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Editor's choice

There's growing concern over the amount of sugar we are eating and how much this is affecting our health. What do you know about sugar, the foods that it's found in and its health impacts? - iStockPhoto

That sugar quiz

There's growing concern over the amount of sugar we are eating and how much this is affecting our health. What do you know about sugar, the foods that it's found in and its health impacts?

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  • It's been drummed into us that we always need to finish a full course of antibiotics when we're given them; however, experts are now suggesting we take a short and sharp approach. - iStockPhoto

    Antibiotics - when is enough enough?

    It's been drummed into us that we always need to finish a full course of antibiotics when we're given them; however, experts say that for many conditions we may be better off stopping as soon as we feel better.

  • A delay in the availability of this year's flu shot coupled with a new option for what some are calling a

    This year's flu jab: what you need to know

    A delay in the availability of this year's flu shot coupled with a new option for what some are calling a "super vaccine" has caused widespread public confusion about how best to protect yourself against flu this year. Here are some key points to understand.

  • A close up shot of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries the dengue fever virus. - Center for Disease Control

    Buzz off: keep the mozzies at bay

    Avoiding mosquito bites is a health prevention measure many of us rarely consider. Yet outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases remind us we need to take measures to avoid being munched by mozzies.

Health Tip

If you can, avoid sitting near a laser printer - especially a heavily-used one � as tiny particles these printers release can be inhaled and may harm your health.

Could sitting next to a laser printer make you sick?

Healthy recipes




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Secretary for the Fiji Association Tui Vueti (ABC: Sophie Kesteven)

Harmony Day: Everybody belongs

The Mackay Regional Council held a morning tea to celebrate Australia's diverse multicultural population.