Kyrie Irving on playing alongside LeBron James: 'I became a fan'

Cleveland Cavaliers Kyrie Irving on the leadership of LeBron James heading into NBA Finals Watch Cleveland Cavaliers Kyrie Irving talk about the leadership and knowledge of LeBron James as they begin their preparations to face the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals. Dave Andersen, Northeast Ohio Media Group
Chris Fedor, By Chris Fedor, The Plain Dealer
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on May 30, 2015 at 6:00 AM, updated May 30, 2015 at 6:05 AM

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -- Before joining as teammates this summer, Kyrie Irving and LeBron James knew plenty about each other. James was in Miami winning championships and collecting accolades. Irving was in Cleveland, playing for James' old team, dazzling the basketball world with a unique offensive wizardry.

When they weren't admiring each other from afar, they were sharing the same All-Star stage or playing against each other.

But Irving couldn't fully appreciate James' genius until they came together in July and he learned what was required to build a foundation of greatness. 

"I was just speechless," Irving admitted. "I became a fan to be honest with you. It's a different feeling when you're on a team with someone you've watched for so long."

In their first season together, Irving and James averaged 47.0 points per game as a tandem -- more than the 45.5 points by Golden State's Splash Brothers, or anyone else in the NBA. James' uncanny talent has been on display for years. However, his rare combination of strength and athleticism, jaw-dropping talent, offensive prowess, stifling defense and on-target passes aren't the only qualities that wowed Irving.

"When you get to see them up close, with the work he puts in, the dedication he has and the drive and will he has, I don't want to say we jumped on his back, but we were all there for him," Irving said of James. "He was doing his thing, but I think a true testament of him is that he embodies a leader. The true testament and the word team is embodied with the guys we have here. We have so many different personalities and so many guys, when you have a leader like him that brings you up and lifts you up in every situation, there's never going to be a time where you look at him and he's going to look frazzled or doesn't know what he's doing."

Irving became a fascinated spectator for two games during the playoff run. While Irving rested his sore left knee against the Hawks, James tossed the team on his broad shoulders, averaging 33.5 points, 13.5 rebounds, 12.0 assists and 1.5 steals, winning both games.

"He always knows four steps ahead," Irving said. "And it's like, 'I wasn't even thinking about that. What the heck? He saw that coming?' It's a learning experience and you're constantly on your P's and Q's because he expects you to be at your best and he wants you to be at your best. If you have a guy like that the basketball stuff will take care of itself. He does amazing things. I appreciate seeing that. I don't take that for granted, but the nuances of the game that go unnoticed sometimes and not everyone can see or experience, it's just a different feeling."

Cleveland Cavaliers LeBron James praises Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors Watch Cleveland Cavaliers Lebron James talk about facing 2015 MVP Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors as they begin their preparations for the NBA Finals at Cleveland Clinic Courts Friday. Dave Andersen, Northeast Ohio Media Group

The feeling is mutual. James, who announced his return this summer in a heartfelt letter, singled out Irving. If not for the talented young point guard signing his maximum contract extension this off-season, James' homecoming might have been delayed. 

"Part of the reason I decided to come back from the beginning was how special he was. I noticed that," James said. "To see him grow and see him learn what it means to truly be a professional every day since I've been here is a been a huge reward and it's great to see it. To see his mind process so many different things over the course of these months and be able to translate that not only on the court but off it as well, has been a treat to watch."

Like any relationship, it took time to get on the same page. Following an early-season loss in Utah when Irving failed to record a single assist, James admonished him, pointing to bad habits developed while playing for a lottery team. But they worked through their differences, became close and helped lead the Cavs to a 53-win season.

Then came another obstacle. After Irving first sustained a right foot injury in the first round against Boston, he developed tendinitis in his left knee, taking away some of his explosiveness. Irving's frustration grew. The playoffs were expected to provide Irving the platform to shine, to give James the running mate he desperately lacked his first go around in Cleveland.

Clearly less than 100 percent, Irving labored before missing Game 2 and Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals.

James has spoken about the steps required for greatness. Seeing Irving return for Tuesday's closeout game, one that clinched a spot in the NBA Finals, was one.

"Absolutely," James said. "Kyrie at 50 percent, 60 percent is better than Kyrie (not) at all. For him to come back and give us that boost in front of our home fans, it was all the more why we were able to close that series out."

James and Irving have shared a mutual admiration for years, but the last 10 months -- the good times and bad, the celebrations and hardships -- have forged a stronger bond.

The NBA Finals begin on June 4, and the dangerous Golden State Warriors are waiting. James and Irving have an opportunity to take the next step, the biggest step -- together.

"We're going into the biggest stage and I wouldn't want to go with any other guys than these guys and a leader like him." Irving said.