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Plaid Cymru

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Wales’ voice in Europe

  • Plaid Cymru wants Wales to be an independent country, a member of the European Union with a seat at the United Nations.
  • We believe that Wales should have a voice at the top table and be directly represented, rather than have the UK Government speak on our behalf – and often against our Welsh national interest.
  • An independent Wales would have a seat at the EU Council, an EU Commissioner and an increased number of Members of the European Parliament representing Wales.
  • As Wales benefits from European Union membership, Plaid Cymru will continue to make the case for Welsh membership of the European Union.
  • If a referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union is held, then there should be no withdrawal from the European Union if that is not supported in all four of the nations consulted.
  • Plaid Cymru is opposed to the ‘repatriation’ of powers over regional funding to the UK.
  • Funding for West Wales and the Valleys and other regional funding should continue to be passed directly to Wales for distribution, not to Westminster.
  • We insist that any re-negotiation with the European Union over powers must not weaken Wales’s interests. Any re-negotiation must include the transfer of powers directly from Brussels to Cardiff and other devolved governments.
  • We will continue to support the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that supports Welsh farming.


  • Plaid Cymru is a pro-European party but we are critical of many aspects of the European Union and that is why a debate is needed about its future.
  • We will work towards a ‘New Social Chapter’ reflecting the realities of the European Union after the economic recession and the need for Europe to support its population, not international neoliberal economic corporations that have no responsibility to people.
  • We will push for the UK’s 2017 European Union Presidency to work in the best interests of Wales, including hosting a major international summit in Wales and shared discussions over priorities between the UK and devolved governments so that the Presidency period reflects the Welsh national interest.
  • We will continue to press for the closure of the un-necessary second European Parliament in Strasbourg that costs £120m per year to operate and uses 19,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.
  • We also continue to oppose the EU-US free trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). We are concerned that it puts too much power into the hands of international corporations, threatens to weaken our democratic institutions and undermine hard-earned improvements in public services, intellectual property, food safety, health and environmental standards. We oppose any part of this deal that may lead to the privatisation of the NHS.

