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20 Worst Films of 2012

From 'Battleship' to 'This Means War,' the year's biggest cinematic stinkers

With all the fawning end-of-the-year kudos currently circulating, it's easy to forget that a sizable number of actual bad movies came out in 2012. Well, consider this a refresher.

From failed blockbuster tentpoles ("Battleship") to would-be hilarious comedies ("The Watch") to lame scare-challenged horror flicks ("The Apparition") to...uh, well, pretty much anything involving Tyler Perry, there's no doubt that the last 366 days have come with a heaping helping of truly heinous cinematic stinkers.

So what better time for an accounting of the year's most outrageous big-screen abominations than on the eve of the coming apocalypse? You're gonna have to make peace with the end of the world somehow - might as well do it by reminding yourself of just how bad things can get at the local multiplex.

Check out our selections for the 20 worst movies of 2012 in the gallery below, then share some of your own picks in the comments.


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    I suppose there are a few reasons why a film would end up on the worst of the year. A movie I just watched , Total Recall, did in fact turn out a little boring. However, boring would never ever be a reason in my book to place it on the top 20 worst of the year. It wasn't filled with acting that will win any razzie awards. The directing didn't give me a headache. In a year that gave us, That's my Boy , I say you judge Total Recall too harshly......... Oh and This Means War had everyone in the theatre laughing. They could have dropped the government job shtick but if nothing else it was good to see Hardy and Pine laugh and having fun. Which Hardy in Lawless and Pine in the ultra-serious Trek 2 , doesn't look like they are having much of...

    December 21, 2012 at 3:20AM EST Reply to Comment
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    What's with the Chris Pine hats??

    December 21, 2012 at 3:26AM EST Reply to Comment
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      Jerod Hate not hats...damn autocorrect.

      December 21, 2012 at 3:27AM EST
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      Monty Jack I'd like to buy a Chris Pine hat. How much?

      December 21, 2012 at 10:04AM EST
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      jimmer So you have any Chris Oak? I`m building a table.

      December 21, 2012 at 11:01AM EST
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      Tony it's because no talent ass-clowns love to hate

      December 30, 2012 at 9:14AM EST
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      Tony and btw, loved Pine in Smokin Aces, just workin Ben's mouth like a lil puppet

      December 30, 2012 at 9:16AM EST
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      JC Except Star Trek, his filmography is mediocre.

      January 2, 2013 at 3:20PM EST
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    For once, it's refreshing not to see Prometheus on a worst film list. Sure it wasn't great, the story suffers from bad logic and motive, and it's not the film we were hoping to get. Put all that aside and you have an entertaining movie.

    December 21, 2012 at 11:45AM EST Reply to Comment
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    Guy Smiley

    "you can’t simply throw immensely talented, charismatic stars (and Chris Pine) into one shot and immediately expect sparks to fly."

    I howled when reading this. Apparently Pine's lousy in roles other than James T. Kirk then?

    December 21, 2012 at 12:43PM EST Reply to Comment
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      Ginger Pale I don’t get the hatred either. He is a great James T. Kirk, showed his talent before Star Trek with series gigs and the underrated „Carriers“. He just seems to make not the best movie choices aside from ST. Nevertheless „People Like Us“ wasn’t as bad as they make it out to be here.
      Not sure what to think about him playing Jack Ryan (or choosing this role or if there needs to another Jack Ryan movie at all) but let’s see.
      Maybe someone just doesn’t like his pretty handsome face. He seems like a decent guy who is not always all over the place in an attention-seeking-call-the-paps-manner and gives articulate, charming interviews.

      December 22, 2012 at 12:07PM EST
  • A_monty_talkback_profile

    Monty Jack

    Battleship actually wasn't as horrible as I expected. It wasn't GOOD by any stretch of the word, but aside from the "hilarious" opening scene with Taylor Kitsch breaking into a convenience store to steal a burrito, it never devolved into the irritating overkill of the Transformers movies. It was dull, but not offensively awful.

    December 21, 2012 at 2:13PM EST Reply to Comment
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      chris I loved battleship! Although I went into the movie with the lowest of expectations because how can u make a movie based ( obviously very loosely) on that kids game and there be anything to it, plot or otherwise. I was very impressed with even Rhianna. The one that let me down the most was Immortals as I expected a "300" like film with mickey rourke to be a barbaric visual masterpiece. Turns out it was just barbaric and not enuff of that.

      December 22, 2012 at 1:40AM EST
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    I just sat through "Anna Karinina". What a stinker! I've seen a tree act better than Kiera Knightly. How did she get to be a movie star? Dont answer that!!!!

    December 21, 2012 at 10:11PM EST Reply to Comment
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      vvvvv Man, you don't have the slightest idea of writing the names correctly, illiterate!!!

