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Better Call Saul : Season 2

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  • Series Premiere Date: Feb 8, 2015
Season #: 1, 2
Better Call Saul Image

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critics What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 194 Ratings

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  • Summary: Season two finds Jimmy McGill a.k.a. Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) with the choice of staying within the law or trying more unethical ways to make more money as his relationship with Kim (Rhea Seehorn) changes.
  • Genre(s): Comedy, Drama
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Reviewed by: Brian Tallerico
    Feb 12, 2016
    The writing on Better Call Saul is as tight as any show on television, with every scene feeling like it has thematic or narrative purpose without being overwritten.... Of course, the writing is helped by a cast who seems even more confident this year.
  2. Reviewed by: Allison Keene
    Feb 11, 2016
    Better Call Saul’s new season jumps right back in to the Sandpiper case, law firm culture, Chuck and Jimmy’s now-frosty relationship, as well as Jimmy’s budding romance with Kim, and his association with Mike (who is now an entrenched ally). But what really keeps everything sewn together so beautifully is watching Jimmy when he’s alone.
  3. Reviewed by: Joshua Alston
    Feb 16, 2016
    Gilligan and Gould have been wise to set the show far apart from its ancestor, such that it becomes a draw for its clever writing, inventive direction, and nuanced performances rather than its proximity to another story set in the same universe.
  4. Reviewed by: Daniel D'Addario
    Feb 5, 2016
    In its second season, Better Call Saul allows us into a new world of complexity by deepening one of the show’s pivotal relationships. It’s the best-case scenario for a spin-off: a show that occupies a familiar world but opens up entirely new themes.
  5. Reviewed by: Rob Owen
    Feb 12, 2016
    In its first two episodes, season two of Saul offers a welcome return to form.
  6. Reviewed by: Sonia Saraiya
    Feb 11, 2016
    Season 2 makes room for Jimmy’s relationship with Kim, and to my mind, it gives the show a jolt of emotional resonance.
  7. Reviewed by: Brian Lowry
    Jan 28, 2016
    Better Call Saul continues to display many of the same qualities as “Breaking Bad,” including its disarming quirkiness and embrace of stillness and quiet, as well as its unpredictability and occasional bouts of menace. That said, it’s so laconic, and less urgent in terms of its stakes at this stage, as to at times become a little too sleepy.

See all 18 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. Apr 12, 2016
    THIS SHOW IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! The feel of each episode, the writing, the actors and everything about it are nothing short of amazing.THIS SHOW IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! The feel of each episode, the writing, the actors and everything about it are nothing short of amazing. It is truly one of the best shows I have ever come across. Everyone involved with 'Better Call Saul' are creative geniuses at their very best. The show is unique, compelling and surprising. Season 2 is almost over and I am already feeling sad that I will have to wait another 10 months or so before I get to see more of Jimmy's antics. This show takes me on a journey I never knew I wanted to take... Thank you AMC for renewing this great show for another season!!! Expand
  2. Feb 17, 2016
    There is no better television when Gilligan is involved. The acting, writing and especially character development is just brilliant. "Saul"There is no better television when Gilligan is involved. The acting, writing and especially character development is just brilliant. "Saul" is engrossing and never pandering. The St Clair scene is so incredible that I had to re-watch to enjoy every word and nuance of the three characters. Non-premium cable is the place to find the best in television: Fargo, Breaking Bad, Justified, Saul to name just four. Expand
  3. Mar 9, 2016
    Amazingly subtle and suspenseful. Certain scenes are on their own worth an award. Such a nice change from the whodunnits. BCS is comical,Amazingly subtle and suspenseful. Certain scenes are on their own worth an award. Such a nice change from the whodunnits. BCS is comical, intelligent, and very human. Expand
  4. Feb 24, 2016
    Now that is a show that makes you want to watch ad anticipate. Not like the other shows that are on for a season and get cancelled for theNow that is a show that makes you want to watch ad anticipate. Not like the other shows that are on for a season and get cancelled for the second season. Great show and great writing. Expand
  5. Feb 15, 2016
    Really Addicted, Funny caracter, Awesome episodes, I really love it. ..Really Addicted, Funny caracter, Awesome episodes, I really love it. .. . Expand
  6. Apr 9, 2016
    Todo aquel que disfrutó con Saul en BB debería obligarse a ver esta serie. En su segunda temporada se presentan varias tramas interesantes yTodo aquel que disfrutó con Saul en BB debería obligarse a ver esta serie. En su segunda temporada se presentan varias tramas interesantes y la vida de Jimmy se va haciendo mas interesante a medida que pasan los capítulos, igual que pasa con Mike. Expand
  7. Feb 16, 2016
    Viciado, é engraçado e escuro. mais sem fococted, it's funny and dark. Amazing cinematography with a look unlike any other show currently onViciado, é engraçado e escuro. mais sem fococted, it's funny and dark. Amazing cinematography with a look unlike any other show currently on TV. It's a wonderful series, and it only gets better! Expand

See all 19 User Reviews

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