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7 Movies We’re Looking Forward To: December 2012


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  1. I’d replace “Guilt Trip” and “Jack Reacher” with “Zero Dark Thirty” and “Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away”

    • Thing is december is zdt limitrd release pretty sure it open wide in january

  2. Les Miserables is NOT set during the French Revolution but about 40 years later during the 1832 Student Rebellion. Please do your homework.

    • Oh sure, that’s just what they WANT you to think ;)

  3. Am I the only one waiting more for a trailer than any of the movie releasing in december? Hyped for the Man of Steel Trailer arriving with the Hobbit on 14th. By the way do visit the following link and share it to help unlock a Man of Steel ‘reward’ so to speak. Maybe be its a trailer of the trailer!

  4. hobbit the only one worth watching

  5. I could see Jack Reacher being good with almost anyone else in the lead role. Tom Cruise can play bad-ass, but of the unassuming variety. Jack Reacher is supposed to be a guy you just look at and go the other way even if your standing on a cliff…

  6. i just don’t care about the Hobbit. Maybe I’ll change my mind. Probably the only one. Reacher and maybe Django are the only ones I truly want to see.

  7. The Hobbit: very suspicious about that one. How many (older) franchises do you know that were successfully revived after 10 years or more? And how many have failed by missing what made the originals so great? The silly tone of the book and what I’ve seen in the trailer seem to support my fears. Smells like Jar Jar Binks…

    Monsters Inc. 3D: I don’t care. With a couple of exceptions I’m not a big fan of animated movies and I’m not a big fan of 3D (to put it mildly). I’ll pass.

    The Guilt Trip: could be interesting and funny if the humour isn’t too low brow. Something along the lines of “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” would be nice.

    This is 40: Midlife-crisis/relationship comedies… probably the worst genre of all, right after sports movies. There are notable exceptions but those are pretty unique entries (High Fidelity!). Don’t care.

    Jack Reacher: now that looks like nice old school entertainment. Could be awesome!

    Django Unchained: Inglourious Basterds was awesome and I have reason to believe yet that Tarantino has lost his game since then. Looking forward to it.

    Les Miserable: It’s a musical. Don’t care. ’nuff said.

    Sorry for mostly being a shepherd of negativity again, but you know how the saying goes: once bitten twice shy. I’m wary (and weary) from experience and jaded by the many, many excellent movies that I’ve seen in my life. It’s hard to impress me these days. And no, 3D is not the way to do it. At all. ;)

    • *NO reason to believe yet

    • I’m pretty wary about the HOBBIT myself. But I’m a fan of the storyline so I’ll go and see it. The main actor I recognize from the British Sherlock Holmes series …and from the movie “Love Actually”…so I think he’ll do a great job as a young Bilbo though I’m not sure about the actor who is portraying a younger version of Gandalf.

  8. this is 40 looks lame, I swear that chick has a career because she married Appatow

    Jack Reacher – its hilarious how much tom cruise overcompensates to show he is a manly man

    • 100% agree with everything you said.

  9. Hobbit, Jack Reacher maybe guilt trip and django unchained.

    And Jackie Chan’s Chineze Zodiac is supposed to be released in December. But that is probably just for the asian markets. We probably wont get it until early next summer in theaters if at all in theaters. Which is a shame because it is one of my most anticipated films for the end of 2012.

    • Yeah,Zodiac will play as the new years film here !
      The trailers are playing in fromt of any movie these days..can’t wait,just 2 more weeks to go ! Looks awesome and old school style for Chan fans !!

  10. The guilt trip , really. Come on.

  11. ZDT should be on this list.
    Don’t care much for QT, I’ll probably see DU so I can rant about how much I hated it.

  12. I’m most excited about “The Hobbit” “The Guilt Trip” and “Les Miserables” I have a feeling these three will be worth the wait

  13. I’m super-excited for The Hobbit. First off, because it’s The Hobbit. And secondly, for the freakin’ trailers that are attached to it. Man of Steel, Pacific Rim, AND Star Trek Into Darkness? Heck yes!

  14. I am a singer… been studying in school for performance of singing for 3 1/2 yrs…. anne hathaway is… okay…. I think they could have done better. The problem with Musicals on the silver screen is that sometimes they choose actors whose strength is exactly that:acting. Singing usually not the best tool in their arsenal. However, Hugh and Russell are great choices. Both have great choices. but anne hathaway? FAR from “great” as the article says.

  15. Was surprised to see Jack Reacher on this list, I hadn’t even heard of it till I saw a trailer for it a few weeks back – maybe the marketing angle is just bad, but it just looked like a run-of-the-mill popcorn action flick to me. With a slightly lame name.

    Monsters Inc 3D? Not really. Even with very well-done 3D, just having a greater perception of depth doesn’t really do much for me to make me look forward to a film quite so much…

    I agree with you about Guilt Trip (it either working surprisingly well or being a trainwreck) but I’m leaning towards it bombing critically. I dunno, maybe it’s just because I’m not convinced by the premise or the actors…

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