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Game Of Thrones Season 7

Game of Thrones Season 7 Production Delayed

As if Game of Thrones fans weren’t already agonizing over the year-long wait for the show’s seventh season, their patience is about to be put to an even greater test.

During a recent appearance on a UFC podcast (of all places!), Thrones bosses David Benioff and D.B. Weiss revealed that production on Season 7 is going to be pushed back to accommodate the arrival of winter in Westeros.

“We don’t have an air date yet,” the showrunners acknowledged when pressed for one. “We’re starting a bit later because, you know, at the end of this season, winter is here, and that means that sunny weather doesn’t really serve our purposes any more. We kind of pushed everything down the line so we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.”

In previous years, Thrones has returned as early as March 31 and as late as April 24, so it was already anyone’s guess when Season 7 — which will kick off the series’ final run of 13 episodes — would premiere. Now, we’re not even sure if Bran Stark, in all his tree-whispering wisdom, could give us the answer. (In lieu of magical, info-bearing trees, TVLine has reached out to HBO for comment.)

Your thoughts on Thrones‘ delay? General hopes for Season 7? Drop ’em in a comment below.

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  1. wrstlgirl says:

    Makes sense.

  2. Mark says:

    Hurry up. Bran’s not getting any younger.

  3. Azerty says:

    Is this really legit? This is the first time I hear shooting is postponed because of (good) weather and it can’t be worse than during season 2-3 when Jon was north of the Wall all season long…I don’t want to see conspiracy everywhere but after all the bashing they had by the books readers could they to want/have to wait at least Wind of Winter’s release before season 7?

    • Walkie says:

      I’ll wager a great deal of money that they could not care less about what the book readers think. The show has never been more popular.

      • Azerty says:

        Yeah exactly a show so much popular, with so much money, they can’t find a way to go along with the weather? Never seemed to have been an issue before.

      • Joey says:

        Only the season finale had higher ratings than anything in S5. All of the other episodes had viewership numbers relatively equal to S5, which was only slightly up over S4.
        Besides, it isn’t just book readers that have mentioned the nonsensical things happening on the show. “Unsullied” watchers have started to take notice, especially critics.

        • billy says:

          Youre crazy – 6 eps in season 5 were under 7 million while only 1 ep (memorial wknd) in season 6 was under 7 million – season 5 avg was 6.9 million while season 6 was 7.7 million.

        • Lala says:

          Lol … How about you do your research first before stating lies as facts!
          Check any ratings site or better yet, Wikipedia has lovely simple charts to show you how the show grows in popularity and viewership with each season. Season 6 being the most successful season to date with better numbers in demo & viewership. Season 6 soared over season 5 esp in viewership. We get that you book readers don’t appreciate the show for what it is but it looks like you are in the minority…if the show is growing in audience with each season it means they are doing something right!

    • Jean Grey says:

      I think its because their other locations, like Kings Landing will have to be in the middle of their Winter season as well, in order to capture the colder temperatures, not just the location where they film the North scenes, and it will cost more money to move the sets to new locations, and even more money to CGI everything.

    • Maggie says:

      The north of the wall scenes were filmed in Iceland. They can’t film everything there. It would be too difficult to recreate King’s Landing there.

  4. Walkie says:

    Sounds like a good plan. So we are probably looking at season 7 premiering around this time next year.

    Sucks it’s a shortened season but we have to take what we can get.

  5. Kevin K says:

    With next season being delayed, have a feeling that GoT Season 7 should run for a possible seven episodes if it’s going to happen at some point in time.

  6. Lala says:

    This is so frustrating…first it’s 13 episodes, then this. I’m slowly dying inside…
    I suppose there’s nothing they can do ..they should come and shoot in New Zealand it’s winter on this side of the planet and we got lots of snow, very little sun & beautiful scenery!!

  7. abz says:

    I don’t mind. I just hope they do a split final season. I’d rather they just air the final 13 episodes straight through.

  8. Azerty says:

    I heard there will be a season 7 with 7 episode and a season 8 with 6 episodes, are they shooting everything in a row or only the 7 first and next year the last 6? Anyway if that’s bad weather they are looking for they can come to North of France, the months of June and and so far July actually looked like November…

  9. Scott B says:

    I hope they film all 13 remaining episodes at once so they don’t have to delay for the 6 episodes in season 8 for weather. It would also free up the actors for other projects.

  10. Monica says:

    Have they ever hear of something call CGI? We already being torture by GRRM slow ass writing now we have to wait longer for the show too?