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Bruce Campbell Shuts Down Improper Use of “Ash vs Evil Dead” Photo


Ash vs Evil Dead” actress Samara Weaving unknowingly became part of an internet kerfuffle when a conservative Twitter account tweeted a picture of her where she’s bloodied and bruised under the guise that she was a Trump supporter who was assaulted simply for her political beliefs. However, it turns out that picture was a makeup test for the Starz horror comedy show.

Co-star Bruce Campbell brought a lot of attention to the matter when he quoted the tweet and simply stated, “Check your facts, folks. This is an actress named Samara Weaving from #AshVsEvilDead. This is a make-up test. Sad.

Due to the large amount of retweets and mentions this generated, the account that originally tweeted out the photo has since deleted the post and stated, “Tweet about Trump supporter being beaten turned out to be fake. I apologize for misleading my followers. Now it is deleted.“.


  • Khy


  • Mightygil

    what the poster suggests does have truth to it though

    • Johnny


  • LMAO AT THIS. I fucking love when this happens

  • Erik The Red

    Trump should be in the Purge. Frank Grillo can kick his ass at the end of the movie. Groovy Bruce keeping it real! The Deadites are proud. Looking forward to season 2….

  • Bill Wilson

    Did her character get killed off?

    It wouldn’t surprise me. The producers made it quite clear from the beginning that the idea of an attractive female lead, had been slaughtered on the alter of political correctness.

  • Kaijudude

    This just goes to show how far the trump drones are willing to go to get their fuhrer to get elected. It’s extremely easy to fact check things these days folks , don’t believe what you see until you get all the facts yourself.

  • Cheshire TrollCat

    While this one is fake, there are plenty out there that do get attacked for just BEING at a Trump rally. They just should have used one of the many real videos out there.


    Trump supporters have been bloodied more than that by the anti trump criminals.

  • Gluke

    As stupid of a mistake/lie that was, it should be noted that people really are being assaulted for merely attending Trump rallies. No matter how you feel about Trump, that fact should not be overlooked

  • Fester B. Gone

    Oh i see the ReTrumplicunts travel in packs when they have stupid shit to write in comment sections.

  • thedragon803

    Damn this election is getting entertaining. I think I might vote for Trump just to see the look on everyone’s face when we wins.

  • Frank Lloyd Jr

    Next they’ll post a photo of Sissy Spacek as Carrie and say she’s a Trump supporter who was attacked at her prom.

  • Lady Bathory

    Omg this is such a huge fail! But seriously, I feel sorry for you guys… Clinton or Trump. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do now. I just hope things aren’t going to get worse with the assaults at rallies but I kind of have a feeling that the worst is yet to come with these two candidates.

  • As always, everyone’s a victim of the braindead idiots that see something controversial on social media and blindly share it to get attention/likes/retweets/whatever.

    Whatever happened to actually *reading*

  • Jonathan

    People should have a license to post anything on the internet, so tired of the fake attention getting shit. So many people fall pray to the made up “facts” on the internet and often think they are true just because they can read it online. Facebook is notorious for people posting fake stuff just to get “likes”. I would love to break these people’s faces.