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Alliance missionaries entered Brazil, the largest Catholic nation in the world, in 1962. Organized in 1978 with 250 baptized members in three churches, the Brazilian Christian and Missionary Alliance today is comprised of 23 organized churches with 3,000 baptized members. SEMIBA, a Bible college in São Paulo, has extensions in the cities of Porto Alegre and São Jose. The past 25 years have seen solid churches established, a seminary built up, and Brazilian missionaries sent out and supported by the national church.

In addition, Alliance missionaries have been reaching Brazil’s hard-to-reach upper classes through unconventional means, including evangelistic fashion seminars, breakfast meetings on integrity in the workplace, and parenting seminars. Children’s outreaches, featuring games and puppets, have also opened doors to evangelistic opportunities.

Brazil map

Field Office Information

C&MA Field Entry in 1962

Field Director:
Mailing Address:
Rua Manoel Vaz, 378 Jd. Consorcio
Sao Paulo, S.P., 04.437-050 BRAZIL
[email protected]

National Church

The Brazilian Christian and Missionary Alliance: 23 organized churches and congregations, 18 ordained ministers and 20 other credentialed workers, a membership of approximately 3,000 baptized believers, 4 missionary couples and one single working in Russia, India, Japan and the Brazilian Amazon Basin among indigenous tribes.

Team Initiatives

  • Plant a church in an upper middle class residential area approximately 40 miles outside of the city of São Paulo called Alphaville. Mike and Ruth Davis moved there in July, 2008, and have already started a Bible study and monthly meetings.

    Help plant a church in Taboão, an area of the city of São Paulo. Doug and Helen White will be working with a Brazilian pastor and his wife in the effort to see this church planted.

    Plant a church in Caxias do Sul, a city of 450,000 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Jim and Ann Hemminger and Jeff and Jo Kiel are working in this project.

    Plant a church in the Petrópolis neighborhood of Porto Alegre, a city of 1,500,000 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Steve and Diane Renicks, Sanford and Wendie Hashimoto, Brenda Kurtz and Charlotte Hisle are working in this church plant.

    When praying for these church plants, pray for ways to connect with the spiritually hungry, protection from discouragement, conversions, solid growth in the discipleship of new converts, and discernment in knowing the right time to rent a place of worship.

Return on Investment

2014-03-21 10:37:44

By Len and Diane Warden, serving in Brazil

Since entering Latin America more than 100 years ago, Alliance team members, like Len and Diane Warden, have established national churches that are self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating. The Wardens are preparing to transition out of Brazil and leave behind strong national believers, including Wilson Ferrante, whom Len has mentored.

We arrived in Brazil 28 years ago, uncertain of what was ahead. Since then, we have seen countless lives forever changed as people came to understand the message of the cross and embraced Jesus as Savior. We have invested in these national believers, and it’s time for them to go on alone with our blessing—and our prayers that they will continue to reproduce in the lives of others who have yet to hear the truth.

Already, God is answering these prayers through people like Wilson Ferrante. When he was 16, Wilson was invited to a youth meeting at our second church plant. Having come from a home plagued by alcoholism and constant fighting, Wilson received Christ as his Savior, and Len baptized him. The teen became part of the youth group and began to grow in his faith.

Later, he fell in love with Gisele, a believer he met at work, and the couple asked Len to perform their wedding. Wilson remained active on worship teams and in youth leadership. He loved God and knew he was called to serve so he attended seminary and college.

At our fourth church plant, the Ferrantes joined our ministry team, which included Alliance staffers Sanford and Wendi Hashimoto and Alex and Julie Zell. Three years later, the Ferrantes moved to another city to take a sales job and work with one of the Alliance churches there. Eventually, Wilson felt led to enter the pastorate full time.

Wilson was ordained on March 2, 2014Step of Faith

When a 15-year-old church in São Paulo needed a pastor, Wilson and Gisele stepped out in faith to serve in the congregation, which still relied on funding from the Brazilian national church. Wilson was successful in weaning the congregation away from this dependence. Despite many struggles and disappointments, God used Wilson’s four years there to shape and mold his character and prepare him for his next chapter of ministry.

In March 2014, Wilson was officially ordained as an Alliance minister and installed as senior pastor of one of our oldest churches in Brazil, Vista Verde in the state of São Paulo. The church recently went through a difficult time when the pastoral family left under stressful circumstances. Wilson, along with Len, was on the district committee that supervised the congregation’s healing process, and the church called Wilson to be the new pastor.

It is with great joy that we reflect on a young man’s salvation 15 years ago and how God prepared him not only to shepherd a church but also to be a leader among national church pastors. Pray for Wilson and his family as they begin ministry in Vista Verde and that God will use them to bring restoration and healing to the congregation. Also, pray for wisdom for the national church as it seeks to expand the Kingdom in Brazil and in other countries.

What You Can Do


The prayers of God’s people strengthen Alliance personnel to live and serve across the globe. Use our weekly Alliance Prayer Requests to join the worldwide Alliance family in praying for them.


  • Give to the Great Commission Fund (GCF) and support Alliance global team members who are pushing back the darkness as they introduce lost people to the light of Jesus.
  • Give now

Learn More

That Alliance global staffers are leaving Latin America is cause for celebration. Find out why in the October 15, 2012, issue of Alliance Life.


Population--186,112,794 Infant mortality rate--29.6/1,000 Life expectancy--71.7
Capital City
Brasília (2,160,100) pop.
Slightly smaller than the United States, Brazil (3,286,470 sq. mi.) covers nearly half of South America and borders every nation on the continent except Chile and Ecuador. The Brazilian Highlands are in the south, and the Amazon River Basin is in the north.
Portuguese (official), Spanish, English, French
White (includes Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish)--55%; mixed White and Black--38%; Black--6%; other (includes Japanese, Arab, Amerindian)--1%
Per capita income--$8,100 Inflation--7.6% Unemployment--11.5% Literacy rate--80% (2003 est.)
Government/Political Climate
Federative republic; achieved independence from Portugal in 1822. In 1985 the military regime peacefully ceded power to civilian rulers.
Roman Catholic--80%; Macumba/other--20%

Support the Mission

Alliance ministry in Brazil is primarily funded through the Great Commission Fund. Help fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission and make a gift to the GCF today.

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