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'Rude, rough and lawless' was one view of the women and children employed on the land in Victorian England. But was theirs a harsher fate than work in the factory system?

The English aversion to eating horse flesh, recently highlighted in a number of food scandals, dates back to the coming of Christianity, as Jordan Claridge explains.

Volume: 63 Issue: 6 2013

Erica Fudge and Richard Thomas explore relationships between people and domestic animals in early modern England and how new types of archaeological evidence are shedding fresh light on one of the most important aspects of life in this period.

Volume: 62 Issue: 12 2012

Roger Hudson on the circumstances behind an eviction in County Clare, Ireland, photographed in July 1888.

Volume: 62 Issue: 8 2012

John Etty examines how far history has been moulded by enviroment,

Issue: 58 2007

Kevin Haddick Flynn looks back at the life and times of radical Michael Davitt as Ireland remembers the centenary of his death on May 31st.

Volume: 56 Issue: 5 2006
Carol Davis visits a church in Liverpool that has tragic links with the Irish Famine. The opening of a new study centre there will assist those trying to trace ancestors affected by the disaster.
Volume: 54 Issue: 5 2004

Harold Perkin discusses the role of the extraction and distribution of surplus production in historical change, from Ancient Egypt to the 21st century.

Volume: 52 Issue: 4 2002

Paul Brassley puts MAFF's policy towards Foot and Mouth Disease into historical perspective.

Volume: 51 Issue: 11 2001

Clare Griffiths reflects on the last time a Labour government faced angry farmers fighting for their livelihood.

Volume: 49 Issue: 6 1999

Denise Silvester-Carr introduces the new Famine Museum at Strokestown, County Roscommon.

Volume: 46 Issue: 12 1996

Richard Cavendish finds plenty to chew the cud on, courtesy of the BAHS

Volume: 43 Issue: 4 1993

The partnership of man and horse on the land goes back a long time, but, as John Langdon shows, it was not until after the Conquest that the horse really began to come into its own.

Volume: 39 Issue: 7 1989

'I speak of the Golden-Vale, the Lombardy of Herefordshire, the Garden of the Old Gallants, and Paradice of the backside of the Principallitie', wrote Rowland Vaughan. Mary Delorme introduces the exponent of an early irrigation system.

Volume: 39 Issue: 7 1989
The 150 years of Royal Shows in Britain cast useful light on the changing relationship between man and the countryside and the love-hate relationship of farming and technology, argues Nicholas Goddard.
Volume: 39 Issue: 7 1989

'Rude, rough and lawless' was one view of the women and children employed on the land in Victorian England. But was theirs a harsher fate than work in the factory system?

Volume: 36 Issue: 3 1986

'Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose'... many of the agricultural practices described in the art and literature of classical Greece persist to the present day.

Volume: 36 Issue: 7 1986

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, writes Marjorie Sykes, the arrival of migrant labourers, who often visited the same district year after year, was a distinctive feature of English country-life.

Volume: 29 Issue: 6 1979

Douglas Hilt introduces the scholar, innovator and agricultural reformer, Pablo de Olavide, who brought to Spain the ideas of the French Enlightenment.

Volume: 28 Issue: 12 1978

During the 1730s, writes Michael Paffard, the modest and unassuming Duck achieved considerable fame.

Volume: 27 Issue: 7 1977

Ian Beckwith describes how one of the chief first settlers of Virginia came from Lincolnshire farming stock.

Volume: 26 Issue: 7 1976

From the earliest beginnings, there has always been more to fisheries than the discovery and capture of fish. C.M. Yonge studies how their processes have evolved around the world.

Volume: 25 Issue: 5 1975

Long a beautiful feature of the English landscape, William Seymour explains how forests have played an important part in the economic history of Great Britain.

Volume: 25 Issue: 7 1975

Avril Lansdell takes the reader on a visit to Oatlands, founded by Henry VIII and a royal residence until Cromwell’s time.

Volume: 25 Issue: 3 1975

Sudie Duncan Sides explores plantation life in the Southern states before the American Civil War.

Volume: 24 Issue: 2 1974

Crevecoeur fought under Montcalm at Quebec in 1759 and, writes Stuart Andrews, afterwards settled in New York and Pennsylvania.

Volume: 24 Issue: 10 1974

Henry Marsh describes how England and Scotland became the first European countries to begin freeing their serfs, towards the close of the twelfth century.

Volume: 24 Issue: 2 1974

Anthony Dent describes how the last wolves of Yorkshire lived on into the reign of Henry VIII, but by then had almost vanished from England.

Volume: 24 Issue: 2 1974

Before the extension of the railways, writes Louis C. Kleber, long cattle-drives were the way of life west of the Mississippi.

Volume: 22 Issue: 5 1972

Louis C. Kleber traces the early settlement of the Palmetto State.

Volume: 20 Issue: 12 1970

P.W. Kingsford tells the story of a Regency buck, who became a Parliamentary champion of the depressed classes in early nineteenth-century England.

Volume: 14 Issue: 6 1964

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