a punch and fly away (a s*** idea, I am now glad I do not read comics).

  15. I concur. power him up and let him loose. I wish they added Balder to this film. Thor #600 had a storyline in which Loki travels through time to directly cause his young self to be adopted by Odin. Then tricks Thor into killing Odins father Not, causing Thor to be banished from Asgard. This is the Loki I would like to see on film. Along with Asgard floating above Broxton Ohio.

    • I want someone to call Odin “the unsurper”. That would be cool (as for what it entails).

  16. And the GOTG are based in a severed Celestial head (galactus like being) and they travel via teleportation a la Star Trek.

  17. the Badoon perhaps? They would tie in to the guardians movie very well

    • I have not read comics for a long time, and the name Badoon looks familiar, but I have no idea who they are. I think it should be Kree. If it is the Kree, then Ms. Marvel could be right around the corner.

      • Good point for ms marvel. So many heroes are connected to various alien races that I wonder sometimes if they keep introducing one alien race after another te gen audience will get tired o it. One this for sure te main phase 3 arc for avengers should return firmly to terrestrial matters (ultron or what have you) and keep the alien/Cosmo expansion to gotg (maybe they can intro the whole kree/skrull thing and lead with that for phase 4). Just a thought.

  18. So what’s the idea of showing it to a clueless Italian audience first? It’s a U.S. based comic and U.S made movie. Show a little preference to the core audience and release it here first.

    • Because despite what most Americans like to believe, there are other countries on the planet. They have fans that like the same things as Americans will like. America is not the centre of the universe and never was/or will be.

      Comic fans are not just American, also there was an event on in Italy where there was Marvels INTERNATIONAL president at the damn thing. Promoting a franchise so it does better in Europe than it did last time is a bad thing is it? It will sell in America anyway.

      • The norh american market is a given.. The real money/difference maker these days is the international markets.

  19. I think They need to expand more on Thor’s powers. We know he’s strong and can block a blow from the Hulk. He also has a Beserker rage like Wolverine’s. He’s supposedly Super Fast. But there is more to a his hammer and being the son of 2 Gods that they can expound on.
    As far as the Avengers 2, I think the Avengers will get their asses kicked by Thanos with the 3rd movie being a culmination of every Marvel hero fighting Thanos and or being destroyed by him

  20. This is what to expect from Thanos. There is no defeating him!!!!!

    Thanos is a mutant member of the race of superhumans known as the Titanian Eternals.
    The character possesses abilities common to the Eternals, but amplified to a higher degree through a combination of his mutant Eternal heritage, bionic amplification, mysticism, and the entity Death.
    Demonstrating enormous superhuman strength, stamina, and durability, Thanos can absorb and project vast quantities of cosmic energy and is capable of telekinesis, telepathy and matter manipulation. Thanos is an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained in the art of war on Titan.

    Thanos is a genius in virtually all known fields of advanced science and has created technology far exceeding contemporary Earth science. He often employs a transportation chair capable of space flight, force field projection, teleportation, time travel and movement through alternate universes. Thanos is also a master strategist and uses a space vessel called Sanctuary II as a base of operations

  21. Thor is not truly immortal but relies upon periodic consumption of the Golden Apples of Idunn to sustain his extended lifespan, which to date has lasted many millennia.
    Being the son of Odin and the elder goddess Gaea, Thor is physically the strongest of the Asgardians. If pressed in battle, Thor is also capable of entering into a state known as the “Warrior’s Madness” (“berserkergang” in Norwegian), which will temporarily increase his strength and stamina tenfold, although in this state he attacks friend and foe alike.

    Thor possesses a very high resistance to physical injury that approaches invulnerability. Thor also possesses keen senses that allows him to track objects traveling faster than light and hear cries from the other side of the planet. Thor has the ability to travel through time. His stamina allowed him to battle the entire Frost Giant army for nine months without any sustenance or rest. Thor has also shown the ability to regenerate wounded portions of his body, including entire limbs or organs, with the aid of magical forces like Mjolnir.
    Thor has superhuman speed, agility, and reflexes, enabling him to deflect bullets with his hammer. Like all Asgardians he has immunity to all Earthly diseases and some resistance to magic. However, exceptionally powerful magic can overwhelm Odin’s enchantment that transforms him between Asgardian and mortal forms.

    As the Norse god of Thunder, Thor can summon the elements of the storm (lightning; rain; wind; snow) and uses Mjolnir as a tool to focus this ability, although the hammer cannot command artificial weather, only natural. He can cause these weather effects all over the world and destroy entire buildings; by whirling his hammer he can also lift entire buildings with the wind. As the son of the Earth goddess Gaea, Thor has shown some control over the Earth.
    Thor is a superb hand-to-hand combatant, and also skilled in armed combat, excelling in the use of the war hammer, sword, axe and mace. Thor possesses two items which assist him in combat: the enchanted Belt of Strength, and his signature weapon, the mystical hammer Mjolnir. The first item doubles Thor’s strength and endurance while the second is used to control his weather abilities; flight; energy projection and absorption; dimensional travel; matter manipulation and the most powerful of his offensives, the God Blast (which taps into Thor’s life force), the Thermo-blast, and the Anti-Force (which counteracts another force). Using Mjolnir by throwing in the desired direction and then holding on to the handle’s leather loop, Thor can also fly at supersonic speeds in Earth’s atmosphere and travel faster than light in space. He can throw an object out of Earth’s atmosphere using his strength, and throw his hammer to Asgard from where it will return.

    When Mjolnir was damaged, Doctor Strange bound Thor’s soul into Mjolnir, meaning that if the hammer were to be broken again, Thor may also die

    • That’s cool but as far as the marvel movieverse version of Thor, evidence show he’s vastly “depowered” as compared to his comic book counterpart.

      • True, because in the Avengers he was stabbed or poked by Loki, and the injury stuck with him for a while

        • Ya thought that was odd myself after the fact. Perhaps as guardian weaponry or other types of alien weapons can somehow neutralize his “god powers”. Idk I the fight against the aliens he seemed winded, but as u said could have been from the injury he sustained from Loki. It’s all speculation I guess.. Or done for convenient writing by Whedon to show the battle was hard fought (ad some suspense and all). Idk

      • Not to mention, I don’t know if it is me, but even in battle on film, it looks as if he is holding back. Of course , he wasnt going to use all of his strength on Iron Man or Hulk, knowing who they were, but against the frost Giants he like he was holding back a little bit

        • Makes sense to me. In the comics for example in the fear itself storyline, Thor does say to a possessed hulk that he’s always held back. It could be easily argued then that we haven’t really seen what he can do… Well vs destroyer perhaps. Had he done that against ironman.. Byebye iron man lol. Third a warrior, he enjoys the battle even though he could prob turn most of his opponent to vapor if he really wanted to.

  22. Spaceship? I was rather hoping for Thor 2 to be more fantasy than sci-fi :(

    • Since Asgard in the movieverse is a place in the universe it stand to reason that anybody could just fly there to attack it. Then other other “realms” may have other advanced tech (frost giants seemingly only had the casket though so how knows). Very different than the comics, less complicated to explain to the gen audiences but not sure it’s necessarily an improvement.

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