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Dennis Haysbert Steps In For The Late Michael Clarke Duncan On SIN CITY 2!!

Published at:  Dec 06, 2012 10:30:15 AM CST

The Kidd here...

Dennis Haysbert (24, MAJOR LEAGUE) is now lined up to join the cast of Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's SIN CITY 2: A DAME TO KILL FOR, stepping into the role of Manute, played initially by the late Michael Clarke Duncan in the first film. 

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Manute is essential to SIN CITY 2, featuring prominently in the central A DAME TO KILL FOR story, which tells the tale of Dwight (originally played by Clive Owen; still no word on Owen's return yet) and his dangerously complicated relationship with a femme fatale named Ava (Angelina Jolie? Rachel Weisz?). How does Manute factor in? He's the right-hand man of Ava's husband, which puts Dwight in some deep shit.

Manute isn't the only role recast for the sequel, with Jamie Chung filling in for Devon Aoki as Miho.

SIN CITY 2 is currently in the midst of production (although on a break right now in Austin), but things have been very quiet on the film's front, in regards to certain pieces of casting. Hmmm... time to start digging for some info.


-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

[email protected]

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    Readers Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:33:20 AM CST

    Cameo by Rourke?

    by star hump

    Marv plays a nice part in A Dame to Kill For.

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  • Dec 06, 2012 10:35:13 AM CST

    Haysbert is a skinny dude compared to Duncan.

    by tarijeno

    I wonder if they'll put him in a muscle suit to compensate...

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:35:55 AM CST

    Also, not Ving Rhames?

    by tarijeno

    I always got Ving and Duncan confused growing up. Seems like a no brainer...

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:36:19 AM CST

    Shame this took so long to make...

    by nasty in the pasty

    ...that two major cast members died in the interim (with a third being re-cast).

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:38:24 AM CST

    Will he say at some point "You're in good hands..."?

    by openthepodbaydoorshal

    Dude has great pipes...regardless of his body size.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:40:53 AM CST

    shit i forgot aoki was dead...

    by jamf

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:41:46 AM CST

    Aoki isn't dead. Murphy is.

    by tarijeno

    Devon Aoki started a family and semi-retired from acting. Brittany Murphy and Michael Clarke Duncan are the two who passed away.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:43:14 AM CST

    Haysbert rules

    by logan_1973

    But I'm.still not switching to Allstate.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:44:39 AM CST

    who's brittany murphy?

    by jamf

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:45:05 AM CST

    I give the context an B+

    by lox4444

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:48:53 AM CST

    Hey, barkeep!

    by whatyoufear

    Jobu needs a refill!!

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:49:06 AM CST

    Will we still have a clothed- Jessica Alba?

    by bodacious_crumb

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:51:17 AM CST

    Ving vs. Haysbert

    by letthewookiewin

    Rhames might be closer in size, but Haysbert has a better voice. Either way the dude is going to have a mechanical eye-patch on, no biggie here with recasting. But really? No word on if Clive Owen is back? Weak

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:51:42 AM CST

    What, no Michael Jai White??

    by freeman_lowell

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:00:03 AM CST

    WTF dont recast Dwight.

    by pax256

    Thats enough already this isnt James Bond. Bad enough they couldnt get Devon back and 2 fine actors have passed since...

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:05:24 AM CST

    The Dwight from the first movie was post face-changing operation

    by jackslater4

  • That would probably destroy most comic based movies.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:11:18 AM CST

    Now I miss Michael Clarke Duncan

    by d.vader

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:14:05 AM CST

    Don't bother posting a picture

    by rev_skarekroe

    I'll look it up myself.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:15:10 AM CST

    Oh, the guy from the Allstate commercials

    by rev_skarekroe

    He's not giant enough. They should have cast Terry Crews.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:15:41 AM CST

    Or better still, the cross-eyed guy

    by rev_skarekroe

    Who played the president in Fifth Element.

