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Alternate titles: flu; grippe
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influenza, also called flu or grippe,  an acute viral infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract that is marked by fever, chills, and a generalized feeling of weakness and pain in the muscles, together with varying degrees of soreness in the head and abdomen.

Classification of influenza viruses

Influenza is caused by any of several closely related viruses in the family Orthomyxoviridae (a group of RNA viruses). Influenza viruses are categorized as types A, B, and C. The three major types generally produce similar symptoms but are completely unrelated antigenically, so that infection with one type confers no immunity against the others. The A viruses cause the great influenza epidemics, and the B viruses cause smaller localized outbreaks; the C viruses are not important causes of disease in humans. Influenza A viruses are classified into subtypes, and both influenza B and subtypes of influenza A are further divided into strains. Subtypes of influenza A are differentiated mainly on the basis of two surface antigens (foreign proteins)—hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). Examples of influenza A subtypes include H1N1, H5N1, and H3N2. Strains of influenza B and strains of influenza A subtypes are further distinguished by variations in genetic sequence.

Evolution and virulence of influenza viruses

Between worldwide outbreaks, known as pandemics, influenza viruses undergo constant, rapid evolution (a process called antigenic drift), which is driven by mutations in the genes encoding antigen proteins. Periodically, the viruses undergo major evolutionary change by acquiring a new genome segment from another influenza virus (antigenic shift), effectively becoming a new subtype. Viral evolution is facilitated by animals such as pigs and birds, which serve as reservoirs of influenza viruses. When a pig is simultaneously infected with different influenza A viruses, such as human, swine, and avian strains, genetic reassortment can occur. This process gives rise to new strains of influenza A.

Newly emerged influenza viruses tend to be initially highly infectious and virulent in humans because they possess novel antigens to which the human body has no prepared immune defense (i.e., existing antibodies). Once a significant proportion of a population develops immunity through the production of antibodies capable of neutralizing the new virus, the infectiousness and virulence of the virus decreases. Although outbreaks of influenza viruses are generally most fatal to young children and the elderly, the fatality rate in people between ages 20 and 40 is sometimes unexpectedly high, even though the patients receive treatment. This phenomenon is believed to be due to hyper-reaction of the immune system to new strains of influenza virus. Such reaction results from the overproduction of inflammatory substances called cytokines. The release of excessive amounts of these molecules causes severe inflammation, particularly in the epithelial cells of the lungs. Individuals whose immune systems are not fully developed (such as infants) or are weakened (such as the elderly) cannot generate such a lethal immune response.

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