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Imager description: Toni Frissell holds a camera on her lap while several children stand around her. This photograph was taken somewhere in Europe during 1945.
Photo from the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

Imager description: Toni Frissell holds a camera on her lap while several children stand around her. This photograph was taken somewhere in Europe during 1945.

Photo from the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

Image description: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lyman, Polish tobacco farmers near Windsor Locks, Connecticut. This photograph was taken in September 1940.
Photo from the Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection, Library of Congress.

Image description: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lyman, Polish tobacco farmers near Windsor Locks, Connecticut. This photograph was taken in September 1940.

Photo from the Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection, Library of Congress.

Image description: This group portrait of the Sarasota Sun-Debs was taken in Lido Beach, Florida around 1950. The Sarasota Sun-Debs originally organized in 1949. The young women who participated received modeling training and were featured in locally and nationally distributed photographs of Florida beach scenes.
Photo from the Joseph Janney Steinmetz Collection, State Library and Archives of Florida.

Image description: This group portrait of the Sarasota Sun-Debs was taken in Lido Beach, Florida around 1950. The Sarasota Sun-Debs originally organized in 1949. The young women who participated received modeling training and were featured in locally and nationally distributed photographs of Florida beach scenes.

Photo from the Joseph Janney Steinmetz Collection, State Library and Archives of Florida.

Image description: Today is Wright Brothers Day, commemorating the first successful airplane flight in 1903. This photo shows that feat. Learn about the first flight.
Photo by John T. Daniels, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Image description: Today is Wright Brothers Day, commemorating the first successful airplane flight in 1903. This photo shows that feat. Learn about the first flight.

Photo by John T. Daniels, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day

On December 15, 1791, the United States adopted the Bill of Rights, ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution written to guarantee essential rights and liberties omitted in the crafting of the original document. December 15th is Bill of Rights Day, an opportunity to reflect on these freedoms and the people who have struggled throughout our history to make them possible.