      December 29, 2012 at 8:21PM EST
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      AtariBaby You've insulted someone's spelling with poor grammar. I am embarrassed fror you.

      January 3, 2013 at 11:32PM EST
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      AtariBaby Hoisted by own petard. Youch!

      January 3, 2013 at 11:33PM EST
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    Why no mission impossible III or IV, whatever, the last one...
    That movie is pure SHIT, it's hollywood shitting in your face while you watch it. The entire franchise is bullcrap but oh man, this movie is just pure dookie. Well I guess what most people want, car explosions, scientologists hanging of buildings, you know that shit.

    December 22, 2012 at 3:24AM EST Reply to Comment
    • Pic_talkback_profile

      forg because Mission Impossible 4 is from last year

      December 22, 2012 at 12:44PM EST
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      InesGreen LMAO! Yea, Ghost Protocol came out last year. I've been on the fence about that film since I saw it in theaters last year and rented it twice at RedBox to confirm my feelings on it. I do NOT like Ghost Protocol. Love the title, though

      December 23, 2012 at 9:23PM EST
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      Mike Mission Impossible 4 was great. 94% on Rotten T.

      December 25, 2012 at 1:37AM EST
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    In the Watch, it should be Ayoade not Ayodade

    December 22, 2012 at 3:31AM EST Reply to Comment
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    i just couldnt sit back and allow this one to stand. "total recall" was pretty awesome in my opinion. it had everything a great wwe show would include; action, intrigue, suspense, drama, adventure, sex and comedy.

    i didnt find it the least bit boring or dull. in fact, i have it on dvd and still watch it occasionally. to each his own i guess. if you havent seen it id recommend running out the getting it if you like non stop action and great special effects.

    December 22, 2012 at 1:58PM EST Reply to Comment
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    Total recall was freaking great

    December 22, 2012 at 3:34PM EST Reply to Comment
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    people like us was a great movie, I almost cried at the end.

    December 22, 2012 at 8:37PM EST Reply to Comment
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    Zim Zum

    Worst movie is basically any comedy or pretentious artsy flick that Rotten Tomatoes drooled over.

    December 23, 2012 at 12:34AM EST Reply to Comment
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    Zim Zum

    Worst movie is any comedy or pretentious Oscar bait flick that Rotten Tomatoes drooled over. Best is Dark Knight Rises. Not that silly Avengers kid's movie.

    December 23, 2012 at 12:36AM EST Reply to Comment
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      Dom Dark Knight Rises sucked. Marvel at least has their shit together with making good movies.

      December 23, 2012 at 3:38PM EST
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      Michaell625 Um Avengers was garbage. Dark Knight Rises was a masterpiece and all-around great film-making. The Marvel movies are cheesy comic-book shlock with zero substance. I liked Avengers better when it was called Transformers 3. Of course, angry internet nerds love anything Whedon pumps out.

      December 23, 2012 at 4:51PM EST
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      InesGreen Do not agree on Dark Knight Rises. That wasn't a good movie. The Avenger was blah as well.

      December 23, 2012 at 9:28PM EST
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      carl The dark knight rises was a bloated, pretentious, boring pile of crap. I don't know how one in good conscience could consider that plot-hole filled, dull excuse for a superhero film the best film of the year, let alone a good film at all. The Avengers on the other hand was a stellar film that stayed true to the source material and didn't forget its humor. That was one of ther year's best. I'll take “silly kid stuff" over forgettable, vapid, “adult" superhero films anyday. Just because nolan directed it doesn't make it good. And just because a superhero film isn't dark or gritty doesn't make it bad. Both aforementioned movies proved that this year.

      December 27, 2012 at 6:06PM EST
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      Ricky Why do people insist that one is better than the other. Is it not possible to like both? I do. I think both films were awesome in different ways. And I could watch both of them over and over and over again.

      December 28, 2012 at 4:39PM EST
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    I sincerely hope the 20 worst films were never released.

    December 23, 2012 at 7:48AM EST Reply to Comment
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    I sincerely hope the 20 worst movies were never released.

    December 23, 2012 at 7:50AM EST Reply to Comment
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    worst film "Ted"

    December 23, 2012 at 7:55AM EST Reply to Comment
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      You have no taste in comedy and you are not there target audience

      January 8, 2013 at 12:39AM EST
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      K.C. Oh, a cute teddy bear turns out to be a vulgar letch. Hilarity ensues. Real original and funny. /endsarcasm It killed me that Mark Walberg got involved with this dreck (although the scene where he's rattling off women's names is pretty impressive).

      Posted less than a minute ago
  • Shaggy_werewolf_talkback_profile

    That Werewolf Guy

    Where is PROJECT X on that list? That surprisingly unfunny love letter for dangerous douchebag behaviour in the name of "earning your school mates respect" has a good chance of becoming my most hated movie of the decade!

