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24 December 2013 Tuesday
Today's Zaman

PM Erdoğan: Corruption allegations just a cover

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan greets the Justice and Development Party youth branch who wore shrouds to express their full commitment to Erdoğan's cause, saying that they will fight along with him to the death. (Photo: İHA)
22 December 2013 /TODAY'S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday reiterated his claims that a conspiracy has been devised to discredit his Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and that corruption allegations faced by four of his ministers are just a cover to this end.

Speaking in the Black Sea city of Giresun, the prime minister said: “Under the cover of corruption, a very illegitimate, ugly and dark trap is being set. Corruption [charges] are just a cover."

He called on the people not to believe the stories run by several media outlets about the corruption charges, saying: “The goal of this conspiracy is different. The goal of this trap is different.”

“There are some who want to jeopardize Turkey's future and abuse the nation just like they did in the past. This is the trap that was set last week. Some groups in Turkey have become tools in this dirty game and helped it,” Erdoğan said in further remarks.

The prime minister has been describing an ongoing corruption operation which has extended to the sons of three ministers, several prominent businessmen, and bureaucrats as a “dirty operation” to discredit his government.

In his speech on Sunday, Erdoğan also challenged those whom he accused of setting a trap for his government, saying: “All or enemies and friends should know this very well: If someone extends their hand against our future, our country, and sets up dirty traps in order to foment chaos in this country, we will break their hands and foil their traps. No one can operate on my beautiful country. Dirty hands, dirty circles cannot create chaos in this beautiful country.”

According to Erdoğan, the investigation into corruption is being carried out in violation of the law by the police and prosecutors, and that Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu defends this.

He said Kılıçdaroğlu defends the illegitimate actions of the police.

Before the result of prosecution came, PM had announced their innocence and denfended them... That's very pity. He stands behind them and provides unyielding support. Does this mean if they were found guilty then how would he react? Would he try to COVER it?
future suicide bombers of the world
oy vay
This reads like a joke. If any political figure in the USA uttered phrases like those being uttered by Tayyip Erdogan he'd be laughed off the stage-and hounded from public office. It says something about the educational level of the AKP's supporters that they fall for this nonsense.
RTE greets walking death and adds: 'me three'. No resurrection for AKP.
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