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  • Dec 06, 2012 11:20:11 AM CST

    Clive Owen would still have to show up (spoiler)

    by xbagboy

    Since post-op Dwight is at the end of the story.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:31:14 AM CST

    You tryin' to say..

    by whatyoufear

    .. Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 11:56:35 AM CST

    I like Aoki better

    by freeman_lowell

    can't believe she married that old old dude. What does he have that I don't have?? Oh yeah, money.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Then he'll sleep with his nieces.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 12:25:34 PM CST

    How about Carla Gugino's boobs?

    by bizarrojerry

    Are they contracted to return?

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 12:33:59 PM CST

    Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje **SPOILER**

    by fivezero

    He should have been Manute. And he should be Manute. End of story. Also for post-surgery Dwight.... how about....... I don't even know!! Maybe just change Clive Owens face with prosthetics? This is TRICKY!

    Reply to Talkback

  • I wonder if Miller's awful Spirit movie held this thing up. I mean the first was a hit, and in the midst of the comic movie craze you would've thought the sequel would've been out quickly. If Rodriguez can do a million Spy Kids movies in about 2 years why couldn't we have gotten a Sin City sequel sooner.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 12:53:43 PM CST

    Hats for bats.....Keep bats warm

    by thelordofhell

  • Dec 06, 2012 1:46:27 PM CST

    Carla Gugino is a horrible actress.

    by umaga

    But putting her in the first one was worth it for the green screen frame by frame feature on the DVD.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 1:58:27 PM CST

    No Jessica Alba without nudity...(cast someone else!)

    by darth macchio

    That actually kinda pissed me off. Not because of the lack of nudity but because that role simply demands it and yet, we didn't cast for the role we cast for draw so we end up with a beautiful girl unwilling to do nudity which takes away from the character.

    Alba gets male butts in the seats so who cares if we abandon original character beats for draw! Yeah!

    I respect Alba's nudity decision...hers to make of course. But then she doesn't deserve to be cast as a half-naked stripper if the character is, you know, a half-naked stripper.

    I see why this may not be a deal breaker story-wise but then why not make the change if its arbitrary?

    I personally get a little irritated at people with specific limitations thinking they should get roles that may require some degree of no limitations. Alba isn't required. Nudity is for this character. Cast a woman who is willing to do nudity.

    Carla Gugino did it and, as I understand it, she's not exactly done tons of nudity in everything she's done. Yet she did it and the nude scene also was not critical for the role.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 2:05:35 PM CST

    This should be direct-to-DVD/OnDemand

    by iamlegolas

    took to long to make it and the major, more interesting stories are already done in the first movie. And if Frank Miller's creating new ones, good luck with that (based on his output the past 10-15 years)

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  • Dec 06, 2012 2:23:04 PM CST

    I agree with dvader and wcwxl or whatever, Jamie is way hotter.

    by kindofabigdeal

    Aoki always look funny, like she had down syndrome. (not that I still wouldn't hit it)

    This new casting is making me not that interested anymore. Maybe they should just leave it be. To be honest Miller took a lot of wind out of the sales with that horrible Spirit movie. I was actually bored in the theater and I wanted to love that movie.

    I was in love with Murphy and Alba at the time. Having said that it's possible that we could see Alba's naked ass (a la cgi?) or even a tit (more cgi?). She's not that big of a draw as she was back then so she can't be picky. And I think Kat Dennings could be a good replacement for Murphy.

    I also pictured Depp in Owens role. I think that would have killed. Especially what would have been a brief Fear and Loathing reunion with Del Toro. He was in Once upon a time anyways.