    December 24, 2012 at 4:29AM EST Reply to Comment
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    Drew, I am surprised that you did not include "The Divide" anywhere, as it inspired you to write the best piece you've ever written as a film blogger. I guess because you didn't finish it? (Which, trust me, I don't blame you, what a lame, stupid movie)

    December 24, 2012 at 10:33AM EST Reply to Comment
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    I agree with most of them, except for Total Recall and Gone. Total Recall cause I genuinely liked it (if not loved it), and Gone because I enjoyed Amanda's energy, if not the plot of the movie.

    December 25, 2012 at 11:18AM EST Reply to Comment
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    amber tudor

    I have only seen 2 of those but "this means war" I thought was funny. Resident Evil was without a doubt to me the worst movie of the year and possible of the 2000s

    December 25, 2012 at 2:58PM EST Reply to Comment
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    Was Silent Hill too good to make this list?

    December 26, 2012 at 1:36AM EST Reply to Comment
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    It may not have been the "worst move," but the critically lauded "Moonrise Kingdom" deserves mention for brutally killing a little dog with an arrow and making light of it.

    December 26, 2012 at 1:40PM EST Reply to Comment
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      MARTIN TODD so what? that makes it a bad movie?

      January 5, 2013 at 3:42PM EST
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      Zac i believe that was part of the whole movie's theme. A boy gets struck by lightning and they don't make a big deal of that either. Anyway, it was my favorite movie of the year!!

      January 6, 2013 at 10:56AM EST
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    I liked "People Like Us" even though the story seemed far fetched. Why would someone's dad not leave his son anything, but leave it for a girl he never knew. He should have split the inheritance between himself and the girl. The movie was based on the writer's life so as unusual as the plotline seems, it actually happened in real life.

    December 26, 2012 at 7:46PM EST Reply to Comment
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    battleship, total recall, what to expect when you're expecting, resident evil, this means war - they weren't the best movies of 2012 but sure they weren't the worst! it feels like the person who made this list just couldn't find 10 more movies so he just added them

    December 27, 2012 at 5:14AM EST Reply to Comment
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    I would like to see a little bit more justification for why some of these movies were actually bad rather than finding really creative ways of insulting them and throwing in a few things some critic didn't like about them.

    December 27, 2012 at 8:34PM EST Reply to Comment
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    Worst movie this year: the Hobbit. Peter Jackson did a poor job on the Lord of the Rings and now he has completely ruined the Hobbit. But I knew it before, american movies kept getting worse and worse over the last two decades. It's a shame, those who have the largest budget make the worst movies.

    December 28, 2012 at 6:32PM EST Reply to Comment
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      Jeremy For one, Peter Jackson is a genius and the LOTR ROTK was the only fantasy film to ever win an oscar and it won 11. Also, they aren't American films idiot, they're filmed in New Zealand.

      December 30, 2012 at 2:54PM EST
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      Bill Ahahahahahahaahahaha, The Hobbit was great.

      January 1, 2013 at 8:47PM EST
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      mrlongbaugh "poor job on LOTR" You have got to be a troll.

      January 3, 2013 at 12:11PM EST
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    Maybe this article was written before Parental Guidance was previewed but anytime you have 2 crotch hits in one movie, well it's the WORST. Shame on Billy Crystal.

    December 28, 2012 at 10:23PM EST Reply to Comment
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    holy crap, if this guy never speaks again it would be too soon

    December 30, 2012 at 9:12AM EST Reply to Comment
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    Total recall is completely sick! Any of you out there that have a problem with this movie need to have your head checked, because I think they got to you too...

    December 31, 2012 at 12:46PM EST Reply to Comment
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    [email protected]

    One of the cardinal rules of film for any actress is: Never make a movie with a leading man who is better looking than you are. Witherspoon made that mistake in WATER FOR ELEPHANTS. Her leading man in that movie was both better looking and YOUNGER. In THIS MEANS WAR Reese Witherspoon again breaks the rule with two leading men who are both better looking and younger (or at least younger looking). Chris Pine and Tom Hardy are terrific and don't need a leading lady as long as they have each other. Kind of like George Clooney and Brad Pitt in Oceans 11, 12 & 13. They also don't need potty mouth, over the hill non-actor Chelsea Handler who brings down the movie every time she appears on screen. Chelsea Handler a 40 something "comedian" is famous for bullying a 20 something unwed mother from Alaska. I've read that in order to get a PG-13 rating they had to excise some of Ms. Handler's dialogue. Not to worry, in order to get their money back her scenes will probably be included in the Special Features section of the DVD. Thank God for DVDs so you can fast forward through the scenes with Ms. Witherspoon & Ms. Handler and concentrate on the scenes with Mr. Pine and Mr. Hardy. I never thought I would see Tom Hardy in a ROMCOM but again he surpasses expectations.

    December 31, 2012 at 6:47PM EST Reply to Comment
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