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We Got This Covered

Rating Title | Year Quote Author

Looper (2012)

"Looper has its highs and lows, but it remains one of the more original sci-fi films to come out in some time."

Jeff Beck


Promised Land (2012)

"The film wants to be meaningful, wants to have topical significance and emotional heft, but it arrives mostly empty, and in a year filled with great and memorable films, Promised Land is not worth anyone's attention."

Jonathan Lack


The Words (2012)

"The Words has a fascinating story at its core, but the unnecessary extra layer only serves to hurt the film and makes the ending a bit of a mess."

Jeff Beck


Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)

"The Blu-Ray of Resident Evil: Retribution ends up being a pretty good release of a really bad film. If you're one of the millions who have seen just how awful these movies have gotten, then this entry is not likely to change your mind."

Jeff Beck


Jack Reacher (2012)

"Not every action piece has to be full throttle insanity, and some films benefit from intelligent design to balance out scenes of ass-kickery and henchmen deaths - like Jack Reacher."

Matt Donato


Parental Guidance (2012)

"Thanks to a wonderful cast and Crystal's good intentions, Parental Guidance is a much better movie than one might expect it to be."

Ben Kenber


Not Fade Away (2012)

"Many films purport to be about music, but few understand music as thoroughly and enthusiastically as Not Fade Away. On every level, this is smart, confident, authentic, and thoroughly satisfying filmmaking, and one of the best films of 2012."

Jonathan Lack


Trouble with the Curve (2012)

"Trouble with the Curve arrives on Blu-Ray with beautiful quality, but the multi-plotted narrative of the film and the hollow special features only serve to drag it down, ultimately making this a release that I can't recommend."

Jeff Beck


Total Recall (2012)

"This chance to update the original Total Recall merely becomes a missed opportunity, with the filmmakers opting to make a special effects extravaganza that largely ignores the story instead."

Jeff Beck


This is 40 (2012)

"This Is 40 exhibits none of the pacing problems that held back Apatow's previous features, and builds to its simple, moving conclusion with extraordinary precision and clarity."

Jonathan Lack


Django Unchained (2012)

"There has simply been no film this year that awakened, excited, and satisfied my cinematic senses as much as Django Unchained, no film that succeeded better at its own ambitions or, with one or two possible exceptions, set it sights quite so high."

Jonathan Lack


The Guilt Trip (2012)

"The Guilt Trip is something of a mixed bag. On one hand it has the combined talents of Seth Rogen and Barbara Streisand, who work terrifically off of one another, and on the other it's not that different from other road movies we have seen."

Ben Kenber


Storage 24 (2013)

"While sluggishly starting in a fashion horror/sci-fi fans are all too familiar with, Storage 24 takes an unexpected turn for the awesome with bouts of ooey-gooey creature horror - but still leaves us wanting a tad more."

Matt Donato


Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)

"As it stands, Hyde Park on Hudson is hobbled as a whole by poor focus and inconsistent tone and characterization. This is not a disaster by any means, but given the talent involved, it is certainly a disappointment."

Jonathan Lack


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

"Does An Unexpected Journey do a satisfactory job bringing audiences back to Middle Earth? The answer is 'yes' - if not as resolutely as I may have hoped - and the film is absolutely worth seeing for this quality alone"

Jonathan Lack


Les Misérables (2012)

"Les Miserables is a beautiful work, but a highly flawed one, and despite many moments of sheer transcendence, the film as a whole falls short of greatness."

Jonathan Lack


Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

"Zero Dark Thirty is as smart and well crafted a drama as any made this year, a stark and harrowing peek behind the modern intelligence curtain that is both exhilarating and refreshing in its focus, clarity, and execution."

Jonathan Lack


Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

"Beasts of the Southern Wild looks amazing, but the writers spread the narrative out so much that the film ends up having little impact, making this a visual feast that you'll forget about pretty quickly."

Jeff Beck


Nailbiter ()

"Nailbiter is an independent horror film through and through, one that reaches for the stars yet only gets about halfway there."

Matt Donato


Men in Black III (2012)

"Men in Black 3 is a fun and entertaining film that comes to Blu-Ray with great quality and a wonderful selection of special features."

Jeremy Lebens


Hope Springs (2012)

"Hope Springs is a sweet and funny film, featuring wonderful performances from the leads, but it also has a nice emotional touch to it."

Jeff Beck


The Collection (2012)

"The Collection is one of those horror films that really makes you sound like a deranged psychopath for recommending, but demands to be spread like a mind-controlling plague."

Matt Donato


Silent Night (2012)

"This holiday season, horror fans should be sure to unwrap Steven C. Miller's Silent Night for an unexpected holiday treat, even if it's not all mistletoe and sweet candy canes."

Matt Donato


Men in Black III (2012)

"Men in Black 3 is a fun and entertaining film that comes to Blu-Ray with great quality and a wonderful selection of special features."

