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Churchill National Park


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Kangaroo and Joey

2 years ago from Simon Cox

Location: Churchill National Park

Woodland Walk

2 years ago from

Location: Churchill National Park

Trig Point

2 years ago from Wayne

Location: Churchill National Park

Trig Point

2 years ago from Wayne

Location: Churchill National Park

Bike Track

2 years ago from Wayne

Location: Churchill National Park

Churchill NP

2 years ago from Wayne

Location: Churchill National Park


2 years ago from Wayne

Location: Churchill National Park

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Bird watching
Short walk

Churchill National Park in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs remains as an example of the original landscape before clearing and settlement. Although most of the park is open regrowth woodland, there are small areas of original forest.

Tracks throughout the park are ideal for peaceful walks. Channel Track, running beside the old aqueduct, wanders through a thickly wooded landscape. Some of the tracks are also suitable for jogging and cycling, particularly on the eastern boundary track.

Park opening and closing times

The park is open from 10:30am and closes at 4:00pm all year round.

Aboriginal Traditional Owners

Parks Victoria acknowledges the Aboriginal Traditional Owners of Victoria - including its parks and reserves. Through their cultural traditions, Aboriginal people maintain their connection to their ancestral lands and waters. Further information is available from Aboriginal Affairs Victoria AAV and Native Title Services Victoria

Popular things to do

Churchill Visitor Area

Churchill visitor area has free gas barbecues, picnic tables and picnic shelter, carpark, toilets and park information. See park note…

Visitor experiences

Facilities Summary

  • Electric/Gas BBQ
  • Picnic Shelter
  • Gravel carpark

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Park Statistics


February 1941



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