    Finally I have no hope for this considering that Rodriguez is on crack or something. He's smoking his own shit. He cheats on his wife with that one legged gogo dancer. Then sticks his annoying nieces and annoying son in his movies. And now his Machete sequel is under threat of being shut down by the producers. (they claim he was trying to short them in profits) All in all it's not looking good for Los Hooligans (Troublemaker) Studios right now. :(

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  • Dec 06, 2012 2:33:26 PM CST

    Shame they didn't film 'Dame' first...*SPOILER???*

    by righteousbrother

    As it's a nice little twist when Dwight comes back - with the face change and all. Blew my mind the first time I read it.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 2:34:11 PM CST

    Megan Fox for Ava?

    by righteousbrother

  • Dec 06, 2012 2:42:56 PM CST

    Holy Shit! The 24 President was Cerano in ML?!!

    by sciencefromscratch

    Can't believe I didn't see it before, he looks so much smaller now. Sweet Joboo!

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 2:47:54 PM CST

    looks like this movie is in good hands...

    by swivile bobble fizz fizz

  • Dec 06, 2012 2:48:23 PM CST

    Hats for bats.... Keep bats warm....

    by swivile bobble fizz fizz

  • Dec 06, 2012 2:49:42 PM CST

    Up your butt Jobu!

    by samblackchvrch21


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  • Dec 06, 2012 2:54:20 PM CST

    'I've seen jack reacher for about a month now...we're goin' steady.

    by drstrangerlove

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:01:04 PM CST

    You telling me Jesus Christ can't hit a fucking curve ball???

    by swivile bobble fizz fizz

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:02:06 PM CST

    -hands over KFC bucket- One whole chicken, just like you said.

    by swivile bobble fizz fizz

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:05:37 PM CST

    Makes me wonder...

    by randy_of_aftimes

    SIN CITY 2 is currently in the midst of production (although on a break right now in Austin)...

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:43:06 PM CST

    Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Very bad.

    by kindofabigdeal

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:46:37 PM CST

    Little Late For This

    by lesbianna_winterlude

    First one looks a bit quaint now.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:50:19 PM CST

    Hats for Bats, Keep Bats Warm. Gracias.

    by samblackchvrch21

  • Dec 06, 2012 3:51:38 PM CST

    They started filming this bad boy?

    by tehfuck

    Where the fuck did that come from! This better turn into some grade A shit. Tarantino and Miller returning or what?

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 4:09:45 PM CST

    STREETS OF FIRE was Sin City before Sin City.

    by the green gargantua

  • I think I'm going to start doing Entertainmet Weekly, Latino Review, Hitfix, & Hollywood Reporter's sites instead of this one from now on. That's where AICN seems to get all of their non-Austin stories from these days, and they just got scooped on this one.

    Herc, might be time to get your own site. This one's goin to hell.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 4:31:42 PM CST

    re: recasting Owen and et al..

    by mcgillj

    As I recall, and I THINK its been about the time the first movie was released when I powered through all of the "Sin City" books.. but wasn't "Dame" written in TWO parts?

    So it would be logical for a bald dude to be Dwight in the first part.. then the operation to his face, would see Owen return to the role.

    I don't know about Statham.. but.. for bald bad ass I guess you can't do too much different there.. LOL.

    As for Manute, honestly? I don't even but VAGUELY rememeber him in the book.. and wouldn't call him a major character, that would be like saying Marv had a MAJOR part in the story. It was a cameo.

    Honestly, just change the character.. don't recast. Show some respect to Duncan, unless they're going to throw a bit more into there. But then you're changing the history, so that's a mess too.

    Honestly am curious to see what they come up with for the sequel. But I think the time has passed for Jolie as the titular "Dame".. although at the time Jolie was up for it, I was expecting to see Banderas cast as the husband.. wonder if that will still happen?

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 4:50:39 PM CST

    yes, manute is a big part of "Dame"

    by la te ral us

    his role in the first one is more of a cameo, comparatively.

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  • Dec 06, 2012 8:41:57 PM CST

    Wait, Brittany Murphy is dead?

    by frozenhero1

  • Dec 06, 2012 9:09:44 PM CST

    He's Cerrano?

    by aceldama

    I never knew that Haysbert was Cerrano. I'll have to go back and watch it. As for the casting here, it works as well as anyone else. And with his role in the Dame, they do need a quality actor, who can sell insurance. Not just some nobody.