Jeff Beck


Killing Them Softly (2012)

"Killing Them Softly is well made, written, and acted, but the allegorical story and repulsive characters are too one-note and unpleasant to enjoy or recommend."

Jonathan Lack


Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012)

"Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning comes off feeling like the Alien 3 of the franchise, as it becomes, at times, far too nihilistic to be enjoyed."

Ben Kenber


Brave (2012)

"Brave is yet another spectacular animated film released on Blu-Ray with the highest picture and audio quality."

Jeremy Lebens


The Expendables 2 (2012)

"The Expendables 2 is bigger and better than the first film thanks to Simon West's direction."

Jeremy Lebens


Lawless (2012)

"Lawless had great potential, but due to a poor storytelling technique that causes the film to be rather dull, we merely end up with a film that just looks good."

Jeremy Lebens


Lawless (2012)

"Lawless had great potential, but due to a poor storytelling technique that causes the film to be rather dull, we merely end up with a film that looks good while not actually being good."

Jeff Beck


Gut (2012)

"Gut is slow burn horror equal to setting a crock pot on low and letting it stew all day, taking entirely too long to achieve what payoff awaits."

Matt Donato


Mimesis ()

"Mimesis is a horror fan's dream concept, recalling a classic film with superior cult like worship, but struggles at times to deliver consistent grade-A material."

Matt Donato


Rise of the Guardians (2012)

"Rise of the Guardians is an unexpected treat, a clever and heartfelt love letter to the wonder of childhood that should delight audiences of all ages this Thanksgiving."

Jonathan Lack


Life of Pi (2012)

"Life of Pi doesn't live up to its own external or diegetic hype, but it offers a pleasant and thought-provoking fable about the nature of faith, brought to life by some truly amazing visuals."

Jonathan Lack


Savages (2012)

"Oliver Stone's Savages is a recycled popcorn flick straight from the 90s. The performances help prove that point, aside from Benicio Del Toro's creepy, yet effective transformation as Lado."

Matt Joseph


Madea's Witness Protection (2012)

"Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection is typical Perry fluff, but entertaining none-the-less. It's not his strongest Madea film, but it certainly isn't his worst. I'd peg it somewhere in the middle."

Jeremy Lebens


A Late Quartet (2012)

"A Late Quartet features good performers and good dramatic intentions, but is too joyless, unpleasant, and inauthentic in its presentation and discussions of music to make any sort of impact."

Jonathan Lack


Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

"Silver Linings Playbook is an infectiously rousing crowd-pleaser about psychological damage and emotional healing, which would seem oxymoronic if not for the authentic, insightful atmosphere and marvelous performances."

Jonathan Lack


The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is easily the best film in the series, thanks to stylish direction, a good sense of tone, and decent acting. It also has an infuriating ending that reinforces the worst of this series."

Jonathan Lack


Lincoln (2012)

"Lincoln is a smart, insightful, emotionally stirring, and highly relevant historical drama with mesmerizing performances and outstanding writing. It is one of the best films of 2012."

Jonathan Lack


ThanksKilling 3 ()

"If you loved ThanksKilling and all its fixin's, ThanksKilling 3 will be a lavish helping of Thanksgiving inspired horror. But, if you couldn't stomach Turkie the first time around, you better believe a second helping will leave you on the floor."

Matt Donato


The Watch (2012)

"The Watch is an unfunny, unfocused mess that comes to Blu-Ray with good quality, but also a complete lack of interesting special features."

Jeff Beck


Deadfall (2012)

"Although not a terrible movie, the glimpses of greatness hidden behind the forced mediocrity only serve to remind viewers that Deadfall could have been a tauter, more focused experience than what we were given."

Christian Law


The Campaign (2012)

"Jay Roach's The Campaign can be funny at times, but it's mostly an exercise of patience as two usually funny men scrape the bottom of the barrel for some truly unfunny jokes. Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis have both been in much better films."

Jeremy Lebens


The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

"While the film is a similarly-bland telling of the same origin story we saw brought to film just ten years ago, The Amazing Spider-Man Blu-Ray is easily recommendable for its outstanding video and audio quality."

Jeff Beck


Everything or Nothing: The Untold Story of 007 (2012)

"Everything or Nothing is one of the best films of the year and the rare documentary that can fascinate, inform and enliven all at the same time."

Simon Brookfield


The Comedy (2012)

"An unconventional, unapologetic comedy that's unbelievably entertaining."

Chase Whale


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)

"Lorene Scafaria's Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is a bleak, honest and slightly humorous look at the end of the world that works tremendously well."

Jeremy Lebens


Red Lights (2012)

"Red Lights is proof that Rodrigo Cortés knows how to shoot a film and make it look gorgeous. It's also proof that a cast list as strong as this one still can't overcome a weak script that fizzles out by the second act."

Jeremy Lebens


Citadel (2012)

"From beginning to end, Citadel does not make any sense and pollutes what could have been a terrifying piece of original work with irritating moments of forced frights. "

Chase Whale

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