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AAA Accra Agenda for ActionCEMAC Central African Economic and Monetary Community
ACBF African Capacity Building FoundationCGP Country Governance Profile
ACFA Accelerated Cofinancing FacilityCHRM Human Resources Management Department
ADB African Development BankCOBS Strategy and Budget Department
ADF African Development FundCODE Committee on Operations and Development Effectiveness
ADF-X Tenth General Replenishment of the African
Development Fund
COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
ADF-XI Eleventh General Replenishment of the African
Development Fund
COMPAS Common Performance Assessment Framework
ADFIsArab Development Financial InstitutionsCOO Chief Operating Officer
ADI African Development InstituteCOP Conference of Parties
ADOA Ex-ante Additionality and Development Outcome
CoW Committee of the Whole
ADR African Development ReportCPAR Country Procurement Assessment Report
AEC African Economic ConferenceCPR Country Portfolio Review
AEO African Economic OutlookCRM Climate Risk Management
AERC African Economic Research ConsortiumCSP Country Strategy Paper
AFCR Africa Food Crisis ResponseCSVP Corporate Services Complex
AFD Agence Française de DéveloppementDBSA Development Bank of South Africa
AfDB African Development Bank GroupDEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft
AFESD Arab Fund for Economic and Social DevelopmentDFI Development Finance Institution
AFP African Financing PartnershipDFID Department for International Development
AFFM African Fertilizer Financing MechanismDP Data Platform
AFRITAC African Regional Technical Assistance CenterDRC Democratic Republic of Congo
AIC African Infrastructure ConsortiumDSA Debt Sustainability Analysis
AICD Africa Infrastructure Country DiagnosticDSF Debt Sustainability Framework
ALM Asset-Liability ManagementEAC East African Community
ALSF African Legal Support FacilityEBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
AMBD Committee on Administrative Matters Affecting
the Boards of Directors
EC European Commission
APPR African Portfolio Performance ReviewECA Economic Commission for Africa
APR Action Plan on ResultsECBD Ethics Committee of the Boards of Directors
APRM African Peer Review MechanismECCAS Economic Community of Central African States
AsDB Asian Development BankECON Chief Economist Complex
AU African UnionECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
AUFI Audit and Finance CommitteeEIB European Investment Bank
AWF African Water FacilityEITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
BOAD Banque Ouest Africaine de DéveloppementEL Executive Level
CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development
ELF Emergency Liquidity Facility
CAHR Committee on Administrative Affairs and Human
Resource Policy Issues
EPSA Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa
CBFF Congo Basin Forest FundERSPEconomic Reforms Support Program
CEIFClean Energy Investment FrameworkESIAEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment
CEISP Community Empowerment and Institutional
Support Program
ESW Economic and Sector Work
FDI Foreign Direct InvestmentEU European Union
FINESSE Financing Energy Services for Small-Scale End
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FMO The Netherlands Development Finance
FAPA Fund for African Private Sector Assistance
FNVP Finance ComplexMFW4A Making Finance Work for Africa
FO Field OfficeMIC Middle-Income Country
FSF Fragile States FacilityMTS Medium-Term Strategy
FSU Fragile States UnitN.A. Not Applicable
GAP Strategic Directions and Action Plan for
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
GCC Governors’ Consultative CommitteeNEPAD-IPPF NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility
GDP Gross Domestic ProductNGO Non-governmental Organization
GEF Global Environment FacilityNPV Net Present Value
GNI Gross National IncomeNSDS National Strategies for the Development of Statistics
GS General Services StaffNTFNigeria Trust Fund
HA & MfDR Harmonization, Alignment and Managing for
Development Results
ODA Official Development Assistance
HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries InitiativeOECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
HQ HeadquartersOIVP Infrastructure, Private Sector and Regional Integration Complex
ICF Investment Climate Facility for AfricaOPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
IDA International Development AssociationOPEV Operations Evaluation Department
IDB Inter-American Development BankOPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation
IDC Industrial Development Corporation of South
ORQR Quality Assurance and Results Department
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentORRU Partnerships and Cooperation Unit
IFC International Finance CorporationORVP Country & Regional Programs & Policy Complex
ILO International Labor OrganizationOSUS Gender, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Unit
IMF International Monetary FundOSVP Sector Operations Complex
IPPF Infrastructure Project Preparation FacilityPBA Performance-Based Allocation
IRM Independent Review MechanismPCCF Post-Conflict Countries Facility
IsDB Islamic Development BankPCGF Partial Credit Guarantee Facility
IWRM Integrated Water Resources ManagementPCR Project Completion Report
JAI Joint Africa InstitutePFM Procurement and Financial Management
JBIC Japan Bank for International CooperationPHRDG Policy and Human Resources Development Grant
JICA Japan International Cooperation AgencyPL Professional Level
KFAED Kuwait Fund for Arab and Economic
PMG Performance Monitoring Group
KMDS Knowledge Management and Development
PPP Public-Private Partnership
KOAFEC Korea–Africa Economic CooperationProparco French Private Sector Development Bank
KPIs Key Performance IndicatorsPRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
LOC Line of CreditPRST President Unit within ADB
MDB Multilateral Development BankRASRegional Assistance Strategy
MDG Millennium Development GoalRASP Regional Assistance Strategy Paper
MDI Multilateral Development InstitutionRBM Results-Based Management
MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief InitiativeRB-PRSP Results-Based Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
MDWPP Multi-Donor Water Partnership ProgramRECRegional Economic Community
MfDR Managing for Development ResultsRMC Regional Member Country
SADC Southern Africa Development CommunityRMF Results Measurement Framework
SCO Staff CouncilRRSF Reference Regional Strategic Framework for
SDR Standard Drawing RightRWSSI Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative
SFRD Special Fund for Reconstruction and
UEMOA West African Economic and Monetary Union (also WAEMU)
SMEs Small and Medium-Size EnterprisesUN United Nations
SRF Special Relief FundUNDP United Nations Development Program
SRFIC Strategic Resource Framework for Institutional
UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
SWApsSector-Wide ApproachesUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
TCF Technical Cooperation FundUNFCCC United National Framework Convention on Climate Change
TCFRP Technical Cooperation Fund Reform PolicyURBD Units Reporting to the Board of Directors
TRA Temporary Relocation AgencyVP/COO Vice President/Chief Operating Officer Unit
UA Unit of AccountWB World Bank

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