    But really, does anyone think that they will be able to match the magic of the first one? It is a classic.

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  • Dec 06, 2012 10:06:40 PM CST

    Why bother making this?

    by macetowani

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:10:40 PM CST

    Manute is an old school man with internally created way of life.

    by the_cellarrat

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:19:35 PM CST

    major league and navy seals, come on! ha

    by joey_p_brenner

    haysbert is an awesome actor

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:20:23 PM CST

    Just sayin. Can't wait for this.

    by ultratron

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:29:47 PM CST

    Dennis Haysbert is also in Heat.

    by thatenddown

    He's the getaway driver who doesn't quite get away.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:49:31 PM CST

    I don't know if I will royally put my foot in my mouth but...

    by ranxerox999

    I've always thought that pre op Dwight was a black man. And I'm not even joking about it. So no, no Statham as Dwight. Anthoniy Mackie on the other hand, is great.

    Yeah, I know is far fetched, but also surviving a shot to the eye.

    Reply to Talkback

  • Dec 06, 2012 10:56:34 PM CST


    by gidney

    abound it seems. agree that Aoki should return to the role--I loved her blankness which only emphasized her "engine of destruction" function. Alba's no nude (apparently not counting digital sideboob and tush in Machete) rebels against the very nature of the film and did much to undermine the vibe of Sin City 1. I understand that once she shows the goods then everyone will want her to show the goods but that's her personal burden if it exists. Stripper in violent, R movie equally breasteses--end of story. Rodreguez would do well to hand this over to another director and "contribute" the way Tarrintino did in #1. I would also like more Marv, a cameo by Michael Rooker, and cameos from the characters Jessie Cuttler and Tulip--Cassidy would be out of place. Thank you. That is all.

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  • Dec 06, 2012 11:08:18 PM CST

    Wow, didn't know Dennis was 58.

    by toruk_makto

    He and Duncan are roughly the same height, but Duncan was much more muscular.

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  • Dec 06, 2012 11:15:36 PM CST

    Manute plays a prominent role in A Dame to Kill For...

    by toruk_makto

    Number of times characters name appears on Wikipedia page:

    Dwight - 36
    Ava - 24
    Manute - 14
    Marv - 12
    Damien - 8
    Miho - 5
    Gail - -4
    Nancy - 2

    That's a ranking of 3 baby!

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  • A hack in the worst way.

    He showed so much promise with El Mariachi and its two sequels. Once Upon A Time In Mexico was the weakest of the three, but Johnny Depp sort of lifted it up and made it fun enough to skate by (this of course was before Depp pretty much became Jack Sparrow in everything he did after 2003). I still love From Dusk Til Dawn, but let's face it, that one is a Tarantino movie where Quentin let his buddy Rob direct it. From Dusk Til Dawn now feels like it belongs to Tarantino's filmography moreso than it fits into Rodriguez's.

    Sin City was kind of cool at the time, as was 300, but now I just don't care for this approach. Especially with noir. Give me a proper old school noir or a neo-noir*, in black and white or in color, over this xeroxed from the page method of overstylized faux noir that we'll be getting way too long after Sin City has worn out its welcome while Rodriguez putzed around with lame kids flicks and silly grindhouse garbage.

    *For example: Chinatown, LA Confidential, Blue Velvet, Bound, The Maltese Falcon, The Asphalt Jungle, Dark City.

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  • Dec 07, 2012 9:08:51 AM CST

    they should get daniel craig to be dwight

    by booger_t

  • Dec 07, 2012 9:43:35 AM CST

    He's in the front of the drawer now marked "Big Black Dudes".

    by smerdyakov

  • Dec 07, 2012 9:48:14 AM CST

    Haysbert was awesome in "Heat"

    by i_snake_plissken

    Hey, can you drive for us today?

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