Myrand, Ernest

Ernest Myrand. Historian, journalist, librarian, b Quebec City 29 Jun 1854, d there 31 May 1921. After studying at Laval University, he joined Le Canadien as a journalist under the supervision of that Quebec City daily's editor, Israël Tarte. Later, at the Palais de justice in Quebec City, he held a position which enabled him to pursue his historical research. In 1902 he was appointed registrar in the provincial secretary's office and in 1912 he became the librarian of the Quebec Legislative Assembly. He was elected to the Royal Society of Canada in 1909. In addition to his numerous historical works he published Noëls anciens de la Nouvelle-France (Quebec City 1899, 1907, Montreal 1913, 1926), the first historical study of a subject related to music in Canada.