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Foreign Affairs: Analysis

20 february 2015

Irina Dezhina: Beware of Poverty and Affluence


Doctor of Economics Irina Dezhina, Head of Group on Science and Industrial Policy at Skoltech Institute, met with RIAC Program Director Ivan Timofeev and Senior Analyst Yaroslav Menshenin of Skoltech Space Center to talk about Russia’s science policy.

Russian Digital Diplomacy: 7 trends of 2014

Russian Digital Diplomacy: 7 trends of 2014

Oleg Shakirov, RIAC blogger.

Since early 2014, the majority of accounts have become more active and increased their follower count to a large extent because of the situation in Ukraine and the deterioration of relations between Russia and the West. Moreover, last year there were a number of new trends in Russian digital diplomacy that are worthy of attention.

19 february 2015

From Reader to International Journalist in a Single Leap


The reader of today is virtually buried by the avalanche of information from Russian and foreign paper and digital providers, social media and blogs, which confounds laymen who are at a loss as they are not sure of how to discern trustworthy sources from seemingly fuzzy outlets. We met with Dmitry Gornostayev, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Russia Today News Agency, to seek his advice for RIAC readers and young international journalists.

RIAC Digest

Trends for 2015, Economic recession, Russian gas strategy, American chairmanship in the Arctic council

With a little delay (which we can blame on winter holidays break) RIAC is back with the monthly international publications digest. Here you will find fifteen trends for 2015 from Spanish CIDOB, a number publications on the future of the European project, some reports on the negative effects of the ongoing economic recession due to the declining oil prices and crumbling Russian gas strategy in the light of the Ukrainian crisis. A note on the coming American chairmanship in the Arctic council and never-ending conflict in Sudan make a close-up to this digest.

Digest and special projects

18 february 2015

Beijing-Islamabad: Continued “All-Weather” Dialogue

Sergei Uyanaev Ph.D., senior researcher, Russia – China Centre, RAS Far East Institute


On February 12, 2015 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid a two-day visit to Islamabad. On the first day, he met with Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan's National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, spoke at a press conference, and held talks with President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussein. On the second day, he held a detailed discussion with Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif.

Ivan Timofeev: Six Questions that the Minsk Agreements Raise

Ivan Timofeev: Six Questions that the Minsk Agreements Raise

The full text of the Minsk agreement signed on February 12, 2015 has been published. The text, entitled “the Package of Measures on the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements”, is without a doubt a step forward. But there are still a number of questions that remain unanswered.

17 february 2015

Friends not War – Where a Comma?

Tedo Japaridze Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, former Chairman of the National Security Council of Georgia


Russia and Georgia need to realize that achieving friendly relations should be their number one priority. It is an extremely difficult path to take, but it is the correct one. We need to overcome existing stereotypes, step outside out of these historical and geographical limitations and break down the negative ideologies. The question is: will we be able to do this?


16 february 2015

Boko Haram and the future of Nigeria

Edoardo Camili CEO and co-founder of Hozint - Horizon Intelligence, founder and director of the International Security Observer


On February 8, 2015, Nigeria’s electoral commission decided to delay the presidential elections, previously scheduled for February 14, 2015, by six weeks due to security concerns. The commission stated that the army was already too overstretched in fighting Boko Haram and would be unable to provide the necessary security during the voting process. Despite criticism from the opposition party All Progressives Congress (APC), which defined it a “setback for democracy”, it is clear that Nigeria is facing very hard times in dealing with Boko Haram.

RIAC version

International Events of 2014

International Events of 2014

2014 was an eventful year. It was clear from its very beginning that Ukraine would be high on the international agenda. However, few could imagine that the Ukrainian crisis would dominate world events. Developments in the Transatlantic region and in Central and Eastern Europe depended a lot on what was happening in Ukraine. But there were some events that passed unnoticed behind the rhetoric about Ukraine.

13 february 2015

Russian–Mexican Relations: Traditional Foundations and the Need for Change

Vladimir Davydov Director of the RAS Institute of Latin America, RAS Corresponding Member


Mexico is a relatively powerful player in contemporary global politics. Russia and Mexico have much in common in terms of their participation in world affairs. However, the model of Russian–Mexican relations is still in flux; it has not been clearly defined and leaves much room for improvement. In fact, models of relations between the two countries are inherently asymmetrical: the political, diplomatic and cultural components outweigh trade and economic relations in terms of volume and scale. This report examines the main development trends in bilateral relations between Russia and Mexico and offers recommendations for how they can improved.


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